Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Math exam reflection 1000 words

Reflection on Mathematical Examination 1000 Words Fan Wenyi: Student Reflection

In the mid-term exam that just ended, I made a lot of mistakes that should not be made.
I know that the teacher has great expectations for me, but I still haven't tested it. I am very sorry about this. But since I made a mistake, I have to correct it. Therefore, I have thought a lot of things that I must learn in the future.
First of all, I have to get rid of the bad habit of not carefully reading the subject. Sometimes I often write the problem in front of the topic, but it is a lot wrong. This may also be related to the answering skills. In short, through the practice in the future, I must seriously review the questions in the process of the exam, self-study questions, and look at the subject. When time permits, you should check it a few times. You are absolutely not allowed to make another unnecessary mistake like this.
Secondly, I also want to strengthen the practice of English. After passing the exam, I finally realized that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside. On weekdays, everyone is getting together to do the same problem, and there is no obvious difference. However, when I took the test, I found out that so many exam questions were not seen by me. Just blame the exercises you bought and do less. I can't allow myself to continue this way. Therefore, I must redouble my efforts to learn from this exam, increase my strength, prepare for the next exam, and lay a solid foundation.
Exam skills are expensive to practice. In life, I have to strengthen my practice and review. I have to make a detailed review plan before the exam. I am no longer in a hurry and have no direction. In the daily life study, learn to accumulate, accumulate good English words, accumulate difficult English topics, and accumulate English grammar projects. It is also a good way to improve your English by doing exercises such as completing the blanks.
After all, the midterm exam is not a final exam. I still have a chance. On the next exam, I will work harder to prevent teachers, parents and classmates from being disappointed. Don't let yourself down.
For the teacher, I hope that the teacher will not lose confidence in me, although I am not ideal this time, but I believe in my strength. I will definitely work hard on the next exam!
After all, it is better to write better than yourself. I can really communicate with the teacher and find out my own shortcomings. The whole test can be used in three words to describe "the smell is sad, see the tears, and you can’t bear it!" In that moment, I held my breath. I was dumbfounded by the two bright and conspicuous figures in front of me. God, my language score has a historic "breakthrough"! It’s only a short step away from passing. This achievement is unprecedented, but I don't know if it is the last.
The so-called melons are melons, and the beans are beans. I am eating it myself. Hey, I know that today, why should I be at the beginning? The ancients said: "The wind is bleak, and the water is cold." I sigh today: "I am finished after the exam is over!" I don’t think I’m good at myself. I’m going to fall into this field now. When it comes to the reasons, there are many aspects. The first and foremost thing is of course that you don’t know your efforts and you don’t have the spirit of perseverance. Some are just three minutes of heat. This kind of bad habit is the main raw material for failure. Of course, from ancient times to the present, all things that can't be done are inseparable from the weather, the land, the people, and the three. The goddess of fortune passed away from me, and did not get her favor, how can we not fall into the abyss of failure? ? How high can climb, how deep can fall, I will appreciate it.
Take a look at the test paper and it’s shocking! That one wrong fork is like a sharp bayonet, and I am about to suffocate. The pair is not right, the meeting will not. Tonight will be staged a family-type table tennis match, men's singles, women's singles or mixed doubles. Ah, my life is resting!
The little test revealed the complacency in my heart, the arrogance. Let me know how small and how vulnerable I am among the people! This is also a small punishment for me, it sounded the alarm for me, and also gave me a vaccination in advance. A failure is nothing, and failure may be a precursor to success. A success can't prove anything, it will eventually become history. We can't be unpredictable, we can only rely on our own contribution, and look forward to fruitful gains!
Work hard, the rest of the time is running out...

