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Reading Utta

Utah is just a 13-year-old girl who travels by car to Europe. By the way, she went to France, Switzerland, Austria, and went to Venice, Milan, Florence in Italy, and finally to Greece. In the evening, one person stays at the hotel. If you need help, you can call the number of the check-in desk. Every time you arrive, you must check the local police station phone number.

After reading this article, I couldn’t help but if I had a Chinese child who really wanted to travel alone, even if he wanted to, but his parents must be 10 million unwilling, this is for no one to travel alone. Children are an unimaginable thing. In fact, love children should let children develop a good habit of self-reliance, let the children hone in the society, let the children become the grass full of vitality, let the children become the eagle in the storm, let the children become the wind and snow, not afraid of the wind and snow Pressed plum.

Utta, you are brave, you are awesome, dare to travel alone in Europe, I really admire you, you are the example of every Chinese child, we have to learn from you, learn your brave spirit.

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