Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the teaching of biology in the second day

Part 1: Reflection on the teaching of biology in the country

I have been teaching biology in China for 20 years. In the process of teaching, I have to constantly reflect on teaching and then apply it to classroom teaching. After years of tempering, I have some experience in biology teaching in the country. I am presenting the following.

I. Reflection on the intellectual goal

Develop knowledge goals based on the requirements of the new curriculum standards. Do a solid grasp of the basic concepts of biological concepts, biological laws, etc. In the specific teaching, we must understand the formation process of biological essentials, and explain the definition, meaning and characteristics of biological concepts. Most of the authors of knowledge use questions to stimulate students' interactive learning. For example, Chapter 5, the respiration of plants and their use, is introduced around three issues: 1. What is breathing, please tell the breathing phenomenon around you? 2. When a person or animal is breathing, what is the difference between the inhaled gas and the exhaled gas? 3. Does the plant have any breathing? And other issues to engage in interactive discussions. One student suggested what method should be used to prove the presence of oxygen or carbon dioxide? The teaching content is thus a natural continuation.

Second, the reflection of skill goals

Biology classroom teaching should be linked to practice and focus on application. This is not only an inevitable manifestation of the characteristics of biology, but also an expression of the urgent need to adapt to the education of elementary education. In the classroom teaching, teachers should try to enumerate the examples of life and production around them, and introduce students to modern scientific and technological knowledge, which can open up students' horizons and improve students' ability to understand and solve problems. The group experiments required by the textbooks are conditional and must be carried out one by one. The experimental process focuses on the cultivation of students' practical ability. In the seventh grade, the experiment of observing human blood smears with a microscope revealed that the students had strong hands-on ability and were unexpected. They were also very interested in the experiment and praised them on the spot. Of course, the affirmation of students is also very helpful in helping students establish self-confidence. Strengthen classroom demonstration experiment teaching to stimulate students' interest in learning.

Third, reflection on emotional attitudes and values

Emotional attitudes and values ​​must be organically integrated into the course content, and consciously run through the teaching process, making it the flesh and blood of the course content and becoming the soul of the teaching process. In the process of collecting the seventh-grade plant specimens, “the students' plant specimens can help us understand a wide variety of plants and also play an important role in scientific research. So what should we do for plants?” “Please us all. Together with the care of flowers and trees, there will be no more students trampling on the lawn of the school in the future." Students also want to love the grass and trees.

four. Survive - method science, flexibility

In the classroom teaching, teachers should set the content characteristics, class characteristics, students' actual and teaching environment according to the course structure, and adopt flexible and varied teaching methods and means to achieve the best teaching effect.

Knowledge method education should be flexible. In the classroom, teachers should adopt different teaching methods according to different types of courses, and the training of thinking methods should be flexible. In the process of solving biological problems, teachers should guide students to analyze problems from different angles and different aspects, so that one question is more thoughtful, one question is changeable, one question is more solutions, and multiple questions are solved. Teachers should have purpose for students. Conduct a variety of thinking training.

Part 2: Reflections on the teaching of biology in the second day

In this semester, I worked as an eighth-grade biology teaching student. From the examination situation, the results were not ideal. Seriously review the teaching work in the past six months, and do the following teaching reflections.

In teaching, there is difficulty in learning in the middle school. After many failures, the balance of the mind is out of balance, the enthusiasm for learning, the enthusiasm for learning is reduced, and there is no progress in learning. Based on this, I tried to use the failure education method in teaching, effectively overcoming this problem. The will and perseverance of the students have also been well cultivated and improved. As long as you pay attention to the psychological training of students in teaching, develop a healthy psychology - not afraid of trouble, not afraid of failure, dare to challenge, will make students learn.

I have been carefully observing students who have struggled and their progress has not been able to make great progress. I find that they do not really realize that learning is a process of hard work, trial, and failure. The sense of superiority makes them develop into trouble--eager to seek success, to get the answer in one step; to fear failure, not to face the psychology of failure.

In short, the entire teaching process allows students to establish concepts, understand concepts and apply concepts in the active learning, operation, communication, brain-moving and dynamic inquiry learning. Practice has proved that the change of students' learning style can stimulate students' interest in learning, let the classroom rejuvenate the vitality of teachers and students, and make the classroom more exciting.

