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If I have a magic horn

This evening, I read a very nice story with my mother.
The content of the story is this:

There is a zoo with many small animals. On the day of "June 1", a magical grandfather came to the zoo. The old grandfather took out a horn and said, "What do you want, as long as you say to the horn, it will come out." The little monkey said: "I want a peach." The little squirrel said: "I want a tree." Pinecone.” The little white rabbit said: “I want a radish.” However, nothing has changed in the speaker.
The old grandfather said: "Hah, this magic horn can only give gifts to others, but you can't give gifts to yourself." The little monkey understood, and he said to the horn: "Give a big radish to the white rabbit." Changed out a radish. The little white rabbit said happily: "Thank you little monkey." The little rabbit said to the horn: "Give a pinecone a small squirrel." The trumpet immediately turned out a pine cone. The little squirrel said to the horn: "Give a big peach to the little monkey." The horn immediately turned out to be a big peach.
With the magic horn in the zoo, the little animals are happier.

At the beginning, the little monkey, the bunny, and the little squirrel were very selfish. They only thought of themselves and they had something they liked, so nothing happened in the speaker. The old grandfather told them that only when you want something for someone else, the speaker can be changed. Yes! Only by caring for others, the magic horn can fulfill his wishes. In the end, little monkeys, little squirrels, and bunny don't give gifts to themselves. They care about each other and can think of each other. Although they don't give gifts to themselves, they all get their favorite gifts.

By reading this story, I feel that only by caring for others and thinking about others can I get the care and help of others and I can be happy and happy. In the future, I will also be a person who cares about others and thinks for others.
Mom asked me if I had a speaker and would like it? Tomorrow is the "Six Day" Children's Day. I want to make the children all over the world happy and let them have a happy Children's Day!

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