High school inspirational

2012 High 300th Sprint Swearing Conference President's Speech

2011 High 300th Sprint Swearing Conference President's Speech

Parents, teachers, and classmates:
Bathed in the spring of harmony, full of hope, filled with the pride of struggle, today we are here to hold the 100-day swearing-in meeting of the college entrance examination, kicking off the prelude of our college against the college entrance examination. Here, on behalf of the school party branch and the principal's office, I would like to extend my best wishes to all the students of the third year! I would like to extend my cordial condolences and sincere gratitude to all the teachers who have fought in the first line of teaching for the third year.
In recent years, our college entrance examination has achieved great success and continuous success. Dear teachers and students, the college entrance examination has entered a countdown of 100 days, and the review has been fully carried out. The later review focuses on helping students to establish a scientific knowledge system, to check for missing vacancies, and to improve students' ability to answer questions. Every student will have a greater improvement after the review of this period, a larger breakthrough. Therefore, the success or failure of the later review will be related to the progress of each student and to the results of our college entrance examination. I hope that everyone will attach great importance to it, act immediately, and devote all of their heart to the later review.
Dear teachers, in order to achieve our goals, in order to create the glory of the college entrance examination, we have spent many sleepless nights, how much hard sweat we have flowed. Now the dawn is ahead and the victory is coming. We must meet the challenges and strive for success with a hundredfold confidence, full of enthusiasm, and full enthusiasm. Here I am asking you four requirements:
First, we must continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work and hard work. The teacher is hard, and the teacher who teaches the third year is especially hard. However, this is our duty, and this is our business. The teacher's life value is to be a stepladder and help students to achieve a beautiful ideal. The high school teachers in our school have always been able to endure hardships and fight hard. We have overcome the difficulties one after another and created one miracle after another. In this hundred days, we must continue to carry forward this fine tradition of hard work, pragmatism and hard work, to create a new world, and to create a new glory.
The second is to continue to carry forward the team spirit of coordinated operations. The college entrance examination preparation is a collaborative battle of collective intelligence. Only by uniting the same spirit and working together can we produce the greatest synergy and achieve the best results. All subject groups should give full play to the collective strength, actively carry out seminar activities, grasp the new trends of the college entrance examination, analyze the new information of the college entrance examination, make overall arrangements, and unify the pace. The six teachers in each class should be united and coordinated, carefully study the class and academic conditions, strengthen communication and communication, strengthen the remedy of weak subjects, and ensure that each student can play the best level in this year's college entrance examination.
The third is to continue to carry forward the pioneering spirit of pioneering and innovative. Each teacher has to work creatively on the teaching characteristics of the later review. Not only must we work hard, but we must do it; we must not only do it, but also do it. Strengthen process tracking, refine the teaching content, refine the problem-solving ideas, and actualize the teaching results. To achieve maximum efficiency with the most optimized teaching, we must achieve the most satisfactory results in the most scientific way. Strive for rigor, strive for efficiency, and refrain from impetuousness and strive for the upper reaches.
The fourth is to continue to carry forward the hard work and dedication. In this hundred days, all our senior high school teachers should concentrate all their energy on teaching. Care about the life of each student, pay attention to the learning of each student, and care for the progress of each student. The heart of the college entrance examination, the students of the heart, wholeheartedly devoted our enthusiasm to create the glory of the college entrance examination, and do our utmost to dedicate our love to hold up the dreams of every student.
Dear students, 100 days, for you, it will undoubtedly be the busiest, hardest, most crucial and most memorable day in the high school learning period. Therefore, this hundred days has extraordinary significance for you. You are eager to succeed because you have too many expectations and high expectations. Whether it is crucial to grasp this last hundred days is of great significance. To this end, I also want to ask you a few hopes and requests.
First, we must have firm confidence. All of our seniors must establish firm confidence. Confidence is the source of motivation, and confidence is the guarantee of success. Only by dare to think about everything can you do it. In order to help the students realize their ideals, the school will do its utmost to provide you with the best service for your study and life. The school will put the work of the third year of high school in the first place and open the green light for the review of the third year. The school has a large number of key teachers in the third year, they have the ability to train you into talents, send you to higher education institutions; students have more confidence in themselves. As long as the teacher's persistence is combined with the confidence of the classmates, the diligence of the teacher and the hard work of the classmates are unified, the students have confidence, the parents have confidence, the teachers have confidence, and they are united and form a strong synergy. We are fully capable of achieving our intended goals. Have the ability to win this battle.
The second is to have a scientific approach. The college entrance examination is not only an arduous personal mental work, but also a smart competition. In this hundred days, students should pay attention to the scientific review methods, listen to the opinions of teachers in various subjects, and consolidate the basic knowledge by means of checking and filling the gaps; construct a knowledge system by means of reflection and summarization; For the purpose of enhancing the awareness of norms; focusing on intensive practice, training ability to solve problems. In the later review, the students identified the key points and difficulties of the discipline, broke through the blind spots and misunderstandings of knowledge, and arranged the time reasonably, which was to compete for time and science.
The third is to have tenacious perseverance. There are only a few steps in the life of a person, and now it is a crucial step for the students to move towards a brilliant future. In this hundred days, we must overcome one difficulty after another with tenacious perseverance and hard work. There are six subjects in the college entrance examination, and there are so many knowledge points and ability points in each subject. It is really not easy to master. If you are afraid of hardships and fears, you will always be able to stand still. However, as long as we seriously study under the guidance of the teacher, we will be able to master it well. The college entrance examination is hard and hard. In the next hundred days, as long as you firmly believe in and work hard, you will be able to create brilliance.

Fourth, we must have a healthy mindset. In this hundred days, we must constantly adjust our psychology and maintain a healthy and optimistic attitude. Establish good interpersonal relationships and create an external environment that is conducive to your own development. The college entrance examination sprint time is tight, the task is heavy, one hundred days to remove the exam and the preparation time before the exam, the average one less than twenty days, such a short time, must require high efficiency, high quality, requires students to have a high concentration of attention . To overcome all selfish distractions, put all your energy into the college entrance examination review. The sprint college entrance examination is the most important goal in our current life, and it will determine the direction of your life. I believe that students will not lose their way in the next hundred days, and they will not lose up because of smallness. As long as you maintain a healthy mentality, work hard, and struggle hard, you will be able to achieve your beautiful life ideals.
Teachers, the sprinting bells of the college entrance examination have already sounded; students, the horn of the college entrance examination is inspiring. Let us use the hard work to create a new glory for the college entrance examination, and write a new chapter in life with action!
Finally, I sincerely hope that all the students of the third year of high school will win the championship in this year's college entrance examination.
thank you all

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