Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the teaching of mental health class

Part 1: Mental health class teaching reflection model

Mental health activity class is an effective way and carrier for current high school students' mental health education. It is a useful supplement to the construction and development of high school activity curriculum and school-based curriculum. So what should the mental activity class do? What is a good mental health activity class? This is a question that I am thinking about in every lesson.
“Activity” and “experience” are the two core elements of the Psychology Activity class. The primary purpose of mental health education is not to solve the problem of knowing and not knowing, but to create a certain psychological situation and carry out enlightening activities to create cognitive conflicts within the individual and awaken the deep inner consciousness of the students. Psychological experience to achieve the purpose of affecting their psychology and improving psychological temperament. For individual psychology, no matter how vivid and vivid the lectures can replace the personal feelings and direct experience of the individual, even a little inspiration can leave a deep memory. Therefore, in this sense, psychological education is an education based on experiential learning.
Psychological activity classes can be used in a variety of activities, such as games, situational dramas, role-playing, scenario simulation, discussion communication, behavioral training, psychological testing, and more. However, according to the needs of the theme, I chose the following teaching methods in the selection of activities:
First, the story is introduced into the mood:
When I introduced the new lesson, I designed a story about "The Grass Boat Borrowing Arrows", letting students learn in their familiar storyline that "the psychology is to see others stronger than themselves, the psychological is uncomfortable, and even generate strong hatred. I want to rule out the status of others' transcendence and undermine the state of others' transcendence." This way, students can easily understand the psychological phenomenon of jealousy and become abstract into an image.
Second, see the situation in the situation drama.
The combination of situational drama and reality allows students to change their mindset and receive psychological training.
Situational drama performances are a form that students like, especially in mental health classes, and some life stories are more suitable for students to perform. And every story contains profound philosophies. It enables students to understand the truth, change their mindset, and receive psychological training in a pleasant story. In this lesson, through the performance of the situation drama, I summed up the skills to overcome my psychology: generous and generous, good at helping others; broad-minded, enthusiastic praise of others' strengths. Make students understand that people with different things will have different opinions and attitudes. A lot of things in the world depend on our own ideas, which can be said to be a happy choice.
Third, guide reflection and change mistakes.
The mental health class is a guide for the teacher to listen to, and to the student is to talk is communication. It provides students with an opportunity and place to speak psychological, vent their emotions and emotions. After perception, experience, and reasoning, I guide students to reflect, examine, and evaluate their past behaviors and experiences, so as to adjust themselves and seek new knowledge so that the problem can be solved initially. By guiding students to reflect, correct the old and find new ones.
Fourth, carefully design the net mind.
The wonderful end is not only the summing up of the whole class, but also the infinite expectation and enlightenment for the students. Therefore, at the end of this lesson, I designed the "beautiful wish" to let the students make a wish and let the children Purify the mind in soothing music, let them know what is right, how to do it, believe in the prayer of the little girl in the background of the courseware, in the soft music, the children are willing to make beautiful wishes, and willing to work with everyone Let's share it. Thereby achieving the mental health class to purify the soul.
Fifth, the structure of the classroom structure for the children of the national high school, the psychology may be somewhat difficult to understand, the children feel that may not be able to say, I am too anxious in the classroom teaching, or emotionally enough Full, not driving the classroom atmosphere, the children are in a state of sorrow, or because the classroom structure design is too complicated for the children, the shackles they can feel are too limited, so that the students are not brave enough This should be avoided in future teaching.
In short, the mental health education activity class is a new and highly subjective subject, so I feel the responsibility of the shoulder, so after each class, I will try to reflect on some of my practices and ideas. Always be a good, progressive, hardworking mental health teacher, become me - a beautiful wish!

Chapter 2:

