Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the sixth grade mathematics teaching

Part 1: Reflection on the sixth grade mathematics teaching

This year, I teach sixth grade math class and use the new textbook for the first time. According to the teaching concept of the new curriculum standard, I strive to make the teaching structure conform to the age characteristics of children, pay attention to promoting students' learning transfer, fostering the sense of innovation, and paying more attention to the connection between mathematics and real life in practical activities. The reform of teaching is mainly reflected in the classroom and after school time. In the classroom, I pay attention to strengthening the cultivation of abilities and good study habits. In his spare time, he pays attention to letting students “learn to use” and let students apply mathematics to real life. According to the mathematics learning characteristics of the class students, I have adopted the following teaching methods and received certain results.

First, strengthen the study of oral calculations. Through the 3-minute oral calculation before class, students can practice in their own favorite ways in various forms, and occasionally hold “quick-hands” competitions to stimulate their enthusiasm. Improve the students' oral skills, and improve and help the calculation.

Second, strengthen the practice of four arithmetic operations. Due to the poor computing ability of the students and the carelessness of the students, based on the original knowledge and understanding of the rules, I will strengthen the practice of students to prevent students from making mistakes due to carelessness. Outside of teaching, I asked students to practice several calculation questions every day. The calculations also include simple calculations. After a period of intensive practice, the students' four computing skills have been significantly improved.

Third, the application of questions has always been a major difficulty for students to learn. For this class, the situation is even more special. Most students have poor understanding of the set of questions. In response to this situation, I asked students to practice more, think more, ask more questions, say more, from quantity to quality, and gradually improve students' ability to analyze problems. Students are no longer afraid to apply problems as before.

Fourth, increase practical activities, train students to understand mathematics, apply mathematics awareness. Design activities that are closely related to student life and contain mathematical problems. It is helpful for students to solve problems, feel, experience and understand mathematics in activities, and it is also conducive to cultivating students' awareness of mathematics problems in daily life.

5. In order to implement the principle of combining all students and teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes, I have also designed some exercises with certain difficulty for students who have the ability to learn to better develop their strengths and develop their mathematical abilities. .

Through the implementation of the above methods and measures, students' ability to learn mathematics has been improved, but in the process of implementing teaching, I also found that students have many problems in learning mathematics. In the future teaching, I will take effective teaching methods according to the characteristics of students and strive to improve teaching achievements.

Part 2: Reflections on the sixth grade mathematics teaching

As a sixth-grade mathematics teaching work, this time I really feel a lot of difference and confusion. "Breaked but not poor, poor but not wary" must be changed. The mathematics teaching in this semester has been innovated and improved in many aspects. The more successful is to grasp the key points to give play to the students' thinking and comprehensive application.

In the teaching, although I thought a lot of methods, I found that there are some problems, mainly:

1. Although I have spent a lot of time and energy on the post-graduate students, from the perspective of academic performance, there is only a slight increase in progress or progress, and there is some gap with our expectations.

2, some students are not good at thinking about the brain, will not give the opposite, passive acceptance of knowledge is more common, so the ability to apply knowledge to solve problems is poor or less. The performance is as follows: the questions that the teacher has said during the exam will be done, and the questions will be changed with a little flexible change; the more complicated application questions are not good for comprehensive use of knowledge solutions or help to understand and analyze the meaning of the questions by drawing line segments; Some students' good study habits have not been cultivated.

A small number of students have not developed good calculation habits.

A small number of students have not developed good habits. This is also a question that makes us very headaches.

Some simple questions are often caused by errors in the examination. .

A small number of students have not developed good habits. They didn't know the exam after they finished the exam.

Will not check, obviously the error is not visible under the eyelids; some students are lazy to check.

4. We have not enough detailed and comprehensive places in teaching.

In response to the problems that arise, I seriously thought about it:

1. It is difficult for Dajinsheng to make great progress. The main reason is that they have forgotten their knowledge very quickly. Maybe the content you just taught in the morning will be forgotten in the afternoon. Some of them have learned today, but he has forgotten it in a few days. At the end of the comprehensive practice, there is too much accumulated knowledge to make up for it.

2. Some students are not good at brain-thinking and passively accepting knowledge. The reason is that apart from the lack of self-learning consciousness and lazy thinking of individual students, it has a certain relationship with our teachers' teaching thoughts and teaching methods. Sometimes I worry that the knowledge that students don’t understand often has to be said more, so that students are left to think and question.

