Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the teaching of high school biology

Part 1: Reflection on the teaching of high school biology

In this school year, I worked as a biology teacher in the second class, class, class, class, and five classes. There are also liberal arts classes and science classes. Because students have different foundations, teaching methods and teaching methods are different, they need to constantly adjust their roles and emotions.

I have accumulated a little teaching experience and teaching methods. Its teaching is indeed different from the teaching of other subjects. I want to talk about the reflection of biology teaching methods here.

As a science based on experiments, the biology class studies the movement of all matter in the natural world, the material structure and changes, and the basic laws of material interaction. It has strong practicality and scientific rigor. At the same time, as a basic science, it has a wide range of applications and rapid innovation. Today, in the natural world and the continuous development and changes of human society, each of our biology teachers should constantly change educational concepts, update educational thoughts, reform teaching models, and improve teaching methods and methods so that students have solid basic knowledge and scientific and realistic attitudes. Flexible thinking and a strong sense of innovation. This requires us to firmly grasp the three principles of "seeking truth, entering the living, seeking newness" in the classroom teaching, and constantly obtaining new teaching results. Biological classroom teaching should be linked to the actual. Focus on application. This is not only an inevitable manifestation of the characteristics of biology, but also an expression of the urgent need to adapt to the education of vegetarianism. Strengthen the classroom demonstration experiment teaching. In addition to the demonstration experiments that must be done in the textbook, the teacher should be good at observing. Excavate the biological principles in the biological examples, design some experimental devices to demonstrate in the classroom, and stimulate students' interest in learning.

Classroom teaching is focused on preparation, teaching and thinking, thinking and thinking, and thinking. Rethinking the design of teaching should adhere to the spirit of "learning by learning" and must have strong predictability.

Strategies and methods to solve these problems can be conceived. This considers the scientific and rationality of the teaching plan, which mainly includes four aspects: 1 object analysis. Only by fully understanding the students and self-reflecting according to the actual situation of the students can we scientifically determine the starting point, depth and breadth of the teaching. 2 textbook analysis. First of all, we must go through the teaching materials and take a bird's eye view of the overall situation. Secondly, intensive reading of textbooks, grasp the key points and difficulties; again, extensive reading of textbooks, more involved in hunting. In this way, some content can be deleted, exchanged and supplemented in order to analyze whether the order presented in the textbook can be directly used as the teaching order. In the teaching of heavy and difficult points, the teaching objectives are different from the actual students. For example, when formulating the semester teaching progress plan, the order of the textbooks should be adjusted appropriately. For example, "mitosis" and "meiosis" are combined, "meiosis" is combined with "general laws of inheritance", and the "photosynthesis" of the elective is combined with the "photosynthetic" of the compulsory book. 3 teaching organization, including question design, organizational form, feedback strategy. 4 overall evaluation. Teaching characteristics, teaching effects, teaching confusion and improvement programs. This kind of reflection can make teaching a conscious practice.

Reflections in class, the following are the places I should improve in my future classes.

You should do more exercises, so you can quickly grasp the key points, difficulties and frequent test sites. After each lesson, students can be asked to recite relevant key knowledge within the specified time. Respond promptly to students who do not listen carefully, do not make notebooks, or do not have textbooks. They can be allowed to copy notes or textbooks during self-study classes, or to recite textbooks.

Timely summarizing and testing each chapter, and timely commenting, encourage students who have passed the exam.

In the last few minutes of each lesson, students are given some simple questions to enhance their self-confidence.

More examples to make students understand more. For example, when the ecosystem has a certain degree of automatic adjustment, the textbook is exemplified by the following: If there are too many livestock stocked on the grassland, the grassland vegetation will be seriously damaged, and the land will be desertified, and the grassland will be difficult to recover. Students can understand the words “too much”, “too much”, “very” and “very”, but if the teacher changes the example in the lecture: If it is suitable for grazing 1000 sheep, you put 2000 What will happen? This way the students deepen their understanding and memory.

Of course, in the actual teaching work, I still have some shortcomings. For example, the classroom language is flat, the language is not vivid enough, and it is not enough to guide students to play the main role.

