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There is no secret to success

There is no secret to success <br />Do people think we are successful? Do we think we are successful?
So what exactly is success? The easiest thing to think about is to make a fortune, promote, and become famous. These are just one of the many figs of success. The most direct manifestation of success is “complete” or “achieve”. Because the goal is your own, and the assessment of the goal should be, it varies from person to person.
Therefore, the so-called success is mainly the assessment and opinion of oneself; the failure is the assessment and opinion of others. If you think you have succeeded, you will succeed. If you think that you have no success, you will not succeed. This is not the spirit of Ah Q.
We should all have the experience that sometimes others always envy your success and always think that it is not successful enough, and sometimes others always think that you are failing, but you are comfortable, full of happiness, and have a quiet and peaceful sky. No one dares to stipulate which kind of success is successful and which one is not successful.
As the saying goes, three hundred and sixty lines, the line is the champion, and the success is not unique. It is precisely because of this that life is so complicated and colorful. Success is not absolute. Successful people often fall into the dilemma of “having gains and losses” and fall into the relative nature of success. The career is successful, the family is unfortunate; the family is happy, the business is light; the business family has a good harvest, but they are weak and sick...
Former US President Bill Clinton has been a "born", and there are still headaches and worries. Therefore, the so-called "poverty, wealth and worry" in "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" is not without reason; "Other people riding horses riding me, thinking about me better, waiting for me to look back, there are picking feet, encountering on the road. Child, there is leftovers in the family..."
Such a thing, I think every "successor" has encountered. More than enough, more than enough, success? unsuccessful? The relative nature of success makes the assessment of success a matter of opinion. In this regard, people are easily confused. Many people have been striving for the success defined by others. They don't know what they want from the bottom of their heart, they don't know their goals, and they don't know that they are the ones who decide their own success. Only by using the self-sense, to judge success and enjoy success is "real".
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the famous American novelist in the 19th century, and the author of The Scarlet Letter, listed five elements of success: quality, courage, public forgotten, love of work, and peace of mind. In particular, "heart and mind" is an absolutely necessary factor to enjoy success. "It’s not a shock to knock on the door in the middle of the night." It is not so much a morpheme, it is a realm, and it is the subjectivity of success.
Regarding success, the British thinker Sykes has a classic statement: "There is no secret to success. Success is what you should do. Success is not something you should not do." "Success is not limited to one of your life. Scope. It includes all aspects of your relationship with others: as a father or mother, as a husband or wife, as a citizen, neighbor, worker, and all other things." "Success does not refer to a part of your personality, It is connected to all parts: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, etc. It is the best use of the whole person." "Success is to find your best talents, skills and abilities, and apply them to The place to make the most effective contribution to others. In Lang Ferro's words, it is 'do what you can do and do whatever you do'." "Success is to apply your heart to your love." Do the work above. It refers to a person who loves his work. It requires you to concentrate on the main goal in your life." "It is all you have now." The amount of focus on the things that you desire to complete. "Leaves no two the same world, success vary, because, because of something specific. Success is subjective and success is pluralistic. Therefore, the current internationally recognized definition of success is to achieve its own set goals.
Source: Eight ranks old man creation inspirational blog

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