The time is less, and for a long time, the desire of students to learn independently is not so strong.

3. Excellent study habits are not cultivated for a day or two, some are caused by parenting education, and some are caused by school education. But some methods of reviewing, calculation skills, etc. should still be available to teachers.

To teach students, we must emphasize solidity.

By reflecting on and reviewing relevant books, I believe that in addition to continuing to use the good practices of the past, we should actively take certain measures to improve:

1. For students who are backward in learning, be sure to let him adhere to the purpose set by the teacher and answer the exercises independently. Sometimes, you can give some time for him to think, and the teacher carefully guides his ideas.

2. Learn advanced educational ideas and teaching concepts. In the organization of teaching, adhere to the student-centered approach, carefully explore ways to guide learning, and create more opportunities for students to learn independently and be creative, and stimulate the consciousness of the learning subject. Students discover problems, explore problems, solve problems, actively complete learning tasks, and master some basic learning methods. In this way, the teacher has changed much and the students passively accepted the knowledge.

3. In the improvement of students' study habits, it is necessary to have a spirit of perseverance, perseverance and effective methods. Such as: training students' computing ability and combining knowledge points to teach methods and skills; cultivating students' self-testing and self-evaluation ability, guiding students to analyze the wrong problems in their homework and registering the wrong causes, seriously correcting mistakes, and improving the correct rate.

4. Prepare lessons and teaching and research to be more in-depth, meticulous and comprehensive, give full play to the advantages of the collective, and do their best to make teaching work.

Part 3: Reflection on Mathematics Teaching in the 6th Grade

1. Teaching Reflection on "Determining Location"

Creative use of teaching materials, expand teaching knowledge, and enrich teaching materials

According to the arrangement of the teaching materials, the teaching program is to first lecture the content of the textbook situation map, and then talk about the position of the class, and my design is to first talk about their position in the class, and then use the situation map as a consolidation exercise. . Because the discussion is about where students sit every day, this exchange can easily motivate students and enrich the content of the textbook.

Make full use of on-site resources to simplify math problems

Based on the students' existing knowledge and experience, I create real and specific problem situations, let students boldly explore ways to determine the location, and experience the role of "number pairs" in determining the position. When teaching, I asked the students to start with a seat that they were very familiar with, and used themselves to evoke the desire to find out how to position. When students explore the method of determining location, I am not eager to tell the students the answer, but let the students use their brains, try to describe them in their own way, and organize the students to discuss who is better. When I introduce the method of "number pair" to indicate the position, I did not teach it directly, but let the students express it in the way they like. At this time, the important knowledge points of this lesson are drawn from the students' mouths, which makes the students feel great satisfaction and further stimulate their interest in learning. At the same time, the mathematical representation of the students is gradually abstracted from the existing knowledge and experience of the students, which makes the students more understandable and acceptable.

2. Teaching Reflection on the Extension of the Law of Integer Multiplication to Fractional Multiplication

Focus on the introduction of situations and improve the enthusiasm of children.

In this lesson, when I start the class, I pay attention to mining materials from the children's side, drawing the law of integer multiplication, reviewing and consolidating, and then guiding students to recall what knowledge these operating laws have applied to, and to guide them to the calculation of fractional multiplication. The latter new learning has laid a good foundation. Really achieved the effect of "leading the old with the old, bringing the new with the old".

Encourage students to question and guess boldly and stimulate students' internal motivation.

In the new lecture, the two links I designed caused the students' strong desire for knowledge. First, after the review, I asked the students to talk about what kind of problem do you want to study most now? Children show unprecedented enthusiasm. For example, some children talk about whether they can study the law of integer multiplication to generalize to fractional multiplication. So I encourage students to make bold guesses based on the existing knowledge. The children's thinking is extremely active, even far beyond my prior expectations. Second, after exploring and confirming the above problems, I asked the students to boldly question the role of the law in the multiplication of scores. Is it really easy? The child's curiosity was once again aroused, and they were eager to invest in the simple calculations. Throughout the class, the children are always in the process of “questioning – guessing – verifying” and truly become the master of learning.