Reflection on Mathematical Examination 1000 Words Fan Wen 2: Student Reflection

Time passed quickly and never stopped. Destiny is in our hands, and we have a stance of depicting one's life.
When the flowers are always withered, so are people, and cherish the time of youth. I don't always cherish the bits and pieces of my life. Just like cherishing treasures, every second is a treasure, and I am wasting my entertainment. Many people do not appreciate the true meaning of "treasure".
After this midterm exam, I realized that time is precious and I should cherish time.
This time, I didn't test well in mathematics. I have a taste that I can't tell. Oh, I only scored 72 points. I began to feel inferior, as if the sky was not as blue as usual, but rather dim. The flame of hope in my heart has been extinguished, and I lost hope for mathematics.
I seem to leave this competitive world, I hope there is no trouble, but failure can't be avoided. This is the test that nature has given us! Yes, failure is the mother of success. Finally, one day, I will be on the road to success!
At this point, I understand, I know how to cherish time and spend spare time on learning. The sixth grade is tight, and can't be like it used to be. I also remembered a text we had learned - "Be the best of you": "...but success has never been easy. Many times, you have to grit your teeth and stick to it..." This text is deep. Deeply remembered in my heart. As long as we work hard, we can be successful.
"The beginning of man, the nature is good." This sentence tells us that every life is kind, just like our study, the results are controlled in our hands, and the fate is changed by us.
Now, the dark clouds drifted from my heart, the rain was fine, the sun was shining on the earth, and the rainbow was hanging on the horizon. Inferiority disappeared, and confidence swayed in my heart.
Come on! Next time!

Reflection on Mathematical Examination 1000 Words Fan Wensan: Teacher Reflection

The reason why the exam was not tested is summarized as follows:
1 I didn't develop meticulous and serious habits. When I was taking the test, I was careless and careless. As a result, many problems were done but they were deducted or not.
2 The preparation is not sufficient. Chairman Mao said that he would not fight unprepared. The implication is that it is difficult to win without preparation. I have not acted in accordance with this sentence, which led to the loss of this test.
3 There is no contradiction between good interest and course learning. I have a lot of interest. As a person, a complete person, a clear person, of course, should not be the same as the machine, so that my interest is wiped out without any reason, so not only miserable and ignorant, but if it is seriously delayed due to his own interests Learning is not good, not only bad, sometimes it is not worth the candle.
What should I do if I fail? Serious reflection is the first:
First, what is the reason for this failure? Think hard and explore the root causes;
Second, what are you going to do next? Determine your goals, don't be willing to go because of failure, but measure yourself correctly. See what you want, where your strengths are, what the weakness is;
Third, determine the target. Make clear what you want, make plans, and follow the steps.
Failure is not terrible, terrible is a lack of scorn and blind pursuit.
Mathematics is one of the required subjects, so we must study mathematics seriously from the beginning. So, how can we learn mathematics well? Several methods are now presented for reference:
First, pay attention to listening in the class, review in time after class.
The acceptance of new knowledge and the cultivation of mathematics ability are mainly carried out in the classroom, so it is necessary to pay attention to the efficiency of learning within the class and to seek the correct learning method. In the course of class, we must follow the teacher's ideas, actively develop the following steps in thinking and predicting the differences between the problem-solving ideas and the teachers. In particular, we must grasp the basic knowledge and basic skills of learning, and review it in time to avoid doubts. First of all, we must recall the knowledge points of the teacher before doing various exercises, correctly grasp the reasoning process of various formulas, and celebrate as much as possible without using the unclear book. Seriously and independently complete the homework, diligently thinking, in a certain sense, should not cause learning style that does not understand and ask questions. For some problems, because of their own unclear ideas, it is difficult to solve them at a time. Let them calm down and analyze the problems carefully. , try to solve it yourself. In each stage of learning, we should organize and summarize and summarize the points, lines and faces of knowledge into a knowledge network and incorporate it into our own knowledge system.
Second, properly do more questions, develop a good habit of solving problems.
If you want to learn mathematics well, it is inevitable to do more questions, and be familiar with the problem-solving ideas of various types of questions. At the beginning, we should start with the basic questions, take the exercises on the textbook as the standard, practice and lay the foundations repeatedly, and then find some extracurricular exercises to help develop ideas, improve their analytical and solving skills, and master the general rules of solving problems. For some error-prone questions, you can prepare a set of wrong questions, write your own problem-solving ideas and the correct problem-solving process to find out where your mistakes are, so that you can correct them in time. In the usual time to develop a good habit of solving problems. Let your energy be highly concentrated, make your brain excited, quick-thinking, get into the best state, and be able to use it freely in the exam. Practice has proved that the more you go to the critical time, the habits you solve are the same as usual practice. If you usually solve problems casually, carelessly, carelessly, etc., they are often fully exposed in the college entrance examination, so it is very important to develop good problem-solving habits in peacetime.
Third, adjust the mentality and treat the exam correctly.
First of all, the main focus should be on the three aspects of basic knowledge, basic skills, and basic methods, because most of the exams are basic topics, and those with difficult problems and comprehensive problems are used as adjustments. Seriously think about it, try to get yourself to figure out the clues, and sum up and summarize after completing the questions. Adjust your mindset so that you can calm down at any time, and your ideas are methodical, overcoming impetuous emotions. In particular, I must have confidence in myself and always encourage myself. No one can beat me down. I have to be self-defeating and no one can beat my pride. Be prepared before the exam, practice the routine questions, and develop your own ideas. It is forbidden to improve the speed of problem solving under the premise of ensuring the correct rate. For some easy basic questions, you must have 12 points to get the full score; for some problems, you should try to get points. You should learn to try points in the exam to make your level normal or even supernormal. It can be seen that if you want to learn mathematics well, you must find a suitable learning method, understand the characteristics of mathematics, and let yourself enter the vast world of mathematics.

