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College entrance examination speech

College entrance examination speech

Classmates, after 12 years of hard work and hard work, I finally ushered in the moment when you showed your talents. At this time, who is not grinding and slamming? Who doesn't want to make their own gold list title? However, the college entrance examination is not only a test of the candidates' knowledge ability, but also a test of the will, perseverance and psychological quality of the candidates. Every detail prepared before the exam, every test strategy during the exam will have an incalculable impact on the exam. Numerous facts prove that the normal or super-level of the college entrance examination belongs to those who can keep a clear mind in the last few days of this critical period, focusing on the pre-test preparation and test-taking strategies. Take this opportunity to remind the students to do our best for the students to play a high level in the college entrance examination.
First, the college entrance examination preparation:
1. Maintain the original learning situation, appropriately reduce the intensity of learning, and must sleep before 11:00 every day. The key point is to memorize the knowledge of each subject in a systematic way, to look at important notes, review typical examples of exercises, papers, and wrong sets of questions, and to re-collect the knowledge of each subject, so that you can still count on these days. More substantial. At the same time, this can effectively overcome the anxiety. Don't avoid reading books, do not do questions, do nothing, and wander around, which is extremely unfavorable for preparing for exams!
3. Do not watch TV during the college entrance examination, do not play basketball, do not play football, and do not play confrontational sports. Listen to light music to relieve fatigue when you are upset.
4. The diet is mainly light, don't eat too much, eat the right amount of high quality fruit. Don't eat cold meals, be careful at night! You can eat some eggs, milk, bread, and eat some fruits and vegetables to make it easy to digest. Do not eat greasy food, so as not to dry mouth. Candidates should eat as little cold food as possible, drink less, and do not eat outside the door to eat meals to prevent gastroenteritis.
On the afternoon of 5.6, I saw the examination room and the seat. I was allowed to sit in the examination room and feel it. I don't allow it to be forced into. Familiar with the test room environment, but also familiar with cycling, travel routes and the approximate time required. It is very meaningful to clean up the bedroom in the dormitory where the students sleep.
6. During the college entrance examination, the time for nap and late bedtime is the same as usual, but the time must be accurately informed to the parents in advance, and can be written on the wall with paper. The key time can be specially marked to remind the parents. Do not read in bed, leading to drowsiness, dizziness, affecting sleep at night.
7. During the college entrance examination: wake up immediately after waking up in the morning, do not go to bed, take a walk after getting up, do some simple exercise, then wash, eat breakfast, check the review materials before the departure, in the Set a time to review in the preparation room.
8. Students who accompany their parents outside the college entrance examination during the college entrance examination must sleep in the afternoon of their parents' care, to prevent unaccompanied naps from being taken care of, and to prevent accidental oversleeping, resulting in irreparable losses! The students in the dormitory can take a nap and the dormitory administrator will remind you on time.
10. Try to synchronize with the class during the college entrance examination, which will save a lot of trouble. If the students who go to the test center on their own, remember to arrive at the designated place,
11. If the student who lost the admission ticket and ID card does not panic, please report the class teacher in time and report to the team leader by the class teacher.
12. Preparation of test supplies: Stick the "Admission Ticket" and "Identity Card" with tape paper, face to face, and hand it to the class teacher for custody. On the afternoon of the 6th, carefully check the test supplies such as rubber, ruler, compass, pen, 0.5mm black pen, 2B pencil, watch, transparent plastic bag, etc. Whether there is an umbrella or not when the weather is bad. Put the test supplies in a clear plastic bag. Check each exam before going out.