The study of the new biological curriculum standards is not deep enough, and there are not enough thoughts in the practice of the new curriculum. It is impossible to record some teaching ideas and problems in time for reflection;

In short, teaching is an art that requires teachers to continue to learn, summarize, and reflect upon innovation, that is, to have a clear anticipation of everything that occurs in class before class, and to be able to teach the class after class. The related experience has risen to a new teaching concept. In teaching, it can appropriately reflect according to various educational phenomena, so as to reflect and practice its own teaching style and teaching characteristics. Brubach pointed out: "Reflexive practice is a tool for teachers to improve their teaching practices within their powers and become better, more efficient and more creative."

Part 2: Reflection on the teaching of high school biology

Cultivate students' self-learning ability, let the concept of cooperation and inquiry guide their teaching, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching more effectively. This is a realistic problem that teachers must think under the new situation.

The relationship between teachers and students is equal. In the appreciation education, the relationship between the teacher and the student is equal. The teacher is not an offensive authority in front of the student, and the student is not a humble person who is obedient. Only teachers and students can establish a democratic and equal relationship. Only when students have a sense of security can they be full of confidence and their thinking can be activated. Only then can they dare to ask questions and dare to question them. In this way, for the active participation of students, a relaxed and pleasant, democratic and harmonious environment atmosphere is created, which encourages students to have a strong desire for knowledge, that is, to kiss their teachers and learn their own ways. Successful teaching relies on a harmonious and safe classroom atmosphere. The establishment of this atmosphere requires some means, such as gentle eyes, eagerly hope, strengthen the emotional communication between teachers and students, and make students rely more on teachers, thus arousing students more. Great learning enthusiasm, this is the key to students learning good creatures.

It is necessary to cultivate students' problem awareness. Teachers' belief in students is a tremendous inspiration. Mr. Tao Xingzhi also advised us: "Your coach has watts, your cold eyes have Newton, and your hunger has Edison." As a teacher, you should believe that every student has a hope of success, every student. All have the potential for success, and the role of teachers is to awaken the confidence of students to reflect on the "student problem consciousness". The old saying goes: "Learn from thinking, think in doubt." "Small doubts are small, and big doubts are big." It can be seen that the importance of “questioning” is that in biology teaching, it is also the starting point for cultivating students' insight and inspiring students' creative thinking. For example, the knowledge of respiration of fresh high school students is very close to the reality of each person. There are also many problems worth considering, but at present our students' problem awareness is very weak. The enthusiasm of students to discover and raise questions in the classroom has become lower and lower with the rise of grades. This phenomenon is indeed worth pondering. The specific manifestation of weak student awareness: not willing or unwilling to ask questions. Curiosity is common to all, but due to the influence of traditional educational thoughts, although students have certain problem awareness, they are afraid that the questions raised are too simple or have little connection with classroom teaching. Teachers and students think that knowledge is shallow and afraid of interruption. The teacher's teaching ideas and plans were rejected by the teacher, so the students' problem consciousness did not show up and was a potential state. For teachers, it is to stimulate students' problem awareness and make it work. Can't ask questions or be good at asking questions Because of the influence of traditional teaching and learning thoughts, students are passively accepting knowledge for a long time, causing students to be unsatisfactory, thinking inertia, inconsistency or lack of problem, and unable or not good at asking questions. In response to the above situation, formulate its strategy: communicate the feelings of teachers and students, and create an equal and democratic teaching atmosphere. Infiltrate case education and recognize the "problem" consciousness. Create problem situations and stimulate interest in questions. Conduct evaluation activities to stimulate interest in questions. Intensive activity courses to promote independent learning.

To sum up, the cultivation of students' problem consciousness first requires our teachers to change their teaching concepts and change the teaching mode. In the process of classroom teaching, we will continue to explore teaching methods to cultivate students' problem awareness, create a good educational environment, and promote students' innovation. The development of spiritual and innovative abilities, but there are also a series of problems, that is, the organization of teaching in the classroom has a corresponding difficulty, often easy to release.

The role of the teacher should also change, that is, the teacher should be transformed from a knowledge transferer to a student learning facilitator.

