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Reading experience

Today, when I read "The Taro of Childhood," I knew the mother's suffering, how tired they were!

From the time we were born, from a boy who can’t talk to a boy who is brave and brave, which ones are not experiencing the test of wind and rain? Yes, it is our mother. They are working hard every day to earn money and raise us to grow up. In fact, our parents’ greatest wish is to one day hope that we will become a big weapon.

In the passage of time, have we realized the greatness of maternal love, so I will repay the mother’s kindness to me in the future. As the saying goes: "The grace of dripping water, when the spring is reported." But I realized the selflessness of maternal love. It reveals the ordinary, but it implies some greatness. Mother loves it like a warm current that infiltrates our heart and lungs. Mother loves it like a pair of wings and takes us to the future.

what! What a great mother, it cares for us like "The hoe in childhood"!

Third grade school of Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei: jermmy

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