Second, the college entrance examination test strategy:
1. Psychology in the exam: Remember that people can inspire the greatest potential when they are calm in their hearts, and they should concentrate on concentration and eliminate distracting thoughts;
2. Make full use of the 5 minutes before the test: 5 minutes from the hair roll to the official answer, make full use of these 5 minutes, do the following things:
Fill in the answer sheet and the admission ticket number, name and seat number on the test paper;
Browse the paper structure again: How many questions? How many faces? Is there a blank surface? Which side of the last question is on? Don't go through the content of the test questions one by one, be afraid to look at the grass, do not really understand the meaning of the question, get the wrong first impression, and then pre-emptively solve the problem;
Take 3 minutes to seriously think about the answers to questions one to two.
3. Must be easy and difficult:
Must remember the reasons for the three difficult first:
1 Propositions examine the students' psychological quality and resilience, and may have difficult or difficult questions in front of or in the middle of the test;
2 Generally, the whole volume is generally easy and difficult, but the actual individual of the candidates is different;
3 The first to do easy questions with high accuracy.
Generally, the first hour to do the choice of questions and then fill in the blanks, and finally the answer to the order of the answer to take all the easy questions and easy to score mid-range questions, and strive to achieve an accuracy rate of 100%, the impact of the latter hour is relatively rare For mid-range questions and high-end questions, don't do the answer questions and essays first!
4. Always insist on slow review and quick answer:
There are two reasons to remember the quick answer;
1 The college entrance examination is a selective examination, and the examination questions have a certain degree of discrimination. It is difficult to really understand the meaning of the questions without a word.
2 Misunderstanding the meaning of the language, rushing to answer causes errors, not only wasting time, but also causing psychological tension due to unsatisfactory problem solving or finding errors in trial questions.
Questions to review:
1 Examine the conditions - fully explore the connotation and implied information of each condition, and try to transform the novel and unfamiliar conditions into familiar conditions;
2 Examine the requirements - fully understand the meaning of the request, and transform the novel and unfamiliar demands into familiar and easy-to-solve problems;
3 examine the question type - the common problem-solving method of Lenovo's question type, what method should be used in this question first; explore the relationship between the known and the desired relationship and the law of transformation, and make a fuss from the differences, techniques, and methods.
5. It is necessary to keep in mind the strategy of multi-score: students at different levels must give their own choice questions, fill in the blanks, do the right choices, make difficult choices, fill in the blanks, use the questions, and eliminate the questions. "guess" right;
When doing easier and mid-range answers, there are no errors in the steps that can be completed, especially in the first few steps. There is no problem with calculations, deformations, and formulas, and the score is over 90%. The above two points, especially for middle school students, should be well defined and not speed.
It is more difficult to solve the problem-solving strategy:
1 must bear in mind that the college entrance examination marking is the principle of step-by-step scoring;
2 puzzle solution score strategy:
A language literal translation - the text language and graphic language of the title are expressed in symbolic language;
B's lack of step-by-step answer--When a problem is really unsuccessful, a sensible problem-solving strategy is: divide it into a sub-question or a series of steps, first solve part of the problem, that is, to what extent To what extent, you can write a few steps in a few steps, and you can get the score for this step every step.
C jump step answer - If the problem is stuck in a transitional process, you can assume that this link has been resolved, to see if you can get a conclusion, if you can't get a conclusion, you can change direction immediately. If you can draw a conclusion, Then you can go back and focus on solving this "halfway point"; if the question is asked, if the first question can't be solved, you can assume that this question is solved, depending on the first question is known, use it to make a conclusion to solve the latter problem.
D should do the questions that have not yet been done in the last 15 minutes.
6. Answer strategy: The answer is usually cooked first. In the scan, it is possible to see more favorable conditions and more adverse factors. For the former, you should not fall into the trap of “like to see each other” because of impulsive impulses. For the latter, you should not panic and do the questions that are familiar with the structure and content of the questions, and then do those questions, content and even language. Question.
Answers are generally high first and then low. It means that under the premise that the difficulty is about the same, the questions with high scores will be made first, and then the questions with low scores will be used. This means less investment and great benefits, but it is necessary to pay attention to distinguishing difficulties. Do not focus on high-scoring questions, resulting in "high-scoring questions can not be attacked for a long time, low-scoring questions have no time to take care of", which is also contrary to the principle of easy and difficult.
