Inspirational quotes

Office workers inspirational quotes

1. Complacent in one minute and one second, stopping the life absorbed and excreted in this minute and second. Only by accepting criticism can we excrete all the scum of the spirit. Only absorb the opinions of others. I can add spiritual new nourishment. ——Xu Teli

2. Knowledge comes from hard work, and any achievement is the result of hard work. - Song Qingling

3. On the way to work, maybe our work is very ordinary. As long as you do it well, ordinary work will be extraordinary. ——Zou Jinhong

4. Some things are not difficult to lose, but they are difficult to do because they lose confidence. ——Xiao Ganxu

5. A person who is the most bitter, despicable, and destined to be destined, has no fear as long as he still has hope. - Shakespeare

6. Leisure is not an empty state, nor a holiday. Leisure is the combination of work and entertainment at the same time, and becomes noble because of this combination. Leisure, like work, is an activity state, but this activity is a kind of spiritual activity, a kind of mental cultivation, and the soul is happy for itself. - Onast Barker

7. Whatever I do, I am always thinking, as long as my energy allows me, I will first serve my country. - "Pavlov's Anthology"

8. A person like me is alone outside. Very eye-catching, but think about it yourself. On communication, on interpersonal relationship, on work ability. It is not only a woman, but a man, and it is difficult to compare with me. On the health status, it is not a day. I don't think I can go on like this anymore. ——Feng sister

9. If your heart changes, your attitude changes; your attitude changes, your habits change; your habits change, your character changes; your personality changes, your life changes. - "Wisdom Language"

10. Have a very hot heart, a pair of frosty eyes, a pair of very hard hands, two very busy legs and a very free mood. ——Liu Wei

11. To live in integrity, don't think about it! To work honestly, you can have a great future. - Dostoevsky

12. A machine can do the work of fifty ordinary people, but no machine can do the work of a great person. - Hubbard

13. We can't live with turf, we can't be drunk and dream, die life, and make a difference. ——Fang Zhimin

14. Our ideals should be noble. We can't climb to the top, but we can climb halfway up the mountain, which is much better than staying on the ground. If our hearts are illuminated by the brilliance of love, and there are ideals before us, then there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome. Premchande

15. How much life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. ——裴多菲

16. It is a learning process to climb a mountain and find a way out. We should learn to be stable and calm in this process and learn how to find life from panic. ——Xi Murong

17. Failure is also what I need, and it is as valuable as success to me. Only after I knew that everything was going badly did I know what it was like to do a job. - Edison

18. If a person is afraid of pain, fears all kinds of diseases, fears of unpredictable things, fears of danger and death of life, he can't stand anything. - Rousseau

19. Those who lose their property lose a lot, those who lose their friends lose more, and those who lose their courage lose everything. - Cervantes

20. In fact, success only represents the percentage of your work, and success is the result of % failure. - Anonymous

21. The so-called genius is nothing more than the use of coffee for others to work. - Lu Xun

22. People can only achieve their own perfection by perfecting their own contemporaries and working for their happiness. - Marx

23. If only fire can awaken the sleeping Europe, then I would rather burn myself, let the light from my firearms illuminate this long night, open those closed eyes and bring humans into the light. The hall of truth. - Bruno

24. Life has its own ups and downs. Everyone should learn to endure a sorrow in life. Only in this way can you realize what is called success and what is true happiness. - Li Ka-shing

25. Tenacity can conquer any peak in the world! - Dickens

26. There are often situations in which new paths for science and technology are sometimes not well-known figures in the scientific community, but unseen figures in the scientific community, ordinary people, practitioners, and work innovators. ——Stalin

27. If people want to get the victory of their work, they will get the expected results. They must make their thoughts conform to the objective external laws. If Zhu He, they will fail in practice. - Mao Zedong

28. The sea of ​​danger, suspicion and denial revolves around small islands, and beliefs spur people and bravely face the unknown. - Tagore

29. People who work for the happiness of the public, no matter which department they are in, cannot be cut off by national borders. Their labor results do not belong to one country but to the entire human race. - Mrs. Curie

30. I have nothing to do but to live according to the wishes that naturally arise in my heart. - Hermann Hesse

31. The water of the drip can eventually wear the big stone, not because it is powerful, but because of the dripping of the day and night. Only through diligent efforts can we get those skills, so we can say with certainty: Nothing is not a step, no matter how many miles. - Beethoven