In response to the situation, I am prepared to take the following measures:

the first. Strengthen classroom management and improve classroom efficiency. We must reform our teaching methods, stimulate students' interest in learning, make them willing to learn, be willing to learn, and learn actively. In each class, each student's homework awareness and ability should be cultivated. While consolidating the basic knowledge, students will develop the comprehensive ability of the knowledge they have learned and the writing of neatness. Develop students' ability to carefully examine questions and prevent sloppy mistakes.

second. Change students' attitudes towards learning. For some students with poor foundation, I want to draw closer to them, enter their psychology, find out the root causes, change students' misunderstanding of learning, and eliminate negative emotions in learning. Give them guidance on learning methods.

third. Try to improve yourself. I usually read more information about teaching, especially related to the grade I teach. Listen to more classes and learn from experienced teachers.

fourth. Openly ask other teachers to improve teaching performance, strengthen the cultivation of students' ability, and improve the performance of eugenics.

fifth. To strengthen the flexibility of classroom teaching, the use of books should be derived from the textbooks and not in the textbooks; to serve the students and to be eclectic; to strengthen the teaching of seeking regularity in classroom teaching. In this way, not only the students learn the knowledge, but also cultivate the scientific spirit and innovative spirit of the students to explore the law.

sixth. Prepare lessons carefully, select test questions to ensure that students learn and learn.

seventh. Honest and trustworthy, rigorously teach and educate people.

Part 3: Biology: Reflections on the teaching of biology in the second day

The content of this section is more abstract, difficult to understand, and difficult to handle. Once, I also tried to give students information for analysis and self-construction, but students still do not take the initiative. How to achieve the return of the classroom to the students, make the classroom full of life, and make the students full of harvest, I think that this lesson has several merits:

1. How to evaluate students, the promotion of the evaluation form cannot be underestimated. When the inquiry task is arranged, the classroom process evaluation form is issued to ensure that the students clearly define the direction of their efforts, better mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to participate, and play a catalytic role in the internalization, ability and emotion development of the students' knowledge.

2. Learning problems originate from students and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students. In order to solve their most concerned problems, the students did their best to check the information, ask parents, find visual materials, and explore the reading room, the Internet, the students' personal potential and family resources.

3. Activity finishing, deep excavation. This section is based on student activities. Activity one "Pick up your hijab, let me see your face", let the students feel the light from the language design, dissect and observe the brain and organize the summary in time, so that the morphological structure of the brain is deeply branded on the students. In my mind. When students report on various topics, the classroom atmosphere is democratic, allowing students to ask questions at any time, giving time for students to communicate, inspiring collisions of thoughts, and realizing and internalizing the results of the activities, ensuring the improvement of students' knowledge and abilities, as well as emotions, attitudes and values. Sublimation. So after finishing this section, students can answer "What have I learned" with enthusiasm.

After finishing this class, I once again felt that the students were proud. In order to solve the concerns of their own concerns, students enjoy the wisdom and cooperation of the group in class and outside the classroom. In order to check the information, the students listed the library, went home to collect treasures, searched the Internet, sorted out and edited them, and produced their own courseware. Their knowledge, their ability to collect and organize information and the efficiency of their work made me scream! In the process of cooperation with students, they are often my teacher! Whether it is knowledge, skills or emotions, I grow up with the students.

After the class, the students are still unfinished and the discussion continues. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that biology class is a paradise for me and my students to grow up! I believe that you are also a paradise for growing together with the students you love!

Part 4: Reflections on the teaching of biology in the country

In the new curriculum situation requires: a competent biological teacher, can not "teacher" style "according to the textbook", to constantly reflect on the teaching, continuous learning, and progress together. The new curriculum promotes students' ability to think independently, discover problems and solve problems, and the habit of inquiry-based learning. However, if the biology teacher does not reflect on the teaching, he does not pay attention to absorbing the research results of others in time, and he does not seriously think about the teaching. "In class, only the basic knowledge is imparted to the students on a case-by-case basis, and they are required after class. Remembering, not encouraging them to think about analysis, then, how can we change the way students passively accept and memorize, and expand the space for students to learn and explore biological problems? Then, teachers must first reflect on teaching. Recognizing this, I pay great attention to the cultivation and reflection of students' interests and abilities from the teaching methods and the students' learning methods in daily teaching work.

