Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Beautiful sayings

1. There are many shortcomings in the activities of the world, but they are still beautiful. - Rodin

2. Beauty is a powerful source of moral purity, spiritual enrichment and physical integrity. - Suhomlinski

3. No one will blame others for being ugly. - Greek proverb

4. Beauty is not as good as good. --Japan

5. Beautiful things are eternal joy. - Keats

6. Beauty is a silent recommendation letter. ——Equus

7. Youth is an ordinary name, it is happy and beautiful, but it is also full of hard tempering. - Gorky

8. Beauty is the symbol of virtue, and virtue is the essence of beauty; beauty and virtue are two concepts and an entity.

9. Dignity is beautiful, serious is bliss. - Wei Watson

10. Rose is beautiful, but we think that what makes it more beautiful is the fragrance it contains. - Shakespeare

11. Do not love, the peacock is not eye-catching; in love, the pheasant is also moving. --Mongolia

12. Everything about man should be beautiful, appearance, clothes, soul, and thought. - Chekhov

13. Being rich in beauty is more profound than true. - Francis

14. The beauty and purity of the human appearance should be the graceful and pure expression of the heart. - Belinsky

15. Give me a wonderful soul, and my appearance will be beautiful together.

16. The best can be beautiful. - Latin

17. Enrichment is beautiful. - Mencius

18. The woman who stands out from the crowd with wisdom is the most beautiful.

19. Shanmei is not high, but in the scenery; beauty is not in appearance, but in thought.

20. Only the exchange of beauty can unite society because it is about what everyone has in common. - Schiller

21. We have seen the beauty of all humanity from those faces that have become rough because of labor. - Marx

22. The beauty of the mind is like a sacred spring, like a rain dew, which not only moisturizes its own language and image, but also bathes the glory of beauty around it.

23. A noble person is always young and beautiful. ——Feng Xuefeng

24. Beauty must be clean, clear and innocent, in the image, especially in the heart. - Montesquieu

25. It should be learned to look at the beauty of the soul more than the beauty of the form. - Plato

26. The true beauty must be consistent with nature on the one hand and the ideals of others on the other.

27. There is no more convincing recommendation than a beautiful appearance. --Leo Tolstoy

28. The lack of virtue is like a flower without fragrance. --Japan

29. The beauty of a woman is not in her costume jewellery hairstyle. The beauty of a woman must be found in her eyes, because this is the window of her heart and the house of love!

30. If a person has always had a passion for life, work and study, and has a strong desire to create a better life, then he will never lament that he cannot see the beauty.

31. The beauty of goodness is higher. - Arla

32. The heart of beauty, everyone has it.

33. The beauty of the word is the radiance of thought. - Langji Muse

34. If people can not only pursue beauty with perseverance, but also be keen to discover beauty and consciously create beauty, then not only will they become more perfect, but the whole society and everything around us will become more perfect.

35. People are shaped according to the laws of the United States. - Marx

36. The body is the house where the soul lives. If it is based on its own comfort, it is not bad to decorate.

37. True happiness and happiness are contained in the practical activities of discovering beauty and creating beauty for the society, the people and the human being.

38. The most direct imprint of the soul is beauty. The United States immediately permeated an inner joy and satisfaction in the imagination. - Edison

39. Beauty cannot be quantified, but comfort is the first element of beauty. A little more comfortable, beauty is one more point.

40. The beauty of a woman is not superficial, it should be her spiritual level, her care, her love, and her enthusiasm! The beauty of a woman grows with her age!

41. It cannot be said that everything that is reasonable is beautiful, but all beauty is indeed reasonable. --Germany

42. The beauty of a person, whose position of the five senses is only 10%. ——Cheng Naiqi

43. The pursuit and yearning of the working people for the life of the United States is a great impetus to promote social development.

44. Shame is a certain secret of nature, used to suppress the desire for indulgence; it follows the call of nature, but it is always in harmony with goodness and virtue.

