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Work transfer application essay

Dear leaders:

My name is Shi Fangxia, female. I was born in October 1972 in the Guoyang Forest Farm. Participated in work in 1991, party member, bachelor degree,

Middle school senior teacher. Now he teaches at the Berry Town Center Middle School and lives in the family home of the old family service station at the south of the Luohe Building.

Since I joined the work, I have loved education, and I am diligent and dedicated. Seriously do a good job in all kinds of education and teaching work, complete the teaching tasks arranged by the school on schedule, and the teaching effect is good. Many times in township counties and cities have been regarded as "advanced teachers", "advanced educators" and "excellent class teachers"

Waiting for the honorable title. During the period from XX to XX, I was borrowed from the standard Xinde Middle School to teach Chinese language in the normal school. After returning, as always, no regrets. In addition to completing education and teaching work, he insists on writing. Occasionally, the essays on poetry prose teaching essays are scattered in the newspapers with the names of "Shi Fangxia" or "Xiaguang Yiyi", and some works are awarded or selected for poetry anthology. In 2019, the Chinese Theatre Publishing House published a collection of personal poems, "Green Leaf Life." At the same time, counseling students' essays and publications in national newspapers and magazines. The lover is busy with work, and the daughter's county is studying. When she is less than one year old, she entrusts my parents to take care of them. Parents are now 80 years old, frail and sick, life is not bad, and they need urgent care. People are middle-aged and often feel uncomfortable. There are old people who need to support, and there are daughters who need care. Because I traveled to and from towns and towns all the year round, rain and rain came, and the road between the station and the school was overworked. I had surgery twice. Real life is quite inconvenient. Special application was transferred to the county town middle school.

Here, I would like to ask the county leaders and schools to understand my actual difficulties and agree to transfer the application to alleviate the worries of life! I am deeply grateful! !



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