Secretarial knowledge > certificate

[Boutique] unit salary certificate

Part 1: Unit salary certificate

**Bank Branch:

I hereby certify ______________ comrades, ID number: ____________________________, work in our unit since ______ years ______ months ______ days, _____________ position, my monthly income is RMB: _______________________. The unit provides personal income proof information that is true, legal, and valid. If there is any truth, the unit assumes all legal responsibilities. Hereby prove

work phone:

Official seal of the unit:

year month day

Part 2: Unit salary certificate

I hereby certify that ___ is my employee, ID number: _____, working in my unit ___ years, post ____, annual income __ million.

This certificate is limited to the use of the ____ credit card by the employee. Our company does not assume any responsibility for the consequences of the employee's use of the credit card.

Hereby prove

company name:_____

Date: ___year__month__day

Part 3: Unit salary certificate

This certificate is limited to the use of the ____ credit card by the employee. Our company does not assume any responsibility for the consequences of the employee's use of the credit card.

Hereby prove

company name:_____

Date: ___year__month__day

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