Party and group related > Party writing guidance

How to write a party application?

How to write a party application?

Anyone who meets the provisions of Article 1 of the "Party Constitution" may apply to the party organization for joining the party. Generally speaking, students who are required to join the party should submit a written application to the party organization. Although the application for joining the party does not have a fixed writing format, it should include the following basic contents:

title. The title is “Application for joining the party” or “Application for joining the party”.

call. Write the name of the party organization that accepts the application for membership in the top line of the headline, followed by a colon. For example, "Party Branch:", "Party Committee:" or "Party Organization:".

text. Generally includes the following:

1 Why do you want to join the party. Mainly write his own understanding of the party and the motivation to join the party, indicating his desire to join the party. We must contact our thoughts to talk about our own understanding of the party, and we must not break away from our own ideological reality, copying books and copying newspapers, and talking about generalization theory.

2 Your own political beliefs, growth experiences and situations in thought, work, study, style, etc., as well as their own strengths and weaknesses and their future efforts.

3 Treating the attitude, determination and how to take part in the party organization as soon as possible. The above is the main part of the application for joining the party. In addition, applicants for membership can write a separate material or attach a party to their personal resume, family members, major social relationships, and their own political and historical issues or rewards, disciplinary actions, etc. that need to be explained to the organization. The application form is handed over to the party organization.

Signature and date. In the second half of the next line of the text, sign the name of the applicant, and indicate the date on which the party application is written, ie the year, month and day of the Gregorian calendar.

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