Teachers are collaborators of students' classroom learning and interlocutors who work with students. The traditional teaching mode is basically teacher lectures and student listening. Modern education theory holds that teaching is the unity of the teaching of teachers and the learning of students. The essence of this unity is communication. Teaching is a kind of dialogue, a kind of communication, cooperation and co-construction. It is to promote learning and mutual learning. Teachers not only impart knowledge, but also share their understanding of the course with the students. It is an important task of the new curriculum reform to change the relationship between teachers and students and establish a harmonious, democratic and equal teacher-student relationship through exchanges. Therefore, teachers should lay down the shelf of dignity, should go down from the podium, should become friends with students, and enable students to learn in communication and cooperation with teachers, so that students should learn from the discussion between students and students, so that they really feel The learning process is a pleasant process of experience, and the realization of this change is actually very difficult.

Teachers are the motivators of student learning and development in the classroom. Students should be encouraged to choose the learning style that suits them, respect the students' learning personality, and help students achieve sustainable development.

Teachers are developers of biological resources and learning resources in the biology classroom. Teachers should be good at discovering, grasping, and cultivating educational resources in the classroom, and effectively cultivating students' learning habits, inquiry ability, innovation ability, and biological practice ability.

Only when these roles change in the role of the teacher, the classroom will truly become the main classroom for teachers and students, and the main position for students to learn independently, and the students will truly become the masters of the biology classroom.

Organize teaching with the core of inquiry and practice. The biological teaching that is separated from the inquiry and practice can not meet the requirements of the new curriculum standard in the future. Only after careful exploration and personal practice can the students' biological ability be effectively improved. The basic strategy of teaching and learning with the core of inquiry and practice is to start with an example, so that students can find problems, ask questions, and then explore in groups. Each group of students carefully analyzes the experimental phenomena, makes assumptions about the proposed problems, and then proposes a feasible design. Implementation of the program. The teams analyzed or experimented with the design and the team concluded. Teachers and students jointly analyzed the conclusions of each group and finally explored the results. Encourage students to identify problems and ask questions throughout the inquiry process. However, for the entire inquiry process, it is necessary to do the best, and to be small and real, it must first be divergent and then concentrated. For example, the teaching of "Growing Sucrose Discovery" can bend the plant on the window sill to the light source to guide the students to observe the phenomenon and ask questions → make assumptions → design plan → implementation plan → draw conclusions → exchange results. In this way, with inquiry and practice as the core, the teacher's explanation and analysis are completely abandoned, and the students are pushed to the position of the master of the classroom. The students' enthusiasm and initiative can be fully utilized to develop the potential of students to learn biology and improve their learning ability. Thereby effectively cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability.

Part 3: My Teaching Story: Reflections on the Teaching of High School Biology

Reflection on the teaching of this semester:

The second high school biology is the connecting part of high school biology, but the high school biology is difficult to learn. This is the consensus of the people. The high school biology is difficult, the difficulty is large, and the gap between the student ability and the high school biology teaching requirements is difficult. High school biology teachers must seriously study textbooks and students, master the gradient of biology teaching in primary and high school, grasp the convergence of biology teaching in primary and high school, and teach high school biology so that students can successfully complete high school biology learning tasks.

The teaching of Gaoyi biology is based on observation and experiment. The content of the textbook is simple. The research questions are mostly single objects and theoretical simple questions, which are easy for students to accept. High school biology teaching is based on observation experiment, abstract thinking and mathematical methods. It involves the multiple problems of the research object, multiple processes, and dynamic complex problems. It is difficult for students to accept.

The teaching of high school biology is based on intuitive teaching, and the acquisition of knowledge is based on image thinking. The acquisition of high school biology knowledge is based on abstract thinking. The high school biology teaching requires the transition from image thinking to abstract thinking. . Therefore, the requirements for students' reasoning and judgment ability are greatly improved, and it is difficult for high school students to adapt.

To do a good job in the connection between biology teaching in junior high school and high school

1. The second-year biology teacher should understand the teaching methods and textbook structure of the high school biology, know what knowledge the high school students have learned, what level they have mastered, and the ways to obtain this knowledge. Based on this, the high school biology teaching materials and student status analysis and research High school teaching difficulties, set a reasonable level of teaching, implement appropriate teaching methods, reduce the "steps", protect the enthusiasm of students' biological learning, and enable students to establish the confidence of starting high school biology.