First, the teacher's classroom teaching method

Classroom teaching is the central link of the whole teaching work and the key to improving the quality of teaching. The introduction of the lesson is the beginning of a lesson. Psychological research shows that the exciting and artistic opening of the class often brings a novel and intimate feeling to the students, which not only makes the nerve cells of the students' cerebral cortex quickly turn from inhibition to excitement, but also makes Students take learning as a self-needing and naturally enter the context of learning new knowledge. The introduction of the new course is the primary part of the biology classroom teaching. The teaching guide is very interesting and stimulates the students' "emotional point", which can stimulate the students' desire for knowledge. Teachers can introduce new courses in the form of problem-based, entertaining, intuitive, experimental and class-based classes to attract students' attention, revitalize the students, and let students enter the next step with a strong desire to explore. In this way, under the interactive cooperation of teachers and students, the task of education and teaching is successfully completed. The so-called good start is equal to half of success.

The problem is the core of teaching. The teacher arranges the relevant teaching content carefully prepared before the class to the students in the form of thinking questions, and gives the students enough time and space to let the students read the books themselves, think independently, and seek answers. At the same time, the teachers do a good job of guiding and creating a relaxed and pleasant teaching situation to help students eliminate tension, depression and dull emotions. Such as teaching "green plant photosynthesis", "biological variation", etc., can use this teaching method. After the students think about it, they will discuss and answer each other, and correct each other. In the process of discussion, they will induce inspiration in time. They should guide students to carry out divergent thinking, and inspire students to carry out convergent thinking. At the same time, they should also appreciate the students’ bold opinions and correct them in time. Process teachers should control the atmosphere during class discussions and organize classroom order. Finally, the teachers and students will summarize and summarize together. In response to the related problems, classroom training will be introduced into the competitive atmosphere, and students will be answered in different ways to enhance students' participation awareness. This kind of teaching method can stimulate students' initiative in learning, prevent students' dependence on teachers, and prevent the development of thinking.

The main place for students to study is in the classroom, and most of the time in the middle school biology teaching is also in the classroom, blackboard chalk, repeated year after year. In the classroom, the students are sitting on the slabs, facing the blackboard, facing the books, and repeating the students like cages in a monotonous manner. I find that changing the teaching environment appropriately plays an important role in the live and effective classroom teaching. And in practice, according to the needs of teaching, boldly leave the classroom and change the teaching place. For example, the laboratory is an important educational and teaching place. There are various kinds of experiments and equipments. There are various models, specimens and teaching aids for classroom teaching. There is a scientific atmosphere for research biology, so I have many classes for students. Brought to the laboratory, the effect is very good, students can move hands, cultivate the ability to operate, students can move their eyes, cultivate observation ability, students are not always sitting, sit when needed. Another example: visiting greenhouse cultivation and management is the most ideal place to learn photosynthesis, respiration and the relationship between them and what factors, I tried to bring the students to the peasant shed, teach them, and make them The combination of theory and practice has risen from perceptual knowledge to rational understanding. It has played a very good role in promoting knowledge learning, and the classroom atmosphere is warm, students' desire for knowledge is enhanced, and the teaching effect is fulfilled. Changing the teaching environment, the role of living and effective classroom teaching is: the classroom is a place where students must go and get bored. The appropriate replacement of the teaching environment has a regulating effect in the new environment, a new situation, easy to stimulate learning enthusiasm And seeking curiosity. The information in the new environment may not be accessible in the classroom, and the teaching content is monotonous.

Second, the cultivation of students' learning methods

1. Instruct students to learn to think and learn

"It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish." In the teaching process, it is important to pay attention to the guidance of students and to cultivate students' ability to learn and innovate. Learning guidance is to break the traditional rote learning method and form a scientific and efficient learning habit. For example, when learning the nervous system, nouns are more abstract, and confusing nouns can be listed, allowing students to analyze and compare their similarities and differences in composition and distribution. For example, the nerve center and ganglia, the central nervous system and the peripheral nerve center. When learning "neurons", teachers can let students take a knotted branch, then the branches can be compared to the cell body, the thinner can be seen as dendrites, and the thicker can be compared to axons. The bark is understood to be the myelin sheath, and the thicker branches and bark "combined" a nerve fiber. Creative reprocessing of knowledge in the learning process like this is conducive to cultivating students' creative thinking.

