Inspirational article

Change your life, just pay 2% more than others

2% more confidence, build a personal brand

People with low self-esteem tend to accept others' underestimation of others. When comparing with others, they also like to compare their shortcomings with others, and the more they feel that they are not as good as others. In fact, all you need is to take out 2% of your self-confidence and show you the domineeringness of your own, and fully demonstrate your expertise and personality. If you want to build your own brand, you must first understand your own uniqueness, then carefully cultivate, practice continuously, and let others see you, you will think of your uniqueness. Be brave to go your own way, others will naturally cherish you because of your uniqueness.

2% more initiative, more aggressive

The behavior of "the situation forces me to act" and "I want to take the initiative" are the same, but the motivation is different, and the feeling of doing things is completely different. Being able to ask questions, ask others for opinions, represent your willingness to solve problems, and the ability to deal with problems. This is the ability to be used throughout life. Don't blame the hardships of life. If you take the initiative to be an adult creed, you can find more happiness in your life and work. Your career will definitely develop better than those who take a step.

2% more observations, more opportunities

90% of our stimuli come from vision. If you look at things around you more, you will notice more details, and the details can often be a success or failure. For example, when visiting a customer, you can observe the display of the customer's office. If there is a family photo on the table, it means that he is a person with a strong family concept. When you ask about the family and the child, the other party will be happy to talk about it; if there is a tourist souvenir on the table, it shows the customer's love. Travel, at this time we can bring the topic to the local customs of the place where the tour or the customer has been, so that the customer has the opportunity to talk about their own travel, the distance between the two is very easy to zoom in. As long as you are good at observation, you can see the micro-knowledge, the opportunity exists in the details of life, observe the details, find the opportunity, the success may be very simple!

2% more humility, go further

Humility and self-confidence are not antagonistic. In most cases, we need to grasp the scale. If you become a focus of attention after you have made some achievements, you will become flustered. It will only stop you from learning and provide new energy for your progress. The next step can only be stagnation or retrogression. No matter what position you are in or what kind of work you are doing, don't forget that “Qian benefit, full damage”, humility is to save energy, let us go further on the road to success!

Life is like a marathon. When you are in good times, you can accumulate energy and practice basic skills. When you are in adversity, you will have the strength to climb up. You only need 2% more effort than people to be a winner. Why not try it?

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