Secretarial knowledge > Introduction letter

Bank handling business introduction letter

Part 1: Banking business introduction letter essay

XXX your bank:
I am XXXXXXXX, the account is temporarily closed due to the loss of the check. Due to the company's business needs special application XX comrade, identity number XXXXXX. To your unit to handle matters. Special treatment. Thank you!
To this salute


Chapter 2:

ICBC** branch,
My unit is your payroll customer, work needs, now add new employees ************ and other ten people, to your unit to handle the wage card card, please follow the relevant regulations Licensing related procedures.
I hope.

*******************the company
year month day

Chapter three:

The xxx bank hereby proves that xx is the xx department of my unit, and the annual income is xx million yuan.

Xx unit

2019 x month x

Chapter 4:

Our company needs to advance travel expenses due to business needs, and withdraw cash _______ million.
Hereby explain
______________the company
____year month day

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