Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Nature's famous words

1. We are not inheriting the earth of our fathers, but borrowing the earth from our children and grandchildren.

2. Eat mountains by mountain, eat mountains and raise mountains

3. We cannot wait for the gift of nature, we have to ask for nature

4. Make up the clock god show, yin and yang cut faint

5. The creation may be partial, so teach the moon

6. The creation is speechless but sentimental. Every spring and spring, the red and purple are arranged, only waiting for the new mine.

7. Nature and wisdom do not exist in any matter.

8. Studying nature is to interact with famous teachers, and must not despise nature.

9. Go to the vast world and listen to the teachings of nature.

10. Nature does not deceive us, it is often our own to deceive us.

11. There may be errors in art, and nature is right.

12. All art and religion are nothing but natural attachments.

13. My philosophy of life is work. I want to reveal the mystery of nature and benefit mankind. - Edison

14. Only by obeying nature can you harness nature. - Bacon

15. I don't love human beings, but love nature more. - Byron

16. Nature never deceives us, and it is our own to deceive us. - Rousseau

17. Only by obeying nature can you overcome nature. - Darwin

18. Nature is a kind mother and a cold butcher. - Hugo

19. Every field of nature is wonderful. - Aristotle

20. Heaven is always there, not for survival, not for death. - 荀子

21. Not only can't force nature, but also obey nature. - Aeschylus

22. Only live according to the experience revealed by nature. ——Schopenhauer

23. This natural law is considered to be the highest regulation and the most mandatory of all regulations. --Mark Twain

24. When humans cheer for victory over nature, it is the beginning of natural punishment for humanity. - Hegel

25. We have turned away from nature, she has been as accurate as we are, and we want to use her teaching to teach her. - Anonymous

26. Nature is not mixed with half-heartedness. Whoever resists it will be kicked open; whoever obeys it will inherit its grace. - Anonymous

27. Being kind to the earth means being kind to yourself. Saving the planet is saving the future. - Anonymous

28. The combination of mind and nature can produce wisdom to produce imagination.

29. Everything that goes with nature is beautiful.

30. Deviating from nature means turning away from happiness

31. Shun natural life

32. Only by obeying nature can we drive the natural

33. Our motto is known to obey natural life.

34. Nature has its laws of development

35. Nature is the real law

36. Only understand nature from nature

37. Nature never deviates from the person it loves.

38. If they know how to use the natural method, then all people can get happiness.

39. We often only appreciate nature and rarely consider living with nature.

40. Nature and virtue are invaded by the product and art of society and property.

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