Mathematical Examination Reflection 1000 Words Fan Wensi: Teacher Reflection

As time went by, my third year students spent another half of the semester. During this time, I have had joy and confusion. There are gains and failures. The midterm exam is over, and the two classes I have brought are not ideal. As a third-year math teacher, I am constantly rethinking why students' grades are not high. In the face of that little bit of tenderness, I think it should be more of awakening. In conjunction with this midterm exam, I will do the following analysis:
First, the student side
1. The students are not careful enough when reading the questions, and there are even some missing questions. According to the invigilator, after the students get the test papers, they are not looking around, they are doing small moves, and they are not serious about reading the questions. Therefore, the ability of students to do their own work needs to be strengthened.
2, students do not understand the ability; especially in the comprehensive application. The problem is a smattering. Not comprehensive enough.
3, students lack the necessary sense of responsibility for the achievement of knowledge, many students do not care, at that time can understand, after a few days and forgot.
4, a considerable part of the students' basic knowledge is not solid, but off. There are several students in this exam who even add, subtract, multiply, and divide four operations. It is because the knowledge of the knowledge is not solid and not solid, which leads to the failure to make a mistake. There are still some students who are not flexible enough in thinking, and are not flexible enough to apply the knowledge they have learned. The questions are slightly “turned a corner” and they cannot be answered. In addition, because the questions are not careful enough, they are also easy to lose points. The reason for the loss is mostly to make a sloppy question, not careful, to misread or miss the number. It also includes some eugenics.
Cause Analysis:
1. For rural students, some parents work outside for a long time. The children's life and study cannot be taken care of and guided by their parents, and they become left-behind children. These students become free to slow down and learn without autonomy when they are unsupervised and supervised at home.
2, some students do not listen carefully in class, usually do not take homework seriously, did not put their minds on learning.
3. The students' grades are not high. It is also because many students are not interested in mathematics learning and cannot learn consciously and independently. I have encountered problems that I don’t understand, and I don’t even bother to ask questions. Even some students simply don’t know what their knowledge is, and they are confused all day. Students' interest in learning is very important. Many students are not interested in learning. They can't concentrate on listening to classes. After class, they can't learn independently, and their grades can't be improved. Moreover, according to the information learned by the home visit, many students are not conscious at home, and a considerable number of students return home to complete the homework of the day, and can't talk about the preview and review.
Second, the teacher
Of course, the results of the student test are not satisfactory. As a teacher of the class, I also have an unshirkable responsibility.
1. The teaching materials are not deep enough, the penetration of knowledge is not high, the students are not strong enough to master the knowledge; the teaching objectives are not clear, the classroom is random; the teaching focus is not prominent, the regularity cannot be grasped, and the knowledge is not in place. .
2. There are too few types of exercises designed in teaching; the practice design is unscientific, there is no hierarchy, and the practice efficiency is low.
3. The requirements for students' learning and work habits are not strict enough.
4. Patience counseling for underachievers is not enough.
5. It is not timely enough to consolidate the knowledge points learned by each class.
Third, the measures taken
In the face of the above problems, in order to better complete the teaching tasks of this semester, the following measures will be taken in the future teaching:
1. Adjust the teaching method in time to achieve one step at a time.
2, for students with learning difficulties, let them know why they are poor, where is the difference, at the same time, find out the shining points on them, let them courage, fight for the first, strive to catch up with the middle school students; excellent students, let them usually Not only must you manage yourself, but you will always be able to help students with difficulties. Carry out the "one-on-one" teaching activities, so that every outstanding student will make friends with students with poor grades, and be teachers with each other, help each other, and make progress together.
3. Create a relaxed and democratic learning environment, so that all students can develop the enthusiasm of learning mathematics, consolidate the foundation, and make progress every day, and believe in the truth of suffering.
4. Strengthen classroom routine management and improve classroom efficiency. The third grade is an important turning point in the national ministry, and the development of learning habits is crucial. Therefore, we must focus on the habits of students, such as writing habits, listening habits, correcting wrong habits, listening habits, thinking habits, and so on. The development of these habits is a gradual process that requires the teacher's patient guidance and supervision, and the persistence of the end. Including students' sitting posture, listening, raising their hands, respecting others and so on. Make the whole class full of vigor and upward learning atmosphere; when teachers and classmates should learn to listen when they speak, they must not only think, but also listen to other people's opinions and opinions. Only by learning to listen will they make themselves think more. Thinking is more complete; mathematics should learn to think. Only when you learn to think, can you learn mathematics. If you have your own thoughts, you will also publish and express your thoughts to others. Respect others, when others are speaking, they are not allowed. Interrupting interrupts other people's ideas, even if others say wrong or have better methods, they must be published after others have finished speaking. This is respect for others. Only by taking the regular management of the classroom can we effectively improve the efficiency of our classroom.
5. Pay attention to the development of students' good test habits. First of all, let the students relax their nervousness. After trying to curl down, first take a look at the test papers and look at the questions and questions. Focus and invest in the exam. The method of testing should also be taught to students. There are different test methods for different types of questions, which should be taught to students in peacetime. After each test, let the students do the test paper analysis and analysis.
6, home school synchronization, children progress. Strengthen the connection between parent education and school education, and appropriately teach parents some correct ways to guide their children's learning. Always keep in touch with parents and get parental support.
The above is a reflection on this midterm exam. In the second half of the semester, I will focus on improving students' interest in learning and develop good study habits. In the future teaching process, students should follow up on counseling in a timely manner and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. At the same time, humbly ask other teachers for lessons, learn from experience, and strive to improve the results in the second half of the semester.