45. Beauty is another form of goodness. - Pion

46. ​​If the beautiful face is a recommendation, then the holy heart is a credit card. - Litton

47. People should be beautiful. Including looks, clothing, mind and thought. - Chekhov

48. The person you love in your heart is always beautiful. --Turkey

49. The purity and elegance of culture can remove the impetuousness and indifference of each of us. - Jin Sheng

50. Beauty begins to be fascinating, but after three days at home, who will look at it again? - Shaw Bernard

51. Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness. ——Kant

52. Although perfect, it is worth pursuing. ——Ro Buchanan

53. There are no ugly women, only lazy women.

54. Beauty is part of the standard vocabulary of goodness. - Elliot

55. You can comment on a flower or a butterfly from the beauty of your appearance, but you can't evaluate a person like this. - Tagore

56. The beauty of man is not in appearance, clothing, and hair, but in himself, in his heart. If people don't have inner beauty, we often hate his beautiful appearance. --Ostrovsky

57. Beauty itself must be true. --Germany

58. According to nature, people are artists. Wherever he is, he always wants to bring "beauty" to his life. - Gorky

59. Beauty is true, it is beauty. - Keats

60. The beautiful world is created by our hardworking hands, and the beautiful flowers are poured by the sweat of our labor.

61. Beauty is a gift from lovers. - Congreve

62. Being productive is beautiful. ——Wei Blake

63. The beauty and purity of the human appearance should be the graceful and pure expression of his heart. - Belinsky

64. Everything beautiful has its deep meaning. - Joseph Lu

65. A beautiful woman is as intelligent as a man, and is vital. - Chesterfield

66. Beauty can only be enjoyed for a while, and the inner beauty can last forever. - Goethe

67. People are not cute because they are beautiful, but because they are beautiful. - Tolstoy

68. Beauty is really the same thing, which means that beauty itself must be true. - Hegel

69. The dowry of the beauty is on her own face. --Europe

70. Sailing ships, heavily armed men and pregnant women with abdomen are the three most beautiful sights in the world. - Zhan Howell

71. Beauty, first conquers the senses of the human being, then the human heart; elegance, first conquers the human heart, and then is the human sense. ——Wang Guozhen

72. But with the facelift, we can be beautiful and lovely, and what a cool!

73. If you don't maintain a certain level of strangeness, you won't have a great beauty. - Bacon

74. Beauty has a role and power to attract people. - Plato

75. Beauty is everywhere, and only sincere and affectionate people can find it. - Rodin

76. Beauty is not equal to beauty. It should not be beautiful and beautiful. - Wang Chaowen

77. The image of beauty is rich and colorful, and beauty is everywhere. There is a universal demand for beauty in human nature. - Hegel

78. People should not live like beasts, and should pursue knowledge and virtue. - Dante

79. The ideal that inspires me and always makes me full of life and fun is truth, kindness and beauty.

80. Everything that the heart likes seems to be always the most beautiful. --Iran

81. Short life, only the virtues will be passed on to the distant generations of Liaoyuan. - Shakespeare

82. The value of beauty is beautiful. - Wu Guanzhong

83. Beauty is better than good, and good is better than ugly. - Wilde

84. My ambition and ideals for my career are based on “truth”, “good” as the course, and “beauty” as the ultimate goal.

85. Everything, where we can see life in such a way as we understand it, is beautiful; anything that shows life or reminds us of life is beautiful. - Chernyshevsky

86. Everything that is called the ideal will have the essence of goodness and beauty.

87. Beauty is sent from the depths of the soul. - Belinsky

88. People’s life experiences are often branded on the outside. - Wu Guanzhong

89. It is better to correct the mind than to modify the face.

90. Losing the truth and losing the beauty. --Soviet Union

91. Beauty is a gentle and elegant temperament from the inside out.

92. The beauty of the body, if not combined with intelligence, is only an animal thing. - Democritus

93. The most cherished thing in the girl's heart is their own beauty. - Ovid

94. There is no lack of beauty in life but a lack of discovery.

95. I have always believed that it is only beautiful to put good action into action. - Rousseau

96. A beautiful and unworthy woman is an intoxicating wine. --Germany

97. Women are not only beautiful because they are beautiful, but because they are beautiful and beautiful. --Leo Tolstoy

98. Beauty is a kind of talent, but self-confidence is like a sapling. It can be planted and cultivated. It can grow into a forest until it is old. ——Bi Shumin

99. Not because you like beautiful, but because you like it. --Europe

100. Simple and beautiful is not beautiful, it is beautiful when it is pleasant. ——Italian proverb

101. The advancement of society is the crystallization of human pursuit of beauty. - Marx

102. Young people should cultivate the soul of beauty, shape the form of beauty, pursue the life of beauty, and create the future of beauty.

103. Beauty is generally not pleasant with the concept. ——Kant

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