2. In teaching, we must adhere to the principle of gradual and gradual, spiraling upward.

3. Explain the concept and laws of biology, so that students can master the basic knowledge and cultivate students' biological thinking ability. In teaching, we must strive to create conditions, establish vivid biological scenarios, and guide students through their own observation, comparison, analysis, induction and other thought processes, from intuitive perception to abstract deep understanding, to make them accurate, vivid and profound. Incorporate into your own cognitive structure, try to avoid the problem of “cooking raw rice”.

4. Pay attention to the establishment of biological thought and the training of biological methods

5. Strengthen the cultivation of students' good study habits

To cultivate students' good study habits, the first is to cultivate students' habits and abilities to think independently.

Develop students' self-learning ability to have lifelong learning ability.

Cultivate students to prepare for the first class and then attend classes, review and re-work, and summarize the good study habits summarized in time.

In short, we must proceed from the actual situation of students, follow the development rules of students' thinking, pay attention to the cultivation of students' good study habits, and adhere to the principle of gradual and orderly progress in order to successfully complete the high school biology tasks.

Part 4: Reflections on high school biology teaching under the new curriculum reform

The reflection of biology teaching under the new curriculum reform is not only a general review or repetition of teaching activities, but also the teacher's exposure to the overall biological teaching situation, and the awakening of self-consciousness from the perspective of social practice and emotional values. Reflections on the biology teaching under the new curriculum reform, I think it should include the following aspects:

First, reflection on the concept of teaching.

In the past, teachers' educational concepts were often formed under non-active conditions. Without the practice reflection of teachers, they were often simply repeated or copied, and their effects were not ideal. Therefore, teachers should carry out the study of new curriculum concepts, actively reflect on their own teaching concepts, promote the renewal and transformation of educational concepts at a deep level, and guide teaching practice.

Such as: "Human development and utilization of unreasonable natural resources." The author said with ease and pleasure: "Students, according to historians, six thousand years ago, Shaanxi and Ganxiao were beautiful places, full of vitality, where the mountains and rivers were beautiful, the trees were towering, the grass was everywhere, and the birds and flowers were everywhere." . When it comes to this, the students are filled with joy because of the emotional emotion of the teacher, and the love for the beautiful nature is born. Then he said with a heavy heart: "Because of the negative consequences caused by people deforestation, grassland, lake construction, environmental pollution, etc., the ecosystem has been damaged. Students, we must have environmental awareness and sustainable development. path of". When it comes to this, the emotions of teachers and students resonate, and resonance occurs in the near future, and the effect of teaching is optimized. The new biological curriculum standard not only puts forward specific and practical requirements for the teaching of biological knowledge, but also puts forward specific operational goals for the cultivation of students' ability and methods, the formation of students' emotional attitudes and values. "Cultivating students' essential bio-literacy" is one of the basic concepts of the high school biology curriculum. Our classroom teaching must be more in line with the requirements of quality education, and must be conducive to the sustainable development of students and help them form a correct biological concept.

Second, reflection on teaching design.

In the process of biology teaching, teachers should actively reflect on the suitability of teaching design and teaching practice, constantly think about teaching objectives, teaching aid preparation, teaching methods and other aspects, and actively improve, so as to optimize teaching and effectively promote students' learning.

For example, when learning the concept of "stress", I will do a simple small experiment: use a blackboard to beat the desk table and make a sound. As a result, the students follow the sound. After the introduction of this situation, I analyze the experimental phenomenon, and the students can easily The concept of stress, "sound" is stimulation, "wait and see" is reaction, and the phenomenon that organisms respond to stimuli is stress. It turns out that this kind of teaching students are very interested, and it is much better to convert the abstract content into an intuitive and visual thing than to infuse it.

Third, the reflection of teaching methods.