After finishing the mental health class - "Be a happy person", my heart is still practical and happy, because I am thinking about the benefits: this lesson, although there are shortcomings, but there are still many advantages, such as: through practice I have a clear understanding of the basic teaching process of the mental health class and I have been affirmed by the history teacher. In the classroom, the children have expressed their true thoughts. This is my most gratifying point.
During the course of the class, I learned a lot about the mental health class from the history teacher.
Teacher Shi first gave us a clear question of what the mental health class should solve: First, the general psychological problems of class students; Second, the method of handing over to students to solve psychological problems. Teacher Shi’s reminder, I understand that the content designed by the mental health class should be from the students, return to the students, not the teacher.
Teacher Shi then told us how to evaluate mental health classes. Evaluation of a mental health class, also follow the new curriculum reform philosophy, such as: the classroom should be oriented to all students, mental health classes are mainly activities, respect students, embody the principle of subjectivity, teachers' affinity is strong and so on.
Teacher Shi’s evaluation of this lesson affirmed the advantages: reviewing the content of the previous lesson before class and sharing the joy of action; grouping animals to let the children feel during the event; the overall design is in place, all the links are there, and The courseware is very beautifully produced. Of course, there are still many shortcomings: grouping makes students not communicate with each other enough, some links do not need to communicate in the group, exchange and waste time, let the children talk about troubles are not deep enough, do not guide the specific methods to solve psychological problems in place, etc. Wait.
"Our teacher, the most missing is the method now." Shi said. This is really a word to awaken the dream people. In the mental health class, my experience is less, the method is naturally less, some problems, still can not break the casserole in the end, and give guidance to the method.
Rethinking the gains and losses of this lesson, it is gratifying that in the classroom, I tried to return the class to the students and let the students speak. In such a relaxed environment, the children said their own voices: some Talking about the guzheng is very annoying, some say that the homework is annoying, and some say that the glasses are annoying... Even in the end, several children in our class who don’t raise their hands are actively raising their hands to tell everyone that they are in trouble. , the method used.
Such a class may be due to my kindness, and the children are not doing the right thing, but I think the children are in such an environment and can open their hearts. Some teachers say: If you let the children in a big room In the classroom, sit on the ground and let the scenes be warm! Mental health classes, let the children relax and say their voices, this is the direction I should always work hard.

Chapter three:

As a new teacher in the mental health class, how to improve the mental health education class and improve the students' knowledge, feelings and intentions through classroom teaching activities. I have been groping, summarizing and thinking. In the teaching of class 04.9, my previous practice was:
l, classroom import is the most important.
From a psychological point of view, the same content, in a way that students are interested in, students will be more willing and active to accept. In the face of students who have never really been exposed to psychological knowledge, I have created a lot of room for students. Before each mental health class, I will arrange a student to complete a self-introduction.
2. Engage in activities around the theme.
The mental health education class focuses on the experience of the activity, and must not be active for the activity. The activity should have a theme and a core. The mental health education class should also adhere to a core, and around this core, “do not disperse”, focus on cultivating students' most basic psychological factors, let them learn and experience their lifelong development in stories and games. The core concept of value.
I have been working hard to improve myself in this area. Activities are very demanding on the ability of teachers, and it is not easy to do things.
3. Appropriate self-opening
If the psychological teacher can make a sincere self-analysis and self-opening when appropriate and necessary, the students will also relieve self-defense mentality, truly express themselves and explore themselves safely. Sometimes students even ask for it: "Teacher, what about you? What did you do before? Tell us about it!" But as a psychological teacher, its most important role is always the organizer and guide of the classroom. There should be certain principles and limits for self-opening. Otherwise, it will lead to confusion and loss.
The above is my teaching in the mental health education class. Some practices and feelings of hard work. Of course, my mental health class is still immature and there are still many problems. To really improve the mental health education class and play its biggest role, there are still many problems to be discovered and solved. I will continue to work hard! I also hope that teachers and seniors will give me more help.

Chapter 4:

The Health Activity Class is an effective way and carrier for China's current small mental health education. It is a useful supplement to the construction and development of small activity courses and school-based curriculum in China. So what should the mental activity class do? What is a good mental health activity class?
“Activity” and “experience” are the two core elements of the Psychology Activity class. The primary purpose of mental health education is not to solve the problem of knowing and not knowing, but to create a certain psychological situation and carry out enlightening activities to create cognitive conflicts within the individual and awaken the deep inner consciousness of the students. Psychological experience to achieve the purpose of actually affecting their mental health and improving their psychological well-being. For individual psychology, no matter how vivid and vivid the lectures can replace the personal feelings and direct experience of the individual, even a little inspiration can leave a deep memory. Therefore, in this sense, psychological education is an education based on experiential learning.
Psychological activity classes can be used in a variety of activities, such as games, psycho drama, role play, situational simulation, discussion communication, behavioral training, psychological testing, and more. The selection of activities must be based on the needs of the theme, select those activities that are both interesting and inspiring.
When the new class was introduced, the coach taught a small “printing fingerprint” game, allowing students to print their fingerprints on paper and observe how each person’s fingerprints are different, so that students can realize that everyone in the world is different. . The second step is to design a “find name” activity, record all the names of them, and classify them according to family, school and society. According to the classification, the “I praise me” activity allows students to establish self-confidence and correctly understand themselves. The third step is to design the story and let the students make choices to get a basic understanding of the basic principles of friends. What is the most satisfying thing for myself? Let students try to learn self-affirmation, self-encouragement, and self-confidence. Finally, I ended this lesson with the five principles of giving students China and peaceful coexistence.
The Mental Health Activity Class advocates the principle of students as the main body. The whole process should make students think more, move more, participate more, and feel more. I don't talk too much and explain. Even when teaching students how to solve problems and techniques, they should fully allow students to think, summarize, and think about ways. I only give hints when necessary, and finally help to summarize, summarize, supplement, and refine. This way of making students self-sufficient is obviously much more meaningful and more profound than giving an answer directly.