32. Human hope is like an eternal star, and dark clouds can't hide its light. Especially today, peace is not an ideal, a dream, it is the wish of thousands of people. - Ba Jin

33. No matter what happens, please accept life quietly and happily, bravely, boldly, and smile forever. --Luxembourg

34. Don't throw a pot of cream off because you have fallen into a cow's hair. Don't throw away your life because you made a mistake. --Mongolia

35. I have been fighting for more than 50 years and are committed to the development of science. Using one word can tell me the most difficult job characteristics, the word is "failure." - Thomson

36. Humans learn to walk and learn to wrestle, and only after wrestling can they learn to walk. - Marx

37. When we are unfortunate, when we can no longer endure life, a tree will say to us: calm, calm, glaring at me! - Hermann Hesse

38. When everything seemed hopeless, I watched the stone-cutting worker on his stone and struck it hundreds of times without seeing any cracks. But in the 100th time, the stone was split in half. I realized that it was not the blow, but the front tapping made it split. ——Jack Rees

39. The party’s task is to give overall leadership to the work of all state organs, rather than being too frequent as it is today...often interfering with details. - Lenin

40. It is always inevitable that people will be ups and downs in their lives. It won't last forever as the sun rises, and it won't fall forever. Repeatedly floating and sinking, for a person, it is tempering. Therefore, if you float above, you don't have to be proud; if you sink below, you don't need to be pessimistic. We must be optimistic and enterprising with a straightforward and modest attitude. - Matsushita Yukisuke

41. The height of the fountain does not exceed its source; the same is true of a person's career, and his achievements will never exceed his beliefs. - Lincoln

42. The rag, the ordinary work of no one cares, but obscurity gives people a beautiful clean. As long as the mind is promising, any work has a lofty meaning. - Anonymous

43. Ideal means a beacon. Without ideals, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life. - Tolstoy

44. A person’s life may burn or decay. I can't decay, I am willing to burn. --Ostrovsky

45. Optimism is a passionate and beautiful march, always inspiring you to move forward to the cause of your career. - Dumas

46. ​​When I always regard myself as a pearl, I often have the pain of being buried. Let yourself be the earth! Let everyone step on the road. ——Kong Fansen

47. Laziness, like rust, consumes more body than labor; the keys that are often used are always shiny. - Franklin

48. The history of science, in a sense, is the history of illusions and failures, the history of great fools working with clumsiness and inefficiency. ——寺男寅彦

49. Don't think of the past as lonely, because this will never turn back. You should think of ways to improve the present, because that is you, without fear, to brave the courage to move forward. - Longfellow

50. Going toward a certain goal is a "ambition". It is "qi" in the middle of a sigh of relief. The combination of the two is "ambition". The success or failure of all careers depends on this. - Carnegie

51. Success, born out of the soil of failure. --Germany

52. The seriousness of peer-to-peer work, a high degree of integrity, creates a balance between freedom and order. -Roman Roland

53. Credit at work is the best asset. Young people who do not have credit accumulation cannot become losers. - Ikeda Daisaku

54. The meaning of life lies in giving, in giving, not in accepting, not in fighting. - Ba Jin

55. The things of the world are often made up of difficulties and lost to extravagance. - Lu You

56. A man must be like a candle. In a limited lifetime, there is a point of heat, giving light and warmth. - Xiao Chu female

57. The person who walks the slowest, as long as he does not lose his goal, walks faster than someone who is aimless. - Lessing

58. The three most important words in the dictionary are will, work, and waiting. I am going to build my successful pyramid on these three cornerstones. - Pasteur

59. A person thinks meaningfully. There are two ways to do it. One is to dig deep into the hole, that is, to achieve the ultimate in one field. For example, Chen Jingrun engages in mathematics, Yuan Longping grows rice, and secondly, it is to make life as much as possible. More, such as Xu Xiake Marco Polo walking the world, life is also brilliant. Life is not just a living method. Sometimes we can change jobs, change a city, change a mood, and maybe change a living method. ——Yu Minhong

60. In such a situation, even a small-scale exemplary work at the national level is of greater national importance than the work of the State in many central departments. - Lenin

61. Confidence does not necessarily win. Without confidence, it will definitely lose. If action does not necessarily succeed, no action will fail. - "Wisdom Language"

62. The best things in our world are created by labor and by the intelligent hands of men. - Gorky

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