First, class teaching should be directed to all students, to take care of the vast majority of students, after class, not only to counsel students with good academic performance, but more importantly, to counsel students with learning difficulties. I remember that some people said that "teachers do not need to cultivate their feelings for good students." In the usual teaching process, teachers intentionally or unintentionally spend too much energy and time on students with good grades, the focus of teaching and counseling. Naturally, students who are good at grades are inclined to see students who have difficulties as poor students, and they lack encouragement and help to them. It seems that they do not exist, which makes good students learn better and poor students. Directly leads to a two-level differentiation of overall performance. Therefore, teachers should pay special attention to students who have difficulty learning, and be careful not to let the so-called difference be generated as a “forgotten group”.

Second, cultivate students' awareness of participation, so that they have sufficient hands-on, dynamic, and brain-splitting time, and students' thinking can get real exercise, reflecting the main role of students. Therefore, in the classroom teaching, the teacher should change the role of the impartor who mainly explains the knowledge, and strive to become a listener who is good at listening to the students' ideas.

Third, the teaching methods are diversified. Appropriate use of modern teaching methods to improve teaching efficiency, provide more teaching platforms for the education of the new era, and inject fresh blood into the traditional teaching mode of "a chalk, a mouth, a blackboard and ink." In addition to traditional teaching methods such as questioning students, group discussions, asking students to check materials, and writing small papers, teachers can also use multimedia teaching methods—projectors, audio and video, multimedia courseware, especially to make complex life. Phenomenon demos and other audiovisual equipment and means. In addition to enhancing the attraction of students, increasing the fun and visual impact of the classroom, it is more important to provide students with a large amount of rich and sensible materials, breaking through the limitations of traditional teaching methods in time and space, and Many phenomena and processes that cannot be expressed by teaching methods are vividly expressed and achieve good teaching results.

Fourth, reflection on the teaching process.

The new curriculum standard advocates “inquiring learning”. It is reflected in the training of students' ability to explore, solve problems and apply knowledge; strengthen the requirements for students to collect information; the total amount of knowledge is reduced and less refined; the content of biotechnology is increased. This kind of inquiry-based learning model puts high demands on teachers. Teachers must have high research ability, rich teaching design plans and knowledge reserves, which can regulate students' learning disabilities at any time, and can make correct research results for students. Evaluation. For example, when analyzing the content of the "Pneumococcal Transformation Experiment", the textbook does not indicate how the bacteria are transformed, and what is the mechanism of the transformation. Therefore, when the teacher prepares the lesson, on the basis of specifying "the principle of the experimental design, the key to success", the following inquiry questions should be designed: the R type bacteria are converted into the S type bacteria, and the R type bacteria are "killed". The S-type bacterium is revived, or is there an active substance in the S-type bacteria that is "killed" to convert the R-type bacteria into S-type bacteria? If it is the latter, what is the active substance? How is the active substance? When the R-type bacteria are transformed into the S-type bacteria, the teachers can only do a good job in designing the teaching materials when they prepare the teaching materials.

Fifth, reflection on teaching skills.

First, the language is beautiful. The teacher's language should be scientific and beautiful. Language is the externalized form of consciousness, the tone of swaying, the beautiful and beautiful language, which not only makes students enjoy beautiful language, but also has a direct impact on physics teaching. In the classroom, teachers' eloquent descriptions, concise explanations, flexible teaching methods, and flexible operation of language, appropriate use of metaphor, borrowing, comparison, exaggeration, comparison, rhetoric, and other rhetorical devices, It enhances the teaching effect and enables students to have a pleasant feeling in the mind.

Second, the board is exquisite. A hand-made beautiful word makes the teacher feel that the teacher is the embodiment of beauty. Therefore, the board should be laid out reasonably, outline, clear, and dignified. In this way, students will be motivated and encouraged, students will love the house and the Ukrainian, learn the creatures.

Third, the courseware is used reasonably. Pay attention to the selection of courseware content. By exerting its advantages, it can greatly enhance students' interest in learning and enhance their appeal. For example, the conduction of nerve excitement, nerve impulses are transmitted in the form of electric current. Although the current is real, it is invisible and intangible. The students are Unobserved. If you rely on the students themselves to imagine, the difficulty is greater, and the use of multimedia courseware in the form of a film, abstracted into an intuitive, image, which helps students understand and master the "neural impulse conduction" knowledge point, breakthrough The difficulties and priorities of this section.

