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Reading "Lei Feng Diary"

Uncles and aunts, teachers:

Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Reading Lei Feng's Diary". Under the guidance of the teacher, I read "Lei Feng Diary". I was shocked and moved by the contents of the diary. From the depths of my heart, I want to express my respect for Uncle Lei Feng.

Uncle Lei Feng wrote in his diary to be a nail that never rusts. What he wants to express is a dedication to serve the people. This spirit is what we need today. We should be more today. Paying, not asking us and our parents for their needs is too much, we should learn to give to parents and teachers, to classmates, we should be more thinking about what we should do for them, we can not feel It is not worth the labor value they have paid us.

The heart of gratitude is the theme of Lei Feng’s diary. Although Uncle Lei Feng has done many good things in his short life, he always implies a kind heart, a grateful heart, and always think of the good things he has done. Others are good, always thinking of doing their part and doing their part for others.

In fact, I read "Lei Feng Diary" and I still have a lot of feelings. I just want to say that the spirit of Uncle Lei Feng guides us all.

Our tomorrow will be more harmonious, better and warmer.

thank you all!

Chuxiong City, Chuxiong, Yunnan, not in the third grade: 123456789anna

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