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The smell of a summer gradually filled the window.
The jasmine that had been silent for a spring in front of the window seemed to have been touched. In its jasper-like bright, clear green leaves, it gave birth to a star that was hard to detect. It carefully sneaked out from the green leaves, and the tenderness made me reluctant, even dare not touch it.
I always look forward to it being able to bloom.
Waiting patiently for a few days, its flower buds have gradually swelled, as if it were "open" at the touch of a button. I was kneeling in front of the window, watching it carefully, and I didn't dare to blink. I was afraid to miss any small link and regret it. The heart beats fast, maybe because a new life is going to bloom in front of me; it may be because this is the first time in my life to wait for the flowers!
Finally, this jasmine was touched by an invisible hand. The flower buds seemed to expand outward a little. I couldn’t wait for it to sprinkle some water on it, hoping it would absorb enough moisture and open early. - Even if I know, this idea is stupid...
A long process! I even think that waiting for the flowers is a kind of "torn"! Suddenly, the outermost piece of white with a little beige petal trembled, revealing the crescent-like white...
Then, the petals are slowly stretching, and the white petals are so pure that they do not seem to contain any trace of impurities. I sometimes wonder: Will I suddenly jump out of a lovely flower elf from layers of layers and overlapping petals in my inadvertently? Gradually, every piece of the entire flower buds showed the most beautiful side in front of me without reservation. The quiet aroma spread in my little room and surrounded me tightly. After a while, the fragrant fragrance filled my heart... They smiled at me and laughed so happy; I smiled at them and smiled like that.
Flowering is a long process that needs to go through. It seems to be endless waiting, even a kind of suffering, but at the moment of its bloom, the heart is so happy and satisfied!
The two white jasmines accompanied me through a summer vacation filled with fragrance. Gradually, I found that a small spot between the outermost petals is slowly crawling. What does that mean? It is withered and withered. I know that it is indeed a very cruel thing for flowers to fall on flowers.
A gust of wind blew, it seems to have brought a burst of summer heat, but also brought a little bit of time left in the flower. I saw that the piece of the pre-warning flap trembled, falling off the flower, flying in the wind, spinning, still so beautiful and free. I can see that it has nostalgia for the branches, but its figure is so firm and resolute. Perhaps, this is the spirit of "turning into a spring mud and protecting flowers"! In this way, it quietly fell, so quiet that people could not see that it had a tearful but calm smile...
It is indeed a cruel process, but we must face it calmly, because we must firmly believe that the current flower is deeply buried in the earth, but in the coming year, under the spring light, it Still will produce a more beautiful flower of life!
After the flower is opened, it is the happy smile after the torment; the flower falls, the more beautiful flower after the sacrifice. Flowers bloom, life is such a happy and sad staggered. However, only such a life will be wonderful and meaningful, and will enable us to understand life, enjoy life and create life in sorrow and joy, isn't it?

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