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Careless me

Today, when I went home, I confidently said to my mother: "Mom, I will return to 99 if I don't return to this exam." Mom didn't believe it. I said with confidence: "I don't believe you go to see my paper." Mom didn't say anything. I went to play, and when I was having a good time, I heard the voice of my mother. I rushed over and it was originally Teacher Wang. Mom asked me: "You are not saying that you want to go to 100, ask the teacher how much you have returned." Teacher Wang looked at me and smiled and said: "You are not 100, not 99, only 93 points." Suddenly, my face was red. I can't believe it. I thought: How can I test it so much? It is really a dead person. I can't wait to find a place to sneak. I really want to get the test paper right away.
The next day, I got the paper, and I really only had 93 points. I looked at my own paper with my big eyes, and I had three wrong questions. I even wrote P as a q, and there is a bigger mistake. I didn't listen to the teacher's problem and I did it. People asked me to write the above syllables to the picture, but I wrote a pass and deducted 6 points. . Looking at the children who are 100 to others, I really want to be with them, but my hopes are lost. Hey, who told me to be so careless!

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