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The story of the Yellow Wolf (3) The abominable human

Huang Taiwo learned the ability to climb trees by worshipping monkeys. The Yellow Wolf was very happy, so he wanted to test his own skills, but Huang Taiwo encountered a little problem - where to catch ? Huang Taiwo thought about it and wanted to blurt out "Nanshan."

Just finished, Huang Taiwo packed up his luggage and set foot on the road to Nanshan. Walking on the road, Huang Taiwo thought: everyone knows that Nanshan is a good place, the air is fresh and very beautiful. If you live there, you will live forever! When I catch the sheep, I have to eat and drink myself, and then live for a few days, a few days of comfortable days. Then, grab another one and go back, or else, you can only go back to the bones of the sheep, and even the soup can't drink. Huang Taiwo thought of laughing here with great enthusiasm. I still think of myself sitting at the table from time to time in my head, with red candles on the table and a roast whole lamb!

When the Yellow Wolf went halfway, suddenly, the wind was so strong that even the eyes could not open. The sky in the distance was like a yellow cloth, the yellow was black, the air was filled with dust, and it had a strong sandy smell. This kind of weather, the Yellow Wolf has never seen it, and did not manage it before, but later, the sky was full of sand. Huang Taiwo took out a piece of information that he carried with him and checked it up. Oh! It turned out that this is called "dust storm." This is caused by people cutting down trees. Huang Taiwo began to think that the monsters in the Journey to the West will come out at any time! But Huang Tailang also said to himself; it doesn't matter, it is good to go to Nanshan, where there are flowers and trees, and there are many trees, so you are not afraid of sandstorms!

In a short while, Nanshan arrived. Now the scene here makes the Yellow Wolf stunned. He and his cousin Black Wolf often play on this mountain. There is also a curved, gently sloping creek under the mountain. The water in the creek is very clear and crystal clear like a mirror. Through the hustle and bustle of Biqing, the small stones in the stream seemed to be shaking. From a distance, it looks like a beautiful belt, making Nanshan makeup more beautiful. From the above, it looks like a galaxy with a beautiful curve.

The trees on this mountain are one and the other are very dense. In the summer, the little animals are enjoying the coolness in this lush woods. There are beautiful flowers in the woods, attractive mushrooms, green grass... They often play hide-and-seek in the woods and live happily. However, now it has become a bare barren hill, and the creek has dried up. The Yellow Wolf found an old squirrel and a yellow squirrel on the side of a stone. How can things become what they are now? Squirrel said sadly; "Hey! Don't mention, humans found Nanshan. A boss cut all the trees on the mountain and built many big houses with bricks. There is a big cylinder with a high height and a high ceiling. The smoke from the big cylinder can be unpleasant. Since they came here, the animals have died one by one, or they have left their homes. Even the old grandfather and tortoises have not lived for a long time.” Huang Taiwo was very sad to hear it. I don’t know what happened to my cousin?

Humans! You are so greedy, for the sake of yourself and not thinking about the situation of others, although you have received temporary benefits, but you have lost a beautiful environment, especially our animals are very heavy casualties!

Sixth grade: very rich people

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