Reflection on Mathematics Exam 1000 Words Fan Wenwu: Teacher Reflection

First, the content of the propositions of this number of test papers is more comprehensive, difficult and appropriate, and some questions are more flexible. It can not only detect the basic knowledge and basic abilities of students, but also examine the flexibility of students. Is a good test paper.
There are six major questions in this exam, including the contents of the second grade. The questions are diverse and cover a wide range. There are oral calculations, fill in the blanks, select, calculate, count, draw, solve problems, and reflect the teaching of new curriculum standards. aims. From the perspective of the paper, the students' handwriting is neat, the volume is relatively neat, the writing is serious, and the basic knowledge is relatively solid.
Second, the achievements and experience
1. The study habits are good. From the test papers of the whole class, the handwriting is neat and beautiful, and there is no doodle phenomenon. It shows that students have good daily writing habits and serious attitudes, which lays a foundation for future study and provides guarantee.
2. Students have strong computing skills. Oral calculations and pen calculations are the focus of second-year learning, and are the simplest and most error-prone content students think. More than 90% of the students in the test paper calculated the full score, indicating that the students are solid and have strong computing skills.
3. The ability of students to analyze and solve problems has been further improved compared to the previous semester. Multiple-choice students have learned to analyze and then solve. Applying questions can be closely linked to life and apply what you have learned to real life.
Third, the problems and reasons:
The ability of individual students to read, review, and analyze problems needs to be improved.
A small number of students did not develop good examination habits.
Fourth, improvement measures:
Continue to strengthen students' mastery of basic knowledge and guide students to participate in mathematics learning activities.
Continue to strengthen the training of calculations in order to improve students' computing power.
In the process of learning, we will give timely encouragement to the development of the little bit to cultivate their interest in learning and establish the self-confidence of learning.
Continue to strengthen the habits of students' good study habits and examinations.
The above is the situation of our second and third class mathematics final exams. It is also the result of my hard work. It is a powerful proof of the seriousness and rigor of our teachers' teaching work. In the future teaching work, the teaching work is done. better.

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