Secretarial knowledge > Application

Cancellation of application

Dear School Leaders and Academic Affairs Leaders:
Student xxx in the final exam of the zero to six-six school year, due to young and ignorant, temporary urgency, helping others to cheat, caused serious consequences, the school gave a warning.
After four years of hard work and deep reflection, I understand that helping others to cheat is equal to harming others, and harming others, failing the parental support, consuming the teacher’s cultivation and neglecting the care of the classmates. The intention is to waste your own hard work.
After four years of hard work and deep reflection, I also understood: tolerating that I made mistakes is equal to harming myself, and harming others, ignoring the rules and regulations of the school, contributing to the evil spirits in the school and annihilating the basics of being a man. Conscience, trampling on the moral norms of society.
These years of study and life have made me deeply aware of my own mistakes, remorse, and every time I think about it, I burst into tears and screamed. Fortunately, it is not too late to make up for it. This is thanks to the opportunity given by the leaders of the hospital to rehabilitate. Thanks to the teachers and teachers for their concern and thanks to the enthusiastic help of the students. I'm wrong! ! I am really wrong! ! !
Here, I hope that the respected leaders of the hospital will forgive the students for a moment's mistake, and begged to revoke their punishment, and hope that the leadership will approve.
Sincerely, students:

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