3. Teaching Reflection on "Solving Problems"

The question of "How many fractions is a number?" Such a set of questions is actually a matter of the meaning of a multiplicative score. It is the most basic of the scores. Not only is the fractional division method used on the basis of it, but many composite scores are extended on the basis of it. Therefore, it is of great significance for students to master the answering method of this set of questions. In the teaching, I grasp the key sentences, find two comparisons, and find out which quantity is the unit "1" and the required quantity is the unit. After a few minutes of 1", the answer is based on the meaning of the score. In teaching, I emphasize the following points:

Let students use drawing to enhance understanding of a fraction of a fraction by multiplication.

And strengthen the one-to-one correspondence between the rate and the quantity. And say the quantity relationship according to the key sentence.

To help students understand the difference between "a few digits of a number" and "a number of others".

For a slightly more complex set of questions, through the analysis of key sentences and line segments, paving the way for new assignments, and improving students' ability to analyze the meaning of the questions and understand the quantitative relationship. By communicating practice questions and examples, students can solve slightly complicated application questions and understand the different structures of new and old application questions.

4. Reflection on the Teaching of Countdown

In the introduction part of the class, contact the students' familiar life scenes, and the reflections and some interesting words lead to the problems to be explored in this lesson - the countdown, from the visual sense of the inverted position, which stimulates the students' interest in inquiry, for students Learning new knowledge has been fully prepared, paving the way for students to better understand the meaning of the countdown.

The teaching of the variant is a self-study textbook for students. It is found that the method of reciprocating a number is used. Then, by way of example, the student's mastery is checked, and then the method of finding the reciprocal of a number is summarized.

Rich form of practice. At the same time as making full use of the teaching materials, I also supplemented the contents of the exercises appropriately so that the students can consolidate in the exercises and improve them in the exercises. For example, the "comparative size" of the design, after comparing the size, let the students find the rules and lay the groundwork for the next fractional division. "Guess a guess", not only used the knowledge of the countdown, but also related to the score multiplication method of the previous study.

To give students time to think independently, I believe that students can have the ability to think independently. Every question in the teaching should be made so that students do not wait to listen to others, but can develop the habit of thinking positively.

5. Reflection on the teaching of fractional mixed operation

Pay attention to the connection between old and new knowledge.

Although it is a mixed operation of scores four, as long as the old knowledge passes, this unit is not difficult, so I pay special attention to the connection between old and new knowledge in teaching. First, I will practice the score multiplication and division. Then review the score addition and subtraction method. So, the students feel very smooth in the calculation. Finally, I fully reviewed the integer four mixed operation, mainly to let students understand that the order of the fractional blending operation is the same as the order of the integer four.

In this lesson, I focused on the two algorithms of 5/14÷4/21×0.64, 0.64 and 14, 4 directly, and then divide the 0.64 into several components.

Ask questions and guide students to discover problems. "Study comes from thinking, thinking from sources." The presentation of the test questions prompts students to have psychological confusion and conflicts in understanding, which stimulates students' internal motivation and is conducive to new and old. At the connection point of knowledge, education is carried out. Therefore, I pay attention to raising some questions at key points, and the content is appropriate, difficult and appropriate, and conducive, easy to mobilize the enthusiasm of students' thinking. After presenting the test questions, say: "Who can not listen The teacher's explanation can be used to "guide the students to explore their own knowledge, and in the process of doing it: "What is the first thing to count?" Because students are no strangers to this knowledge, they will soon be based on what is counted first. Calculation. This series of questions has a clear guiding effect on students' thinking.

6. Reflection on the Teaching of "Classification and Review of the Meaning of Fractional Multiplication"

In order to better accomplish the teaching objectives of this lesson, I have made efforts in the following aspects in this lesson:

Give full play to the subjective status of students Throughout the teaching process, I strive to transform my role into the organizer, leader and collaborator of student learning. Give full play to students' main status, pay attention to students' understanding learning and active learning, so that students can truly understand what they have learned through observation, transformation, self-exploration, cooperation and communication in a living situation. Learn to sort out the knowledge.

Pay attention to the rationality and systemicity of the "Organization and Review" lesson. At the beginning of the class, the students should first take the form of asking questions to let students recall the knowledge they have learned in this module, so that students can quickly enter the teaching situation. The knowledge arrangement in teaching is progressively advanced; in the application, it not only pays attention to the guiding role of textbook exercises, but also faces all students, masters basic knowledge, forms basic skills, and pays attention to cultivating students' innovative consciousness. Paying attention to the life of supplementary exercises, the exercises are closely related to life, so that students feel that mathematics is around, and there is mathematics everywhere in life. Inadequacies: In the process of operation, there will inevitably be some improper handling. If the evaluation language of the students is not enough, it does not play an incentive role, so the classroom atmosphere is not particularly active, I will continue to improve in the future teaching process, and strive for greater progress. After the score multiplication, I know how many gains and losses..

