Secretarial knowledge > School management system

Kindergarten child pick-up system

Child pick-up system
In order to effectively strengthen the school's safety work, strictly control the school's school attendance management, and promote the standardization of school safety work, the following system is specially formulated.
1. All teachers earnestly obey the time of class and class, and leave school on time.
2. In case of special circumstances, it is necessary to delay or go to school in advance and leave school, and inform the parents in advance.
3. Establish a tracking system for students who are not in school.
4, open the school door on time, on time to static school.
5. Strictly implement the guest registration system.
6, every day of the school, the time to go to school, the door must have a teacher on duty, to supervise and guide, timely handling of incidents and unsafe hidden dangers.
7. When leaving school, each class should line up in front of the class. The class teacher or the teacher in charge should check the road team flag and other signs. The whole team will bring it to the school gate and leave the school safely.
8. For the first and second grade students, the guardian will pick up and drop off the children to go to school every morning, middle and night to avoid accidents during the upper and lower classes.
9. At the time of school, students in the first and second grades, class teachers or teachers in the class should be sent to the parents one by one to prevent accidents.
10. The person who picks up the child from the family should be fixed and familiar with the class teacher. The family with special circumstances must have a parent's power of attorney, explain the situation with the class teacher, and meet with the client to avoid accidents.
11. If you cannot pick up your child on time, you should communicate with the class teacher or call in advance. Avoid accidents. The student is responsible for the student on duty.
12. When parents pick up their children, don't block the school gates, and wait consciously and orderly on both sides of the school gate to make civility and courtesy, convenient for you and me.
13. Send your child to school every day to miss the peak period. If you arrive at the school in advance, you should leave your child standing in a safer place on both sides of the school gate, so that you can be orderly, not crowded, and not be troubled.

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