Write faster, improve the writing speed under the premise of neatness and clarity, and be good at compressing time for multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions. You can write and calculate on the first volume, and avoid making small fuss.
7. Draft requirements: orderly and tidy. Easy to feedback, check.
8, the requirements of the answer sheet: you must see the type of answer sheet, then use the black pen to fill in the name, test number, and then use 2B pencil to apply the test number and subject. Determination of the filling time: After the selection question will be done, it should be standardized and filled immediately, and it must be checked whether it is seated. If you finish the application at the end, it is easy to make mistakes because of nervousness and brain power consumption, and sometimes even forget to fill. When you are writing, you should see the order of the title number and the answer letter. In the usual examinations, some students did not have time to apply the questions because they did not apply the questions in time. This point must not appear in the college entrance examination. Note that the college entrance examination answer sheet is different from the answer sheet used by our school. For example, the college entrance examination points are A and B. The card, the title number and the ABCD are arranged in different order. The numbers in the test number are different. They are arranged from top to bottom. The college entrance examination is 1, 2, ..., 9, 0, and the answer sheet of our school is 0, 1. 2,……,
9. One-sided specification: For the purpose of winning the score and the emotional points, it is necessary to write a standard, neat and generous, and at the same time, the answer format should be standardized and orderly.
10. Do a good job review:
Check if the question is missing, and whether the answer and the question are correct;
If you find any errors, don't cross them all. After you correct them, frame the errors and write "Don't";
When the spirit is not good, don't easily doubt what you have done before, and don't change it easily.
Correct the answer written on the draft paper and the answer on the test paper.
11 pay attention to the examination room discipline: if the items that are not allowed are not brought to the test center, but can not be brought into the examination room, the test is not allowed to be submitted in advance, without the consent of the invigilator, it is not allowed to leave the examination room, and the test paper, answer sheet, draft paper tape is not allowed. Out of the examination room, note that the college entrance examination does not allow the use of tape paper, do not forget the documents in the examination room at the end of each test.
12. After the test, do not answer the questions with others, do not care about the gains and losses of the previous exams, and fully prepare for the next exam. After the examination, the answer, this is a taboo for the exam, so that the play of the previous subject will affect the subjects behind. After all the exams are over, the students will rest at home, but don't go far away, and leave a phone call to the class teacher to prevent people from finding things. Pay attention to all aspects of safety and prevent extreme sadness.
Third, the college entrance examination psychological tips:
In the face of the challenges of the college entrance examination, I will send three warm tips and a good wish to the students. I hope that everyone can bring them into the examination room, and hope that they can bring good luck and good luck to the students. I will send a reminder to the students through three small stories and combined with the content of the story.
The first story is: During the Ming Dynasty, a scholar went to Beijing for the third time to study and lived in a store that often lives. Two nights before the exam, he had two dreams. The first dream was to dream of planting cabbage on the wall. The second dream was rainy day. He wore a fight and an umbrella. These two dreams seemed to be somewhat profound, so the second day of the show, I went to find the fortune teller to solve the dream. The fortune teller listened and shot the thigh and said, "You still go home. Think about it, grow vegetables on the high wall, not white. Is it hard to fight? Isn’t it necessary to wear an umbrella to wear an umbrella?” The show was disheartened and went back to the store to pack up and prepare to go home. At this time, the store owner felt very strange and asked: "Is not going to take the exam tomorrow? How can I go back today?" Xiu Cai said something about dreaming and dreaming. The store owner smiled: "Haha, I will also Dreaming. I think you must stay here this time. Do you think that the cabbage on the wall is not a high species? Is it not safe to wear an umbrella and wear an umbrella? Is it more reasonable to read it? So I took the exam in spirit and I actually got a probe.