7. Reflection on the Teaching of Fractional Multiplication

Today's teaching content is score multiplication score, the focus is to consolidate and further understand the meaning of fractional multiplication, and explore the score multiplication score calculation algorithm.

In the teaching practice, I continue to use the mathematical method of “digital combination” to help students achieve the above two mathematical goals. There is no direct letting go of today's “inquiry activities”. This is because the students' understanding of the meaning of the multiplication of the scores of “how many fractions is a few” is not deep enough, so the whole teaching process is divided into three levels:

Guide the students to graphically represent the meaning of the scores, then use the formula to represent the graph, deepen the meaning of the score multiplication of "seeking how many fractions of a number is", and the process of calculating the score multiplication score.

Students use the method of combination of numbers and shapes to independently complete the “do one thing” in the textbook, further achieve the above goals, and accumulate knowledge for the calculation of summarizing scores and multipliers.

It can be said that the overall teaching effect is good.

Through today's class, I have a deeper understanding of the idea of ​​combining numbers and shapes. Because the meaning of fractional multiplication and the algorithm of the algorithm are more abstract, it is not easy for students to understand. Therefore, the use of graphics to visualize abstract problems helps students understand the calculation of fractional multiplication scores. a process.

8. Teaching Reflection on "Division by Divide into Integers"

The whole teaching is successful. The specific performance is as follows: Students always invest in each link with a positive attitude. In the process of actively conducting inquiry, they have a specific understanding of the algorithm of “÷2”, and analyze and think out The general calculation algorithm for dividing the score by an integer.

Learning content comes from life.

In this lesson, I chose the red yarn used to make sweaters in my life. I used it as a research topic, allowing students to actively observe, guess, and think, creating challenging problem scenarios.

The method of solving problems comes from students.

In the face of new knowledge learning, it is not the teacher to explain, but to let students explore the methods to solve the problem. This provides students with ample learning space, students' thinking is divergent, and students' methods are diverse. In the learning activities, the students think, experience, and communicate on their own. The research on “÷2” is really in place, and the methods of drawing and the methods of calculation are come up, and the method of calculation is not unique. From the results of the research, it shows that students have a strong desire for knowledge, and have a strong passion to experience the process of learning and exploration. This is the individual needs of students and the process of publicizing students' individuality. This process embodies the students' initiative and subjective consciousness of learning.

9. Reflection on the Teaching of "Divisional Division and Applying Questions"

German educator Di Stowe said this: If students are accustomed to simply accepting and passively working, any method is bad; if it can stimulate students' initiative, any method is good. Rethinking the entire teaching process, I think the success of this lesson teaching has the following aspects:

Teaching content "living"

Throughout the whole class teaching, the introduction from the introduction, new lessons, consolidation and other aspects are derived from the students' actual life, so that students feel that mathematics is on their side.

In the classroom teaching, we must strive to achieve the democracy and equality of the teacher-student relationship, change the simple "injection" teaching mode of the teacher and the students, and the teacher should become the leader, organizer and collaborator of the students learning mathematics. Students become masters of learning. Throughout the teaching process, the teachers did not say much, except "What do you think?" "Is there any other way?" In addition to the incentives and guidance, such as "seeing and seeing", the teacher did not have any explanation. Some students can't tell, the teacher also said in a discussion tone: "Who wants to help him explain clearly?" When one does not understand, need to talk again, the teacher only uses body language to guide students on the basis of their own observation and thinking. I understand the reason. If the students can think, the teacher will never imply; if the student can say, the teacher will never explain; if the student can solve it, the teacher will never intervene. Because teachers in the classroom timely "hidden" and "citation", provide students with a stage to display their talents, so that they truly become explorers and discoverers of scientific knowledge, rather than simply passively accept the container of knowledge.

10. Teaching "Slightly complicated to ask how many of the number of the number is a set of questions" teaching reflection

In mathematics teaching, teachers should be good at selecting key points and difficulties to carry out effective teaching activities. The key points and difficulties are a breakthrough, which will have a positive effect on subsequent learning.

