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My classmate

My classmate is called Li Zeyun. Ze Yun is a cheerful girl. Like her usual ordinary person, she is not tall, not thin and not fat. When she smiles, two small dimples appear on her face. One day, I feel very Bored, I thought of going to Zeyun to play, and went to a place not far from Zeyun’s house. I saw Zeyun taking out 5 yuan from his pocket and giving it to someone who picked up the garbage. I ran over and said: "Ze Yun How are you? Zeyun said: "We should help others! I will praise it!" It is Zeyun! I really admire you! I remember once, I went to school with Zeyun and went to the classroom. Suddenly there was a person who asked Ze Yun, Ze Yun did not tell her the answer, just to explain to her, I know that Ze Yun is so good for that classmate, is to really help the classmate. Ze Yun's physical health is very bad, And often sick, but she doesn't care, just silently helping others, I saw it, I really worried that her body would not stand. Ze Yun is such a person, she thinks more for others, thinks for herself less, I am I am so happy and proud to have such a friend. This is my classmate - Li Zeyun.

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