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Reading "Love Education"

Reading "Love Education" has a feeling / I want to fly higher and read later works

Speaking of the book that touches me the most, it is not the education of love.
This book mainly tells the story of a little boy named An Like who is educated in life in the form of a diary. For example, when Kahler lost his mother, he snuggled up next to his mother. Although this behavior was stopped by the loving mother, but Kahler still left a shadow in his heart. After seeing this, Amico understood why and corrected it. In this way, he put all the wrong behaviors below, and made a boy who knows "love."
After reading this book, I realized why some people are disabled, some healthy people will laugh at him; why some children hate their parents and abandon them; why... this is because they love it. !
If you ask me what is the most difficult word in the world, I will answer without hesitation; "Yes' love!"
All in all, I like the book "Love Education" because it allows me to understand how to love someone and warm one's heart.

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