Chapter 5:

How to get a good mental health education class, as a young teacher, I have been constantly exploring, summarizing, thinking and adjusting in my own teaching process in recent years. For the teaching work of this semester, my ideas and practices are:
l, classroom import is the most important.
From a psychological point of view, the same content, in a way that students are interested in, students will be more willing and active to accept. In the face of students who have never really been exposed to psychological knowledge, I have created a lot of room for students. Before each mental health class, I will arrange a student to complete a self-introduction.
2. Adhere to the core principles and form a divergent spirit.
The mental health education class focuses on the experience of the activity, and must not be active for the activity. The activity should have a theme and a core. The mental health education class should also adhere to a core, and around this core, “deeply disperse”, focus on cultivating students' most basic psychological factors, and let them learn and experience the core concepts that are valuable to their lifelong development.
I have been working hard to improve myself in this area. Activities are very demanding on the ability of teachers, and it is not easy to do things. For example, the "Communication" lesson, originally in the design of my activities, requires each student to hold a piece of paper on the back and find a classmate to complete the match. Later, considering that students' ability to regulate emotions is poor, it is easy to form confusion. Therefore, I redesigned the game link and changed the classroom activities to transfer the paper to the seat, effectively avoiding confusion, thus achieving the purpose of explaining the truth and the active atmosphere.
3, adhere to the discipline of the classroom, take care of this
Mental health education classes should create a corresponding atmosphere as needed, but there must be no principles and standards. It must be based on students' compliance with classroom discipline. As far as the high school students I teach, they are not self-disciplined, they do not know how to respect others, and they do not know how to take the initiative to observe discipline and rules. The most common phenomenon in the classroom is "ignoring listening": either speaking too casually, just talking loudly and not listening to others' voices; or closing up with yourself and ridiculing the students who tell the truth. These bad two-way interactions made the classroom lack a warm atmosphere and quickly became a mess. Eventually, the students did not dare to reveal the true feelings. The class could not form a real emotional exchange. I also had to stop to maintain discipline and the enthusiasm was also hit. . A well-designed class may be a disadvantage. Therefore, it is very necessary to educate students to maintain discipline, abide by the rules, respect others, etc. It is the basic premise of creating a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and it is also a kind of mental health education.
4. Appropriate self-opening
If the psychological teacher can make a sincere self-analysis and self-opening when appropriate and necessary, the students will also relieve self-defense mentality, truly express themselves and explore themselves safely. Sometimes students even ask for it: "Teacher, what about you? What did you do before? Tell us about it!" But as a psychological teacher, its most important role is always the organizer and guide of the classroom. There should be certain principles and limits for self-opening. Otherwise, it will lead to confusion and loss.
5, expand the extended classroom, "in the outside should be combined"
Tree image. In the eyes of students, the role of “mental teacher” is unfamiliar and fresh. Students' understanding of this role will greatly affect the development of mental health education and directly affect the effectiveness of mental health education. Therefore, the mental health status and personality charm of the psychological teachers, as well as professional cultivation, are very important.
Students at this stage of the study are mainly "imitation", they need to learn the role model. If they tell students that they want to adjust their emotions reasonably, they will lose their temper when they move, and the students will think: "The teacher can't do it himself, then we learn What's the use?" Therefore, inside and outside the classroom, I try my best to be cheerful and happy, and to give students understanding and respect.
"Heart quotation." I asked each student to prepare a "heart quotation", use it to record their own mental journey, and also serve as a platform for teachers and students to exchange emotions. I asked the students to hand over the books, but they could not write anything without confusion, which effectively protected the students who handed in the assignments. On the "Heart Quotations", they told me about the unpleasant experiences in the study, life, and teacher-student exchanges. I will respond promptly and write motivational words, which will bring me closer to the students. From time to time, they will also hand over the collection of famous celebrity quotes and exquisite articles, so that I can learn and grow together with them. More importantly, students can communicate with me through their inner thoughts at any time, and vent their depressed feelings deep inside. A student confided to me about his extraordinary growth experience with a length of more than 2,000 words. In the exchange of texts, he constantly adjusted himself and continued to grow; I also constantly looked at myself and continued to grow. . "Heart Quotations" is an extension of the mental health education class, providing a new channel for teacher-student exchange and psychological counseling.
These are some of the practices and feelings I have worked on in the teaching of mental health education. Of course, my mental health class is still immature and there are still many problems. To really take a good mental health education class and play its biggest role, there are still many problems to be discovered and solved. I will continue to work hard! I also hope that teachers and seniors will give me more help.

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