2. Develop students' ability to solve problems

The student's learning process is a proactive process of understanding. Only through the students' own thinking, generalization and understanding, the biological knowledge structure can be truly accepted as a cognitive structure, thus gaining a deep understanding. In the classroom teaching, students should be trained. The ability to solve problems. Teachers must first stimulate students to have a positive desire to explore, while using all teaching materials in teaching, the actual phenomenon of life guides students to explore. Analysis and summary, so that the student's learning process itself constitutes a problem-solving process. For example, after an infectious disease, I have a problem that someone has a bad cold. There is a phenomenon of yellowing and dizziness. Ask students to analyze the reasons. To solve this problem, teachers should fully guide students to take advantage of the knowledge they have learned. Participate. Actively explore and incorporate the above-mentioned actual practical problems into the original cognitive structure. Teachers can guide students to think about which kind of infectious diseases belong to which students are caused by what pathogens, in the process of solving such frequent problems, they have solved the problem solving. General method. After long-term training, the ability of students to solve problems is estimated to be imperceptible. Improved, thus cultivating students' ability to innovate.

3. The ability to systematically sort out knowledge

The systematic review of knowledge is an important way to master knowledge. Teachers should guide students to discover the systematic laws of knowledge. In time, the knowledge should be sorted out. For example, when learning the structure of the heart, students can be inspired to combine the physical or wall charts to summarize them as “four chambers”. "Eight tubes" and "two valves". When learning the "blood circulation" of the human body, the nature of blood in different parts can be summarized as: "left heart movement. Right heart is static. The lungs are opposite. The body is the same." In this way, students understand how biology learns and learns. Long-term training can cultivate self-learning habits. It is conducive to the formation of learning and innovation.

4 Develop students' ability to design simple experimental protocols.

In teaching, teachers should carefully set the situation and encourage students to design simple experimental programs, which helps to develop students' ability to explore and think. After students have mastered certain biological knowledge, they can let them design experiments themselves. If the experimental conditions permit, they can be tried. Students' own design experiments and the feelings and effects of using books are not the same. Through these processes, they can not only cultivate their ability to think independently and scientifically, but also develop their ability to observe, experiment, think, and self-learn. Thereby improving the scientific quality of students.

In short, although the research on the teaching reflection of biology teachers under the new curriculum is still a new topic. Many reflections still require further exploration. However, the reflection of biology teaching is obvious to the growth of biology teachers. It is an effective way for biological teachers to achieve self-development, and it is also a new attempt to improve the quality of biology teaching. It will also promote the growth of biology teachers into research-oriented and compound teachers in the new era.

Part V: Reflections on the teaching of biology in the second day

I asked students to go online or collect information through other channels before class, cultivate students' ability to obtain information, and contact social hot issues and practical life teaching, creating a good teaching atmosphere, stimulating students' enthusiasm for participating in teaching, and getting closer. The distance between students and society also enhances students' sense of social responsibility. Let students read, group discussion and expression, make students become passive learning for active learning, and cultivate students' ability of independent learning and mutual learning.

In the classroom work, students can use the knowledge they have learned to explain some real-life problems. In addition to feedback on classroom teaching, students can also deepen their understanding of what they have learned. When learning the regulation of several hormones, first find out the cause of the abnormal disease, and then summarize the physiological functions, and put the main characteristics of hormone regulation into the regulation of several hormones to learn, through the physiological functions of these hormones. The main characteristics of hormone regulation are summarized, and it is easier for students to understand the content of the textbook. Introducing the contents of the chemical synthesis of “crystalline bovine insulin” by scientists in China to help students develop their patriotic enthusiasm. Because the teaching is close to the society and close to the student life, the students' enthusiasm for learning has been mobilized, so that the students have truly become the masters of learning and achieved good teaching results.

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