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College entrance examination review

College entrance examination review

In terms of long-distance running, the second and third semester of the third year is equivalent to the stage of sprint. This stage is a stressful, tired and boring, utilitarian and unfamiliar learning life that students have never experienced before, and they face their own strength for the first time. Decide your own future. Language, mathematics, English, physics, and chemistry are all focused on reviewing, and psychological pressure is probably unprecedented. But in the face of this situation, we can only meet the difficulties, but there is no way to completely avoid the test of this life. To this end, we have prepared a special plan for the 60 days before the test, and I hope to help you.

Part 1: Review of the basics of each unit of each discipline:

1. Take the textbook carefully from start to finish.

2. Draw the relevant knowledge points and think that the key points should be marked with a red pen.

3. Awaken the knowledge and pick up the forgotten knowledge.

4. Do some exercises to help understand and remember.

Part II: Review of thematic knowledge of each unit of each discipline:

1. Buy a one- or two-round review book, like a dial-up, a five-year college entrance exam for three years, and so on. When doing the exercises, you should repeat the relevant knowledge of the questions that you don't have, and make a mark to show that I have seen this but not.

2. To do the review questions for each unit in detail, do not miss the knowledge points. There are problems to see the principle. There are often a lot of knowledge points covered in a topic, and such comprehensive questions are the most practicable.

3. To summarize formulas, theorems, essentials, words, grammar, poetry, literary foundation, chemical equations, reaction principles, various experiments, and so on.

Part III: Knowledge integration in a single subject:

1. Do some single-study college entrance examination exercises, you can see the answer, ask the teacher and classmates, the purpose of reading the answer is to learn how to answer the questions of the college entrance examination, correct the bad habits and problem-solving methods in the usual study. Draw the wrong question with a red pen and correct it. If you can't write it, stick it. Each copy must be corrected by yourself for use before the exam.

2. Summarize the methods of solving problems in the questions, and some commonly used, but there is no knowledge that must be met in the textbook. This part of the knowledge should be recorded in small notes for pre-test browsing. Because it is not used every day, it will be forgotten.

3. Create a wrong set of questions, do not re-write the title and redo. If you want to keep your college entrance examination problem sets, you can order them together. It is best to use a page folder to load materials.

Part IV: Simulation and Intensive Review:

1. All subjects should do the college entrance examination simulation questions according to the time of the college entrance examination. Don't look at the answers. When you finish and record in a limited time, pay attention to the time when you make the papers. It is not shortening or extending. Do your own corrections and find out the deficiencies. The wrong paper should be reserved. Alternate can not be thrown. Keep the volumes of each unified mock exam together. If you have the ability, you should find other simulation questions in the same test area, as well as the pre-test simulation questions from the key middle schools.

2. To master the skills when solving problems, you can use the mouth to calculate the use of the mouth, you can use the clever calculation of the use of the formula, you can use the formula of the formula, in short, learn how to use the skills when doing the problem.

3. To develop the habit of doing check-ups while doing the questions, if there are still bad habits such as writing typos, doing wrong questions, copying wrong questions, etc., this is the killer of your college entrance examination. These problems that are not usually taken seriously are a tiger that blocks the road. Every high score is with you. Regret.

Part 5: Strengthening the test center for the college entrance examination, the finale of the finale:

1. Find the finale questions of each school, and it can be done over the years. This is the direction of the college entrance examination.

2. When the questions that have not been published in the past are reviewed here, it may not be possible this year.

3. Find the children of the classmates or friends of the parents to exchange the finale exercises and increase the visibility.

Part VI: Browse before the exam,

1. Take all the knowledge points and summaries that you have learned before, and you will be there at this time. If you don’t, you will still not, and you can only do so.

2. Take out all the problem sets that have been done before, and look at it. It is a wrong question to see when you will make mistakes in solving problems. These mistakes should be avoided during the college entrance examination.

3. Read the textbook knowledge again from the beginning, take a look at the key points and points of your painting, and remember it again, which is conducive to thinking during the exam.

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