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What is the motivation for college students to join the party?

Simply speaking, the motivation for joining the party is why it joins the party organization. According to the concept, the motivation for joining the party is the intrinsic reason for a person to join the party and the spiritual force that drives people to join the party. The actions of human beings are subject to certain ideas. The people who ask to join the party always have certain reasons and intended purposes. The desires of those who join the party are the same, that is, joining the party organizations, but the reasons for joining the party and the intended purpose It is different. The motives for joining the party of each comrade who is in the party are also different. Here we can divide the motivation for joining the party into two aspects. On the one hand, it is the wrong motivation to join the party. On the other hand, it is the correct motivation to join the party.
There are many kinds of wrong motives for joining the party. Here are a few typical examples. You can compare yourself with the self to find out whether the motives for joining the party are correct, and whether there are any untrue elements in the motives for joining the party.
1. Some comrades believe that when the party members are glorious, the individuals and families who join the party are glorious, and they are also good-looking in front of relatives and friends. 2. Some people see some comrades around to apply, and they want to join the party with the flow; 3, some I believe that the current policy is good, I am rich, and I want to join the party in repaying the party's kindness; 4, some think that the party ticket is a kind of political capital, and find a backing by joining the party politics. 5. Some people think that they have become a party, they are easy to be reused, they are promoted quickly, or they can find a good job after graduating from college. 6. There are also very few people who ask the party to join the party to transform our party. The above motivation to join the party is extremely wrong. The motivations for the above-mentioned mistakes are typical, and they are also very accurate and close to people's minds. Most of us are advanced elements, and they are pioneers in work, thought, and study. However, individual comrades may have wrong elements in their motives for joining the party. This requires us to constantly overcome the wrong motives and the motivation for joining these parties. The cause and how to overcome it will be analyzed and explained.
The correct motivation for joining the party is to join the party in order to serve the people wholeheartedly and to achieve communism. Because it is consistent with the party's nature, purpose, goal and party members. Other motives for joining the party are contrary to this, and they are incorrect or even extremely wrong. You may say that the correct motivation for joining the party to the official language, like a slogan, is not practical. I believe that joining the party in order to serve the people wholeheartedly, in order to achieve communism is not empty, is a theoretical sublimation of our usual hard work, study, and ideological progress. To take a step back, are we not working hard to serve the people every day? Aren't every tax you collect a force for the development of socialism to communism? Only when the party is motivated to join the party is in line with the conditions for joining the party as stipulated in the party constitution; after joining the party, we can play the role that a party member should have, thus ensuring the party's advanced nature and purity, and enhancing the party's combat effectiveness. On the other hand, if those who are not purely motivated, especially those who attempt to use the title of party members to gain benefits, enter the party, it will be difficult to guarantee the party's advanced nature and purity, and even bring serious losses to the party. Therefore, the party organization regards the motive of correcting the party as the most basic requirement for the comrades applying for membership, and examines the motives for joining the party comrades to join the party and helping them to correct the motives of joining the party, as an important link and measure to ensure the quality of the new party members. To develop new party members, we can only correct those who have been motivated to join the party, and perform well in reform, opening up, and modernization. Those who do have the conditions of party members absorb the recent ones; those whose motives are not pure can never be absorbed into the party.

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