High school inspirational

Write to the son in the countdown to the college entrance examination

Write to the son in the countdown to the college entrance examination

The third year has counted down

In a blink of an eye, the third year of 2019 is coming soon, time is like running water! The 2008 college entrance examination seems to be in front of you, and it will soon be in the 2019 college entrance examination.

Hey, life is over time, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle!

College entrance examination, college entrance examination, thousands of people have come to you this wooden bridge! You are very fair, no assessment, you can't get through, you are the obstacle set by God, you must pass your assessment to pass! You are a level. I don't know which year this level can be eliminated.

After the college entrance examination of my eldest son in 2008, my mentality has changed very well. I have not entered a very nervous attitude. Everything goes with the flow, I can get better, I can’t take a good job, I try to start small things and learn well. A craft, I think so.

Looking at the first night of his eldest son’s departure, I don’t know which nerve was motivated, or his brother’s performance caused him to worry. Anyway, he turned over his high school papers and review materials for the past few years. Turning out his younger brother's roll paper to see what it is not. It's good to prescribe the right medicine. Before going to the next morning, I will write what I won't do and pay attention to on the book, let the younger brother look at it. Look, and let the younger brother look at his previous notes, hey, man, why do you know that when you leave, you know that your brother didn’t learn well when I left, I always told him to let him teach Teaching my younger brother, the existing teacher at home, not teaching is not very wasteful, but why doesn’t he listen to me, hey, make the younger son ask me like this, how can I teach me when I leave, I said, it’s you don’t ask He, two people are facing the dry, you don't ask him, he will not teach you, see which one is losing, you don't know what to lose, you will get your brother's knowledge and become yours, why don't you know why? what. If you study hard now, you should still have time to do it. You should follow the instructions written by your brother.

Your brother said, you should do the same, you should deal with the college entrance examination no problem, see you too difficult for a while will also teach you bad, had to teach some can cope with the college entrance examination, do not lose points, the basic questions do not lose points, too If you are in a difficult situation, you will lose it. If you can't get it, you can learn other things and scores.

This is the farewell word of the eldest son with the younger son at the moment of leaving. I want to believe that the younger son will remember to take the last 80 days.

We can't help the parents, we have to do some logistics, match the son's nutrition three meals a day, fruit and milk, prepare, and buy some walnuts from time to time to help memory, this is what we can do.

Finally, go home every day to encourage me, come on, talk about some happy things, let my son have a good mood every day, this is a high school parents must do, high school stage, some children usually have good grades, can not play the college entrance examination, this is The mentality problem, therefore, the third year parents should pay attention to the child's mentality at the last critical moment, the mentality is the most important, the body is also important, and take good care of the child's body and mind. The college entrance examination will win half.

Son, come on, my mother cheers with you every day, you must do your best, I believe you must laugh at the college entrance examination and meet the final victory!

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