Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Management Contract Model

Catering Cooperation Agreement

Party A:

Party B:

In order to combine the advantages of both parties and work together to create a chain catering business, both parties will achieve the principle of equality, mutual benefit, common development and complementary advantages. After friendly consultations, they will reach an agreement on cooperation and become partners. The matter and the powers and obligations of both parties reached the following agreement:

The first purpose of cooperation

Jointly create a chain restaurant business

Article 2 Cooperative business projects and scope

R&D of chain catering products; financing, establishment, operation, promotion and management of chain restaurants;

Article 3 Cooperation period

The date of entry into force of this Agreement shall be limited to the first two entity restaurants jointly established by both parties.

Article 4 Ways of Cooperation

During product development and chain restaurant financing, Party B will provide Party A with the research and development of restaurant food and the establishment of chain restaurants in the form of commissioned consultants;

Party A and Party B jointly manage the first and second physical restaurants of the chain restaurant in a partnership. Both Party A and Party B will invest in phases according to the product development and the establishment of chain restaurants. details as follows:

1. When setting up the first physical restaurant:

Party A contributes in cash, and the amount of capital contribution is 90% of the investment in the store.

Party B shall make capital contribution in cash, and the amount of capital contribution shall be 10% of the investment amount of the entity's store.

Party B's contribution during this period shall be loaned by Party A to Party B without interest. When the physical store is profitable, it shall be directly deducted from the profit distribution income of Party B and returned to Party A.

2. When setting up a second physical restaurant:

Party A contributes in cash, and the amount of capital contribution is 90% of the investment in the store.

Party B shall make capital contribution in cash, and the amount of capital contribution shall be 10% of the investment amount of the entity's store.

The capital contribution of each partner shall be paid within the day before the establishment of the physical store. If Party B fails to pay or fails to pay within the time limit, Party B shall not enjoy the partner's rights to the second physical store and shall not participate in the profit distribution of the physical store.

3. The capital contribution of each partner during the partnership is a joint property, and may not be requested to be divided at will. After the termination of the partnership, the capital contribution of each partner is still owned by the individual and will be returned at that time.

Article 5 The rights and obligations of both parties

Party A’s rights and obligations

1. Product development and chain restaurant financing period:

1 Paying Party B a research and development fund of 5,000 yuan/month, which includes all expenses incurred during the product development process, including communication fees, vehicle and ship fees, materials fees, kitchen utensils, etc.;

2 Purchase the raw materials and formulas of the relevant catering core products from third parties, enjoy the ownership of the formula of the product, and have the right not to disclose to Party B;

3 Organizing the research and development of catering products and enjoying the ownership of the research and development products;

4 The management rights, trademark rights and ownership of the products of the chain restaurant are enjoyed by Party A;

5 Responsible for determining the brand, positioning, logo design of the restaurant chain and enjoying its ownership;

2. Various decisions during the partnership period

Party B shall vote in accordance with the proportion of capital contribution. Party A is the person in charge of the partnership. Its rights and obligations are:

1 to conduct business in the name of a partnership and to enter into a contract;

2 Daily management of the partnership;

3 Organize the research and development of catering products and enjoy the ownership of the research and development products;

4 After the establishment of the physical restaurant, it will enjoy a salary of 5,000 yuan/month;

5 payment of partnership debt;

Party B’s rights and obligations:

1. Product development and chain restaurant financing period:

1Responsible for planning the positioning of chain restaurants, designing chain restaurant brands and logos;

2 Responsible for the research and development and improvement of catering products, and disclose the obtained product formula to Party A, Party A enjoys the ownership of the research and development products;

3 Responsible for the planning and design of the cooking equipment of the restaurant, and standardization of the cooking equipment;

4 Customized food products processing, distribution and distribution of various standards and processes, food processing from the kitchen, to achieve standardization of logistics production;

5 Responsible for customizing the management of various levels of the restaurant, various procedures, various operation standards and job procedures, orderly and quantitatively operate the restaurant, and standardize the operation of the restaurant;

6 The ownership and copyright of all kinds of normative procedures, job manuals, planning and design plans, technical successes, etc. submitted by Party B shall be owned by Party A, and shall not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. If Party A causes losses, Party A shall be liable for compensation;

7 If Party B fails to perform its advisory duties as described above, Party A shall have the right to terminate the agreement at any time. Party B shall return the commissioned consultant fee paid by Party A and compensate Party A for the losses caused.

2. During the partnership period

1 Participate in the management of the partnership business; after the establishment of the entity restaurant, enjoy a salary of 5,000 yuan / month;

2 Party B shall be responsible for the operation and management of the store, and apply its experience of managing the chain restaurant for many years to the operation of the partner entity restaurant, including but not limited to:

Responsible for the research and development and improvement of catering products, and disclose the obtained product formula to Party A, Party A enjoys the ownership of the research and development products;

Responsible for positioning and packaging design of chain catering products;

Responsible for the location, positioning, design, interior layout, decoration and decoration of the restaurant, building a sanitary, healthy and warm external image of the restaurant, and establishing a good dining environment;

Responsible for the promotion and promotion of restaurants and their products, customizing the restaurant's slogan, regularly planning promotions, actively exploring the market, and striving to make the restaurant and products satisfied and recognized by customers;

Responsible for the recruitment, recruitment, training, attendance and management of restaurant staff, the development of employee job manuals, the creation of harmonious labor relations, mobilizing the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees;

Regularly report to Party A the operation of the restaurant and customer feedback of the products, and discuss the development direction and improvement measures of the restaurant with Party A.

