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"E-commerce" professional graduation design guide

1 Graduation design graduation design is an important part of cultivating students' comprehensive use of basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills analysis to solve practical problems; it is the deepening and testing of each previous teaching link of this major. Through graduation design, In the actual construction, management and maintenance of e-commerce systems, students make full use of the professional knowledge they have learned, connect theory with practice, and carry out their work independently, so that students have the practical ability to engage in e-commerce work. The specific purposes of graduation design are: 1. Train students to comprehensively apply their knowledge and skills to solve e-commerce system planning, feasibility studies, system analysis, system design, and the ability to manage practical problems in e-commerce systems; 2. Develop student research and information collection, and organize 3. Ability to develop and improve students' self-learning ability and computer actual application ability; 4. Cultivate and improve students' literature search and collection ability; 5. Develop and improve students' design, report and other writing skills; 6. Develop students' Innovative awareness, realistic scientific style and spirit of hard work. 2 Basic requirements for graduation design, Students must fully understand the importance of graduation design and carry out graduation design work strictly according to requirements. 2. Graduation design tasks should include investigation and analysis of practical problems. 3. Graduation design tasks must be carried out independently by the students themselves under the guidance of the instructors. Graduation design must have progress requirements, have clear stage results, and conduct regular inspections. 5. Graduation design tasks should have workload requirements. 3 Graduation design topics 3.1 Selection basis and scope In view of e-commerce expertise is obvious The composite of graduation design is the last link of school education. The topic should have strong comprehensiveness and practicality. Students are at the specialist level. Therefore, graduation design topics should be selected from the following aspects: (1) E-commerce System planning, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system maintenance and management theory, methods and techniques. (2) Research and application of information resource management theory and method in e-commerce. (3) Analysis and research of e-commerce website system. (4) E-commerce website production method. "E-commerce" professional graduation design guide Qiu Yongying 2 3.2 Graduation design reference questions (1) test On e-commerce marketing strategy (2) × × × e-commerce enterprise formation plan (3) × × × shopping mall e-commerce website planning book (4) × × × shopping mall e-commerce website design and production (5) × × × shopping malls in e-commerce system supplier management (6) Analysis and Improvement of ××× Online Auction E-commerce System (7) Analysis and Design of Online Flower Shop E-commerce System (8) Customer Management in Shopping Mall (9)×××Shopping E-commerce System Research on the security of e-commerce systems in (10)××× shopping malls (11) E-commerce and traditional business (12) Research on third-party logistics issues in e-commerce 3.3 Explain that when students choose topics, they are not limited to the above-mentioned reference topics, and they can choose their own familiarity according to their own situation. Background or easy to investigate questions. 4 Graduation design contributions 4.1 Basic requirements of the manuscript 1. Graduation design manuscript is the main basis for examining the student's graduation design and should be completed independently by the student. 2, design requirements, clear concept, correct content, Clearly organized, fluent language, rigorous structure, in line with professional norms. 3, the content of graduation design, to highlight their own views, ideas and their own Practice, avoid large-scale copying and narrative content that has nothing to do with or has little to do with the design topic. 4. In the process of design writing, the source of the information should be indicated in the form of footnotes. 4.2 Structure of the manuscript 1. Graduation design topic 2 , Keywords: In order to facilitate indexing, list 3-5 vocabulary that reflect the main content of the design and translate it into English. 3. Foreword: Introduce the objectives, background and tasks of the subject being engaged; , existing conclusions, results and existing problems; the main content and significance of this research; if it is a collaborative research task, it should explain the content of my work and the role and relationship in the whole topic. 4, the basic content of graduation design The basic content should be closely related to the topic. The types of topics are different, and the basic content is quite different. For example, "E-commerce" professional graduation design guide Qiu Yongying 3 topic (3) - "×××Shopping e-commerce website planning book", The basic content should be written according to the textbook, "Ethics Website Construction Example" § 2.5, the outline listed. Topic (8) - "Customer Management in the XX Shopping Mall E-Commerce System", the basic content should include: analysis and determination In sub-business, the type of customer; how to conduct targeted marketing for non-type customers. Topic (10) - "XXXX Shopping E-commerce System Security Issues", the basic content should include: Explain e-commerce, The safety measures adopted; possible hidden dangers and countermeasures. The preparation of the outline is the key and should be taken very seriously. 5. The special research discusses the most distinctive and innovative or unique content of the students in the graduation design. Explain the explanation, to reflect the students' independent thinking in the graduation design, the research results and the new experience and understanding of the professional field. 6. Acknowledgements 7, the main reference documents; list the references directly in the entire graduation design activities Information. References must be in more than 3 articles. 8. Appendices need various charts, additional explanations, data parameter tables, formula derivation and proof, important reference summaries, important program source lists, etc. Other materials listed in the paper. 4.3 Typesetting of the manuscript, binding 1, layout of the manuscript When the graduation design is typeset, the chapter and section numbers are uniformly adopted in the following format: 1,1.1,1.1.1, In the text, the table number format is: Figure ij where "i" is the number of the chapter in which the chapter is located, and "j" is the sequence number of the chapter in the chapter. The format of the appendix is: Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C. The format of the drawings in the appendix is: Figure Ai, Figure Bj. 2, the binding graduation design of the manuscript is bound in strict accordance with the prescribed order, ie cover, title, abstract, catalogue, introduction, body, conclusion, Acknowledgements, references, appendix. September 9, 2004

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