Inspirational quotes

Second grade primary school students' inspirational quotes

1. A wise man will have a loss, and a fool will have a chance.

2. Can't learn, don't know, ask, shame to ask people, never grow.

3. Learn the profound people, understand and ask; learn shallow people, don't understand or ask.

4. Don't move forward, don't know the way; don't study hard, don't understand the truth.

5. The tree is not repaired, the length is not straight; people do not learn, no knowledge.

6. Dress yourself up with Orbs, and enrich yourself with knowledge.

7. The bee picks a hundred flowers to make sweet, and the people read the books to explain the truth.

8. Labor is the source of knowledge; knowledge is the guide to life.

9. Knowledge is the torch of wisdom.

10. The impossibility of yesterday will become the possibility of today. Righteous, Galileo

11. Knowledge is the wing we fly to the sky. English, Shakespeare

12. Knowledge is power. English, Bacon

13. Knowledge is the food of the spirit. Greek, Socrates

14. Knowledge has no boundaries, but is limited by the capabilities of each individual. Chalmert

15. Nothing is more dangerous than knowledge that is ill-informed. Ha Jinshi

16. The artist's vocation is to infuse the light into the depths of the heart. De Schumann

17. Real artists are absolutely not arrogant. De Beethoven

18. All immortal writers will reveal their voices. British, Ruskin

19. If you want to make others seduce, you must first be touched by yourself. Law, Miller

20. Music is the greatest thing in the minds of men. Law, Napoleon

21. Music is the common language beauty of humanity, Rolfiro

22. Fishing is a cruelty of innocence. George, Burke

23. The purpose of the sport is not to win or lose, but to compete. Beauty, Lincoln

24. Among all kinds of happiness, the fruit of labor is the sweetest. Pibak

25. Popularity is an unbearable ugly. So change the pop once every six months. Wilde

26. Love is the spark of life. Fully Ted Ted

27. Love is the process of marriage, and marriage is the purpose of love. De and Schopenhauer

28. Love can burn life and enrich life. Goethe

29. The sword does not wear to rust; people do not learn to fall behind.

30. The lush seedlings need water; the growing teenager needs to learn.

31. The stars make the sky so beautiful; knowledge makes people grow.

32. Make a candle and seek for it.

33. The grain complements the body and the books are rich in wisdom.

34. Look, the wild geese on the blue sky have answered, they are lined up in a big "person", as if to say - hardworking people draw pictures of autumn.

35. Just say "Xiantao Stone", it seems like a big peach flying from the sky, falling on the stone plate on the top of the mountain.

36. Looking from afar, the boulder is like a fairy standing on a high mountain with his arms pointing forward.

37. The overpass is surrounded by a green carpet-like lawn and a patterned flower bed.

38. Good news came, people came to the streets in unison, and Beijing immediately became a sea of ​​joy.

39. The people of the China Millennium Age are like the sea, and the song is like a wave.

40. In winter, there are snow flakes in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, silver ornaments on the trees, and white everywhere.

41. Look, the mountain stone over there is like a frog that is about to jump. The mountain stone here is like an eagle with wings flying, a stone rabbit halfway up the mountain, and a stone turtle. It seems to be racing.

42. The lake is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, the white clouds, and the changing mountains.

43. The pen is the tongue of the soul, West, Chevantis

44. It is not enough for poets to have inspiration. The inspiration must also belong to the educated spirit of Sirrell.

45. One point of cultivation, one point of harvest. As a result of the art, it is a lifelong effort.

46. ​​A person who does not want to cross the river naturally does not want to travel across the ocean. The more the needle is used, the more clearly the brain is used.

47. Learning is seeking in the midst of suffering, and art is practicing in diligence. Not afraid of learning shallow, I am afraid of short-term ambition.

48. Talent is the crystallization of blood and sweat. Talent is a blade, and hard work is a sharpening stone.

49. Although it is laborious, it is one step higher than one step. Gems will not shine without honing.

50. The heart can embroider flowers, and the heart can be woven. There is a road in the book mountain, and there is no end to the sea.

51. Thousands of days, not afraid of thousands of miles; always learn, not afraid of thousands of volumes. Practice more and more, stay alone if you don't practice.

52. Only those who are trying to climb the summit can step on the top. Difficulties are people's textbooks.

53. Sweat and harvest are loyal partners, and diligence and knowledge are the most beautiful couples.

54. Learning to drill oil, the deeper you drill, the more you can find the essence of knowledge. Learn to climb first, then learn to go.

55. Read a book and add one wisdom.

56. If you don’t eat, you’re hungry.

57. Learn to learn, if you don’t understand, ask

58. The knife is blunt on the stone, and people are stupid. Taking people as a teacher can improve.

59. Try not to be guilty. Asking is not a disadvantage. People who are good at asking questions are rich in knowledge.

60. Do not listen to the instructions, and bend more. Do not know how to understand, Yongshi rice barrel.

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