Secretarial knowledge > School management system

National Primary School Apartment Doorkeeper Safety Management System

The safety management system for the door guards of the first-class primary school apartment in Changjiang Road
1. The dormitory guards must strictly implement the student registration system for student management. The dormitory area is closedly managed, and students and other personnel outside the district are not allowed to enter without approval.
2. During the daytime students during the class, the guards should conduct regular inspections in the dormitory area, and find suspicious people and things to report to the apartment office in time, or directly report to the security department.
3. During the class and last night, the main doors of each building should be locked and closed. The clothes that are cool in the dormitory of the students will fall back to the ground, and they should be picked up in time and organized for student recruitment.
4, students enter the dormitory area, we must strictly guard, to prevent strangers from taking the opportunity to join in; students take things out, pay attention to observation, find suspicious things to be strictly cross-examined.
5, strict handover system, can not leave the post during work hours, it is strictly forbidden to ask students to take the class.

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