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"I don't understand" visit to the doctor city

In an old and beautiful forest, there are dwarfs living in peace, no one wants to leave this beautiful home. However, there is a dwarf named "I don't understand" but I don't want to live here. Why?

It turned out that he was influenced by his parents when he was a child. He felt that he was very capable. When he grew up, he became more and more aware that he was very great. Even his father and mother looked down. So, he sprouted the thought of leaving.

One night, he was lying on the bed and thought, "I am so smart, how can I live with these stupid people?" Just thinking, suddenly came the knock of the "winter", he opened the door and saw it. Outside stood a short old man with white eyebrows and white beard. “I don’t understand” asked: “Who are you, what are you doing?” The old man said: “I am the oldest doctor in the doctor’s city, and I will pick you up to the doctor’s city.” “I don’t understand” I was so happy that I hurriedly said, "Let's go!" After that, I couldn't wait to rush out the door, and the old man hurriedly followed.

The dwarf old man took out the big forest with "all do not understand", and saw a circular thing outside the forest, and there are four wheels. At this time, the old doctor opened a square door and sent "all do not understand" into it, and then he also sat in himself. This monster is amazing, it can be walked without any human operation. They went for a long time before they came to the doctor city.

I saw a large plaque hanging on the top of the city, which read the words "Ph.D.".

They went to the city. There are a lot of things to sell, "I don't understand" when I saw it, I rushed to the snack shop selling "hardworking" and bought three "hardworking", pretending to be very expert, peeling off the skin and eating. The embarrassment inside, I did not expect to eat a bite but it was bitter. He is afraid that others will laugh at him and he will not dare to ask. The people on the Tao saw him like that, and they all laughed. The dwarf old man also smiled and said: "If you don't know how to eat, don't eat it." "I don't understand." I was afraid that I would make a joke again, so I didn't buy anything to eat.

It’s hard to get to the doctor’s lab. The old doctor went in and said to the insider: “This is a new doctor who is invited. Please test him for passing the exam.” Then a young graduate student came. Say to him: "How do you calculate the number from 1 to 100 in a simple way?" "I don't understand" and said, "How is this?" His words are still missing, and there is a sneer in the house. "I don't understand" was shy away from the cracks in the door.

He fled back to the big forest, and later he became a veritable doctor after hard work and hard work!

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