Secretarial knowledge > Application

Volunteer application for national defense

Dear organization:
I volunteer to engage in national defense, obey the arrangements of the motherland, serve the people wholeheartedly, obey orders, strictly observe discipline, be devoted to duty, study hard, practice hard to kill the enemy, and resolutely complete the task. Under no circumstances will we betray the motherland, never Rebel from the army.
Under the two themes of "peace and development" in the new era, the unstable factors in hotspots still exist, the great cause of the reunification of the motherland has not yet been completed, and the hostile forces are not dead. ······The national defense cause is still very difficult. It is the unshirkable responsibility of every young person to resound the call for national defense and to join the national defense cause. I eagerly hope to dedicate my youth to the national defense cause of the motherland, eager to play my own light and heat in the green military camp, hoping to shed my own sweat and blood on this land I love. I firmly believe that for me personally: the green military camp is the best place to realize my personal ideals and ideals of life. It is the best way for me to personally serve my country. Therefore, I sincerely apply to the organization: Please allow me to engage in national defense.
The people's army is solemn and sacred! Please organize me to test me, accept me, I will not let the organization down, become a qualified Republic Guardian!
Sincerely, salute!

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