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"No flowers, no trees, I am a grass that no one knows. Never lonely, never trouble, you see my partner spread all over the world..." You must have heard this song! This song praised the stubborn dedication of the grass, and the grass made the world of the world more beautiful.

In spring, the spring girl jumped on the road and came to the world. The willow sister is brushing her long braids; the spring flowers are blowing a small trumpet to tell people that spring is coming; the pine tree is full of vitality, standing there straight and protecting the beautiful park; at this time, the grass is so inconspicuous. So frequent, so short. It is because of the ordinaryness of the grass that the flowers become more beautiful; it is because of the shortness of the grass that makes the tree appear taller.

In the summer, the grumpy summer brother drove away the gentle spring girl to spread the heat all over the city. The flowers are low and the head is small, and they look like they are listless; they know that they are constantly shouting in the tree: "Know, know, know, heat dead." The puppy spits his tongue under the tree and keeps breathing. At this time, the grass turned from green to green, standing on the waist, standing there straight, did not show a little bit of yield.

Jinqiu, the lively autumn sister came to the world. The orchard is very lively! Apple smiled red; the persimmons hang like a small lantern on the tree; under the sunlight, the grapes on the grape rack are all colorful; in the square, the chrysanthemum is proud of the other flowers; the leaves of the maple Like a butterfly flying from the tree; at this time, although the grass has become yellow, but he still stood stubbornly in the lawn, adding a landscape to the park, dressing the beautiful autumn is more beautiful. It is.

In the cold winter, Grandpa Winter came to the world with a snowflake sister. The snow covered the earth, everywhere was white, the wind screamed, and the snow fluttered. The trees were replaced with new ones; the animals were hibernating; the grass dedicated themselves to the earth, and the quilts covered with snow entered the dreamland and re-emerged with new life.

Grass has many functions, such as purifying air, fixing soil, reducing wind, absorbing water, beautifying the environment, and preventing soil erosion. The environment in which we live has become more beautiful and cleaner with grass, so we can see that the grass is so obscure!

The silent dedication of the grass reminds me of the cleaner. Every day at 5 o'clock in the morning, when we are still screaming, the cleaners will come out early to clean the streets for us. They are not afraid of hardships, not afraid of fatigue, and sweep our community every day, I really do. Thank you very much. In fact, there are still many silent people in life who deserve our thanks.

Grass is our friend. We can not only ignore the grass, but we should also learn that the grass does not have any spirit of attempting to dedicate.

Fourth grade: 耿赫

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