For example, when I was teaching the less complicated question of how many parts of a number are applied, I determined that the focus and difficulty of this lesson is to correctly analyze key sentences and find the standard and comparison quantities. Therefore, after the students finish reading the questions, let them find the key sentences: the number of heartbeats per minute is 4/5 more than that of the teenagers. How do you analyze and understand this sentence? At the beginning, many students could not correctly analyze the meaning of this sentence, so I asked the students to read the sentence many times and guide them to add this sentence to the number of sentences. In the end, the students really understand that the standard amount in the title is the number of times the teenager has a heartbeat. The comparison is the number of times the baby beats more than the teenager every minute. On this basis, I asked the students to draw a line graph based on the understanding of this sentence, so that the students can clearly and clearly understand the quantitative relationship in the question. After that, by observing the line segment diagram, let the students communicate the knowledge of the lesson and the intrinsic link between how many sets of questions are used. Really reached the communication, contact and deep understanding of knowledge. In the teaching of this lesson, although I spent a lot of time analyzing key sentences, I think -- worth it.

11. Reflection on the Basic Nature of Ratio

The pre-set learning outcome is the most basic goal of teaching. Whether a class can be enriched with the “achievement of knowledge in the presupposition” determines the success or failure of a class. Teachers should have a sense of purpose in the classroom teaching process, always pay attention to the realization of teaching activities around the realization of the goal, pay attention to the achievement of the preset goals in a timely manner, constantly adjust the teaching process, and guide the classroom toward the expected goals.

The generation outside the preset in teaching is inevitable. Teachers should be flexible in dealing with whether the generated content is conducive to achieving the teaching objectives, whether it is valuable to the development of the students. Grasp the unexpected and valuable problems and viewpoints of teachers and students, and enrich the teaching objectives.

The formation of a good class often tests the versatility of a teacher in many aspects, especially his flexible ability to adjust the classroom. Can he adjust the unexpected events in the classroom to receive good teaching results? Without affecting the normal teaching process.

12. Reflection on the Teaching of "Comparative Application"

The lesson of “Comparative Application” is to apply proportionally to the application of the title in real life. Students are encouraged to participate in the whole process of knowledge generation to acquire knowledge, and to operate, express, explore, analogize, cooperate, generalize, innovate and solve problems, and cultivate students' comprehensive quality.

Teaching methods and methods strive to reflect the applicability.

Because the proportional allocation calculation is widely used, students have many opportunities to apply. Therefore, before the class, each student is asked to investigate the ratio of life in life, and to talk about how you get these ratios. This leads to new lessons, which make students feel that the proportioned calculations come from their own life. Through the calculation of the actual proportion of life, and the application of the knowledge learned to solve some simple practical problems, students really feel the close connection between mathematics knowledge and life reality. Mathematics comes from life and fully reflects the application problem. The applicability of teaching.

Focus on the organic integration of students' independent inquiry and cooperation and exchange.

In the classroom, each student is free to explore, discover, and create in order to achieve the goal of “helping others solve practical problems” according to their own experience. In the pioneering area, each student not only fully demonstrated their thinking methods and processes, but also found the best way to solve problems through mutual discussion and analysis, and learned to help each other, learn to complement each other, enhance cooperation awareness, and improve in communication. The ability to communicate.

13. Reflection on the "Circle of the Circle" after class

Hands-on practice, independent exploration and cooperation and exchange are important ways for students to learn mathematics, and “guess-verification” is a common method used in student exploration. This class students use the amount, the Rao, and the roll to find the circumference and diameter. The multiple relationship is calculated by using a counter to calculate the relationship between the measured circumference and the diameter. Fill in the report sheet and observe the data to find the multiple relationship. From "Yes - also - or - always", the circumference of the circle is always summarized. More than three times the diameter. "Strong mathematical thinking methods are infiltrated. Students in the process of observation, operation, discussion, communication, guessing, induction, analysis and organization, the formation, acquisition, and application of the perimeter formula are clear.

From guessing, grouping measurement calculations to finding common things based on newly acquired materials, students experience the process of knowledge formation and discover the new ways of knowledge. Before the group activities, the teacher encouraged the team members to work together, and the teachers participated in the activities, paying attention to the cooperation of students. The extensive communication after the experiment reached the goal of resource sharing, which made the combination obtained next more credible, and also made students feel the necessity of cooperation and communication. This kind of student-centered, teacher-led, questioning and questioning on students' "points of interest" will undoubtedly inspire students' knowledge and knowledge, so that students can truly understand, digest and absorb the key content of this lesson. Knowledge, and learn to learn.