Sixth, reflection after the teaching class.

In teaching, we must not only pay attention to the students' classroom learning, but also obtain the feedback of teaching feedback through the homework after class. We often find the teaching content and exercises that teachers explain in the classroom. Students can't do it during the exam. The reason is that there are many reasons. One of the important reasons is that the acquisition of knowledge is not learned by the students themselves, but by the teachers. Therefore, it is more important for us to teach students how to learn than to teach students knowledge itself.

Teaching reflection is an important part of teachers' teaching activities, and it is a positive, continuous, thorough and in-depth self-regulating thinking of teachers in order to achieve teaching goals. Looking back on the biology teaching for many years, after teaching reflection, leaving one's own strength, taking the superiority of others, playing their own short, enriching their professional knowledge and broadening their theoretical horizons, and promoting the formation of personal characteristic teaching style, making themselves Keep growing and move from the labyrinth of experience to the temple of wisdom as soon as possible.

Chapter 5: Reflections on High School Biology Teaching

Reflection on classroom situation creation

The introduction of a good situation can play a key role in the success of classroom teaching. Fan Wenzhi's teaching reflection: high school biology teaching reflection.

Reflection 1: One more reality, one less form.

The creation of the situation does play a certain role in the teaching, but it must be related to the teaching content, and can not engage in formalism. For example, the teaching situation of the high school "Biology" "the main bearer of life activities - protein" was created. The teacher asked: "Have you seen protein? Do you know what protein has to do? If you want to synthesize protein, you think you should do it first. What kind of work to avoid detours? Students enumerate the role of protein and protein in life. For the last question, students answered the need to know the type and number of amino acids that make up the protein and the order of the amino acids. Transition: "Students know how amino acid amino acids form proteins. This is the main content we want to learn today." After talking about the structure and function of proteins, students are organized to discuss the meaning of human research proteins. And appropriate emotional values ​​education, teaching reflection on "high school biology teaching reflection."

Such situational creation can be closely linked to the teaching content. The key is that the questions raised by the teachers play a leading role, let the students speak the main content of this lesson, and stimulate the initiative of students.

Reflection 2: One more creative, one less casual

Situation creation comes from real life, but it needs to be highly concentrated and refined to overcome the randomness of creation. If necessary, it can be processed appropriately, which can meet the actual needs of classroom teaching and achieve teaching goals. The teaching of "cell differentiation" is introduced by the true story of a German gymnast and her leukemia son. The teacher asked: “With regard to leukemia, how do you know how white blood cells in normal people are produced?” Through the discussion of this issue, students are able to generalize the concept of cell differentiation. The teacher asked: "We just discussed the normal white blood cell production, how the abnormal white blood cells in the patient's body are cancer cells." Let students read the teaching materials with questions and organize students to discuss related content, such as cancer cell production, carcinogenic factors, cancer. Characteristics of cells and measures to prevent cancer. Transition: “What treatment options are available for patients?” The students replied: “Chemotherapy and radiotherapy and transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells.” The teacher asked: “What are the defects in the radiotherapy and chemotherapy program?” Organize student discussion. Transition: "On the drug side, scientists are trying to find some anticancer drugs with less side effects such as paclitaxel." And provide information on paclitaxel. The teacher asked "how to multiply the red bean shirt to meet the demand for paclitaxel." And implement the versatility of plant cells. Transition: "The students just proposed a second program to transplant hematopoietic stem cells. What are stem cells, and other stem cells in addition to stem cells?" Play stem cell films, organize students to draw conceptual maps to summarize stem cell types. Reappearing the situation: The doctor hopes to transplant the hematopoietic stem cells to the athlete's son, but the matching failed. In this case, what other methods are available to obtain a discussion plan for the hematopoietic stem cell tissue needed to treat the patient. The intent of this question led to the cloning of animals and the versatility of animal cells. Teacher's summary: "We have just discussed some options for treating leukemia, but some programs are not limited by many factors, so there are still many patients on the verge of life and death, what should we do for them?" Organize student discussions and timely encourage Students feel the true feelings of their patients.

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