Secretarial knowledge > School management system

National Primary School Management System

The management system of the small school

In order to beautify the campus, create a good environment for educating people, train four new people, and protect the public property of the school.

It is the responsibility of the people to formulate the following systems and measures.
First, establish a property registration and reporting damage system.
At the beginning of each school year, the General Affairs Department will register all the school’s productions in each class and office, and the class teacher and department will be responsible for the registration.

The person is responsible for signing. If there is damage in the middle, report it to the General Affairs Office in a timely manner, and change or repair it within one week. By class at the end of the period

Check the number of records in the office.
Second, school production, public property management requirements:
1. Do not scribble walls, doors, windows, tables and stools, and do not climb and trample the flowers and trees.
2. Care for the health tools in the class, return them to the original place after use; do not use other health tools; if borrowed from the school

Public property must be returned in time.
3, switch doors and windows, fluorescent lamps, electric fans, each class must have a dedicated person responsible, day and day, try to do less in the classroom

Turn on the fluorescent light and let the person go out.
Third, the compensation system for public property:
1. 30 yuan for damage to the desk; 5 yuan for damaged desk stool; 2 yuan for damage to sanitary ware in the classroom; 15 yuan for damaged glass; damage to fluorescent lamp starter, switch compensation 3

Yuan; damaged recorder 20 yuan.
2. Sports equipment and taps are damaged without any reason, and the degree of visual damage is compensated.
3. In case of damage to other class public property, it shall be paid out at the above price. The three competition scores are also deducted.
Fourth, reward and punishment methods:
School management is good or bad, directly affecting the expenses of school education, this work class teacher has to pay a lot

The hard work, therefore set up school management management rewards and punishments. First of all, linked to the school’s three competitions, depending on the damage process

The degree is deducted by 5 yuan for every 5 yuan. Second, by the end of the semester, reward the economy based on the results of the inspection of the degree of use

30-50 yuan, damage to the school class is more serious, to deduct bonuses.
The above articles are implemented in earnest.
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