14. Reflection on the Teaching of "Circle Area"

Stories, infiltration, "transformation"

At the beginning of this lesson, I guided the students to recall the story of “Cao Chong's icon” and combined the methods of exploring the parallelogram, triangle and trapezoidal area in the last semester to guide students to discover that “transformation” is to explore new mathematical knowledge and solve A good method of mathematical problems lays the foundation for the following method of exploring the area calculation of a circle.

Boldly guessing and inspiring

After highlighting the meaning of the area of ​​the circle, I asked the students to guess what the area of ​​the circle might be related to. When the student guesses that the area of ​​the circle may be related to the radius of the circle, the design experiment verifies: draw a circle with the radius of the side of the square, calculate the area of ​​the circle by the method of squares, and the curiosity and curiosity of the students. They were fully mobilized, and these were just “pre-buried” for their subsequent further exploration activities.

, demonstration operations, deepen understanding

When the student passes the first operational activity, the area of ​​the circle is more than three times the square of the radius, and talks with the students: So how can the area of ​​the circle be accurately calculated? Let's do an experiment. Each classmate has a circle in his hand. Now he is divided into 16 parts on average, and he can spell it into what kind of graphics. And think about how it relates to the circle.

Through observation, comparison and analysis, we find the relationship between the area, perimeter, radius and the approximate rectangular area, length and width of the circle, and let the students derive the formula for calculating the area of ​​the circle. In this way, the ability of students to explore, analyze problems and solve the same problem has been improved.

15. Reflection on the Teaching of "Circle Area Calculation"

First of all, to create a learning situation for students, the comparison of the three figures, students through careful observation, found the characteristics of the ring, stimulated students' interest in learning. Then, by guiding students to actively explore, we found the calculation method of the area of ​​the ring. Then another method is guided by observing the characteristics of the formula.

In the classroom evaluation, I thought a lot of words to encourage students, students get confidence and interest in the evaluation of pleasing language.

I feel a few thoughts about this lesson. 1. After the test is finished, I should immediately summarize the conditions that must be known to the area of ​​the ring. 2, there are two sets of questions about the width of the ring, whether it is simple, whether to show. It may be straightforward to show "a stone path around the circular garden and find the area of ​​the path." Also more image. 3, you can use the ring made by the students to run through the following exercises. First, let them measure the size and radius of the ring they made, so that students can visually understand the concept of the ring width. I avoided the idea that I was involved in the concept of loop width in my practice. Then you can find the area of ​​the ring, so that the students actually understand the area calculation of the ring through actual operation. Achieve the desired results. 4, 3.14 × This formula still appears to be better. Students can use this simple operation method more clearly.

16. Teaching Reflection on "Internalization of Percentages and Fractions and Fractions"

When teaching scores, decimals, and percentages are interrelated, it is easiest to convert percentages into scores, and it is easy to grasp. When teaching, I will teach first on the basis of review.

17%, 40%, 12.5% ​​of the composition. How are you going to answer? Because of the connection between the percentage and the score, it is easy for students to think of the method of dividing the percentage into components. We learned to convert the percentage into a score. How can we convert the score into a percentage? When students' thinking is excited and their enthusiasm is high, they need to have a higher "fruit" to let students "pick", so that students can keep their minds open, and this simple and complicated problem can achieve this effect.

Because there is a good question, the students get a preliminary understanding of the problem and the goal of exploration. The psychological solution to the problem is in an "angry, embarrassing" state, and the teacher walks from the stage to the back of the scene, giving the classroom, time and space, performance opportunities. All of them were given back to the students, providing a stage for opportunities for students to conduct research and exploration and to present creative insights. Moreover, through the first easy and difficult, help students to establish confidence to overcome difficulties, so that the exploration and resolution of problems become the students' own needs, which is the key to the success of teaching.

17. Reflection on the Teaching of "Percentage Application"

To play the subjectivity of students and let them develop in their own autonomy, cooperation and inquiry. When teaching, we should proceed from the reality of the students, respect the students, and trust the students, so that the main role of the students can be fully exerted. In teaching percentage, I should adopt a group cooperative approach, group communication, give them enough time, say the percentage in life, say their meaning, and better understand the concept of percentage. And let them feel the mathematics of life. Knowing that mathematics comes from life, there are many mathematical knowledge in life to promote their better study of mathematics.