3 Without Party A's consent, Party B shall be prohibited from conducting business activities in the name of a chain restaurant; if its business benefits, its proceeds shall be owned by the partnership; if the loss is caused, Party B shall be liable for the actual loss.

4 Party B is prohibited from operating a business and related catering business that competes with the chain restaurant during the partnership period, and prohibits Party B from taking responsibility for and responsible for the business in the competition with the chain restaurant during the partnership period.

5 Party B shall devote its duties to the responsibilities of the catering industry during the term of the partnership, strictly abide by the ethics and conduct of the catering industry, and shall not use its position for personal gain, for the purpose of illegal possession, and for self-interest.

6 From the time of the third entity restaurant, Party B does not have the rights of the third and future chain restaurants, and does not assume all the obligations related to this;

7 Party B is forbidden to join other partnerships.

8 Party B is prohibited from signing a contract with this partnership.

9 During the partnership period, the ownership and copyright of all kinds of normative procedures, job manuals, planning and design plans, technical successes, etc. submitted by Party B shall be owned by Party A, and shall not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. If Party A causes losses, Party A shall be liable for compensation. responsibility;

10 If Party B violates the above-mentioned articles, it shall be liable for compensation according to the actual loss of the partnership. If Party A persists in obstinacy after being dissuaded by Party A, Party A may decide to remove it.

Article 6: Surplus distribution and debt commitment during the partnership period

1. The surplus distribution is based on the amount of capital contribution and is distributed proportionally. The profit of a physical store is the total income of the physical store minus the surplus after the total expenditure. The product depreciation period cannot exceed three years.

2. Debt commitment: The partnership debt is first repaid by the partnership property. When the partnership property is insufficiently settled, it is based on the capital contribution of each partner.

Article 7 Transfer of accommodation, withdrawal, and capital contribution during the partnership period

1. Occupation: 1 need to recognize this contract; 2 need to be approved by all partners; 3 enforce the rights and obligations stipulated in the contract.

2. Withdraw: 1 The partnership cannot be retired within the first year. If Party B withdraws from the partnership within the first year of the partnership without the consent of Party A, Party B shall double return the research and development funds paid by Party A during the R&D and financing period, and immediately return the loan from Party A to Party B when the first entity restaurant is established. The loss of the physical restaurant established by both parties, and the return of the dividends enjoyed from the established physical restaurant; 2 shall not be withdrawn when the partnership is unfavorable; 3 the withdrawal of the partnership shall be notified to the other partners in advance ________ months and agreed by all partners; 4 After retiring from the partnership, the settlement will be made in the condition of the property at the time of withdrawal, and the payment will be settled by money regardless of the method of capital contribution;

3. Transfer of capital contribution: Within the term of the partnership, Party B may transfer its capital contribution in the partnership to Party A within the limit of the original capital contribution.

Article 8 Matters after termination and termination of partnership

1. The partnership is terminated by one of the following reasons: 1 the partnership period expires; 2 all partners agree to terminate the partnership; 3 the partnership is completed or cannot be completed; 4 the partnership is revoked in violation of the law; 5 the court is dissolved according to the request of the parties concerned.

2. Matters after the termination of the partnership: 1 recommend the liquidator and invite the ____________ intermediary to participate in the liquidation; 2 if there is a surplus after the liquidation, the order is based on the collection of creditor's rights, the settlement of debts, the return of capital, and the proportional distribution of the remaining assets. . Fixed assets and non-separable assets can be sold to partners or third parties at a price, and their prices participate in the distribution; 3 if there is a loss after liquidation, regardless of the amount of capital contributed by the partners, the joint property is first repaid, and the part of the partnership property is insufficiently paid. The partners bear the proportion of the capital contribution.

Article 9: Confidentiality clause:

During the validity period of the contract, the parties shall obtain any valuable commercial information or technical information from the other party outside the partnership or partnership, and shall strictly keep it confidential. They may not disclose or disclose it to a third party without the written consent of the other party, and may not authorize others to use it. This article will be considered a serious breach of contract and shall be liable for breach of contract and compensation for all resulting economic losses.

Article 10: Settlement of disputes

Article 11 In the event of a dispute between Party A and Party B, they shall be jointly negotiated and resolved in accordance with the principle of facilitating the development of the chain restaurant business. If the negotiation fails, either party may sue in the Dongguan City People's Court.

Article 12 If there are any outstanding matters in this contract, both Party A and Party B shall jointly discuss and discuss additions or modifications. The contents of the supplement and modification are equivalent to this contract.

Article 13 The original form of this contract is ____ copies. Party A shall hold the contract and Party B shall hold the share and have the same legal effect. This contract shall become effective on the date of its conclusion and submission to the industrial and commercial administration for approval.

Party A: ____________

Party B: ____________

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