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Raising the white body of the silkworm, the small body, the silky mouth, this is the small animal that I have raised last year. Speaking of this, you may immediately say out loud: "I know that you are raising silkworms." Really smart, you guessed it.
My interest in raising silkworms has to start from last year. Once I took a natural class, the teacher told us about the knowledge of silkworms and said that silk can be woven into silk. I have a great curiosity. Because I saw someone selling silkworms at the school gate, it was on a few small leaves in a shoe box, covered with many small bugs. Listening to others saying that the little bug is a silkworm, the leaf is the food of the silkworm - the leaves of the mulberry tree, how can it be related to silk? I am puzzled.
It’s unfortunate that I didn’t make a book. When the teacher explained the book “Silkworm”, I went home at noon and saw me returning home. I saw a carton on the table of my house. There was a layer of mulberry leaves on the bottom of the box. Small silkworms of 2.3 mm length, they slowly squirm. "Ah, it's a silkworm, I want to raise a silkworm! I am happy to see it three feet high. I think it's so small, I'm afraid it's frozen, I've found a lid to cover it, and I saw it quickly and said: "No, he has to breathe fresh air, don't suffocate it."
On Sunday, I went to the neighbor's house to pick up the mulberry leaves. It was a tall mulberry tree. An uncle climbed the tree to help us pick it. I picked up a big basket in a short time, and returned home to divide the mulberry leaves. Packed in several plastic bags and placed in a freezer.
I learned to raise silkworms with me every day. At first, I tore the mulberry leaves into small, small pieces and sprinkle them on the small silkworms. After a while, the small silkworms climbed from under the leaves to the leaves, and saw the edges of the leaves constantly open. The tooth is missing, the leaf is getting smaller, the body of the silkworm is getting bigger, I carefully feed it every day, and I find that it takes off a layer of skin every few days, in order to make a bigger mole, staying up all night They all eat mulberry leaves in the rustling sand. It grows constantly, one centimeter, two centimeters... until one day it gets fat, big, and the body is white and shiny. It started to become lazy. Sometimes I took the mulberry leaves on its lips. It didn't move. I was very worried. I was afraid that it would starve to death. At this time, he said to me: "At this time, because the silkworms are mature, they have to be silky knots. Hey." And let me find some small sticks in the carton. Soon, I found that the silkworm spit out a lot of silk between the four corners of the box and the small sticks. It spits more and more, and the more it spits, the more tightly it is wrapped in it, and slowly forms a middle in each fulcrum. Oval thick white cocoon. The silkworm girl is like a skillful weaving expert, weaving a beautiful wedding dress for herself.
Through sericulture, I learned that the life of a silkworm is selfless. It has been working in obscurity from larvae to scars, from silkworms to moths, from silkworm cocoons to spawning to death. It’s really "the spring silkworm goes to the dead silk, and the wax torch turns into a gray tear and begins to dry"!
Its cocoon has weaved the most beautiful and colorful life brocade in the world. I like the hard work of silkworms and admire the selfless spirit of silkworms.

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