This story tells us: optimistic people, like the sun, where the light shines, pessimistic people, like the moon, the first fifteen is not the same. Attitude determines everything about us, what kind of attitude we have, and what kind of future we have. Therefore, in the examination room of the college entrance examination, we must be "positive and optimistic, believe in ourselves". This is my first reminder for everyone. It is the first decision for the college entrance examination to win. I hope that the students will maintain a good attitude of self-confidence and optimism in the examination room. Constantly encourage yourself, every time you finish a question, you secretly encourage yourself and say to yourself: "I am in a good state today, I have the confidence to do every problem."
The second story is said: According to legend, Li Guangxi, a famous Western Han Dynasty, once ran out of a grass in a grass, he hurriedly took out his bow and arrow and shot in the middle of the tiger. When I came closer, I realized that the shot was a stone that looked like a tiger's head. Only the arrow has entered the stone a few points. Li Guangshen feels weird: How come he is so divine, archery can actually enter the stone. He returned to the original place and shot again, but he could no longer shoot the arrow into the stone.
It can be seen that the potential of human beings is enormous, especially when people are in a state of tension and criticality. The potential of every classmate in the room is endless. I hope that students can follow the usual questions when they are facing the questions. Accumulate, constantly tapping your inner potential and surpassing yourself. This is my second tip for everyone: "Explore potential, surpass yourself."
The third story is: Yang Ge is the owner of the apple orchard in the highland state of New Mexico. He is a very innovative person. During the harvest season, Yang Ge sends the good apples to various places. There are different advertisements on the Apple Box: "If you are not satisfied with the Apple you received, please write to me. Apple does not have to return, the payment is refundable." Advertising words have great appeal, plus The apples on the upper plateau are delicious and rarely polluted. They are favored by customers and attract a large number of buyers every year. However, one year, a large hail suddenly broke down on the plateau, and the red apples with branches were bruised and bruised. At this time, Apple has set a 9,000 tons. In the face of this scarred, traumatic Manyuan apple, how can we get out of this terrible loss? Yang Ge came to the apple orchard, and he stepped on the steps and slammed the leaves. He leaned over to pick up an apple that had been knocked down to the ground, licked the dirt and took a bite. He accidentally discovered that the apple that had been hit by the hail had a very fragrant taste, and it was delicious and refreshing. The idea came to life. He decisively ordered his men to concentrate and immediately sent the apples out. At the same time, a short explanation was attached to each apple box: "These apples are wounded, but please be optimistic. This is the scar from the hail. It is the plateau. The unique mark of the apple produced. This apple is fruity and has a wonderful fructose taste." The buyer who received the apple was dubious and tasted the apple with a scar and found it to be very good. Since then, people have preferred plateau apples, and even specialize in providing scarred apples.
The revelation of this story is that when you encounter something that is inferior or unfavorable, you don't have to be discouraged. The key is to be flexible, to think calmly, to be good at, to dare to break through the predicament, to take a new path, and the disadvantage may become an advantage. Therefore, in the process of the college entrance examination, when you encounter difficulties or are in a difficult situation, you should calmly think, do not worry, be good at using the skills and methods that are usually emphasized by the teachers of each department or you have accumulated, and get out of the predicament. Test out your best level or even super level. This is the third tip I gave to everyone: "Calmly think, win by skill."
Finally, I would like to give you a good wish. This is a couplet. The Shanglian is: "Shoushan is more eager to see my second middle school, and the top is the Gui". The next link is: "Xue Haijing is a sneak peek at my classmates." Win the championship." The horizontal batch is the "golden title".
I wish the students a great college entrance examination, the gold list title!
Truth-seeking makes me outstanding, and self-confidence makes me stand out!
The squid does not leap, can you become a dragon? Dapeng stops, can you vacate?
Ten years of sharpening the knife, only for the present.
There are a few strokes in life, and it is a year of college entrance examination.
You are easy to him, I don't care, you are difficult, he is not afraid of it.

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