Well-designed practice sessions, let students feel the joy of learning mathematics. In this part of the exercise, we designed an open exercise that allows students to compile a set of questions based on the classmates' class. The students' thinking is very active, and the questions raised by the students are no longer seen in many textbooks or extracurricular exercises. Boys account for a few percent of the class and girls account for a few percent of the class. Some students say that they first investigate the number of students participating in the interest group in the class, and then count the number of people participating in the interest group. A few percent of the number, some said that there are many students in the class who have cattle in their homes, and the number of households that count cattle raising accounts for a few percent of the total number of families in the class. Some also say that the only child in my class is counted. Count, count the number of households in the class to do business in the class. It does reflect that when mathematics and life are combined, it will rejuvenate the vitality of life, and students will truly enjoy the joy of mathematics.

18. Reflection on the Teaching of "Discount"

Mathematics itself comes from life. Therefore, when I introduced the new course, the bicycles that the students often touched were the entry points. Many of the rural students were riding bicycles to school. They were familiar with the bicycle students, and they created a bicycle for their daughters. Situation. By guessing how much the bike I bought, compared with the original price, it led to a discount. Then further explore what the discount is, and use the knowledge you know to solve the actual problem.

In the teaching of this lesson, the place I invested most is to create some mathematical situations that are closely related to the actual life of the students. Such as: go to the mall to buy clothes, hit 30%; go to the market to buy food; go to the two stores to buy colored pencils; when the small manager, design discount ads. Among them, the situation of going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables is often encountered in the life of rural students, but when buying more vegetables in the countryside, it is often said that all-inclusive, so buying is very cheap, that is, buying more and less It is. In this way, I think that this is equivalent to a discount, but did not say the word "discount". Let the students know that there is mathematics everywhere around us. However, after the class self-reflection, is this design a little far-fetched?

.19. Reflection on the Teaching of Taxation

I have taught the content of "taxation". After class, I think about it. This class has a good place and needs.

The place to improve. At the beginning of the class, I wrote a big "tax" word on the blackboard with red chalk and asked the students: What did you think of seeing this word?

Health: I thought that when I open a store to pay taxes, I need to pay taxes when I open a hotel. I also asked what is the significance of state tax collection? The students have their own opinions. The tax-paying money can run schools, repair roads, repair Luopu Park, and install fitness equipment for everyone. In one sentence, we can build our country. I think that the introduction of taxation and the meaning of taxation are quite satisfactory.

There is a link that I want to improve after class. About calculation skills.

In the practice session, the student calculates the thirty-second and third questions in the book. The formula is: 250,000 × 5% × 12. When guiding the students to calculate the percentage, I tell the students to convert the percentage into decimals under normal circumstances. In this algorithm, students are prone to errors when they are rounded to a fractional number, especially when the percentage of molecules is less than 10 decimal degrees. If it is changed to method 2, the calculation will reduce the 250,000 by 100 times, the 5% removal by 100 times, and the result will be the same, and the calculation is much simpler.

Method 1: 250000 × 5% × 12

Method 2: 250,000 × 5% × 12

















李淑敏老師教學的內容是《比的意義》一、這節課充分體現了數學源於生活,也服務於生活,在現實情境中體驗和理解數學,這一教學理念。本課教師從自己的年齡與學生的年齡的關系引入,使學生認識到倍數關系還可以用比來表示。 two.放手讓學生自學,培養學生的自學能力,體現了學生是學習的主體,教師是組織者、合作者這一教學理念。例如:李老師在教學比的各部分名稱時,根據內容簡單,便於自學特點,放手讓學生自學,培養了學生的自學能力。但我也同時還意識到不夠放手,當學生自學到比同除法、分數的比較時,有意讓學生終止,而硬要按教案設計的教學,讓學生去比較、總結。 three.鼓勵學生獨立思考,引導學生自主探索,合作交流這一教學理念也得到充分體現。例如:在處理比與除法和分數的聯系和區別這一教學難點時,教師課前為學生設計了比較的表格讓先學生自己填寫自再分組討論,使同學們在活動中相互交流,相互啓發,相互鼓勵,共同體驗成功的快樂,與此同時,也使學生感悟到了事物間的相互依存,相互轉化













題,有些簡單的問題往往由於審題不細導致出錯。 .
















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