Work report > request report

Similarities and differences between requests and reports

Requests and reports are up-and-down documents, often confused, but in fact there are two distinct categories of text. ?

First, the purpose of the text is different. This is the most basic difference between the two types of literature. The request is for the approval of the superior, the instruction, the approval of the superior, and the petition; the report is to report to the higher level, reflect the situation, make comments or suggestions, answer the inquiry from the superior, generally do not need the reply of the superior, and report it. ?

Second, the amount of time is different. The request needs to be written beforehand, and it cannot be “first played”; the report is generally written after the event or during the work. This is as stated in the ordinary work. "Please ask beforehand and report afterwards." ?

The third is that the main delivery agency is different. Please refer to the general only to send a direct superior agency. It is not advisable to send long and multi-level masters to avoid the impact on the efficiency and quality of the papers due to unclear responsibilities or mutual deduction. That is, the organs and units under the dual leadership report and request, and the main sending and copying agencies should be separately written according to the contents, so that the responsibility of the contractor should be clarified according to the primary and secondary, and the main sending organ should be responsible for answering the questions. The report can sometimes be sent to the multi-level and long-term, if the situation urgently requires the disaster situation, epidemic situation, etc. as soon as possible.

Fourth, the way the agency handles it is different. The request is for the contractor, and the receiving agency must handle it in time, clearly answer it, and approve it within a time limit; the report is mostly a reading part. Except for the recommended report that needs to be approved, the receiving agency cannot reply to other reports. If the request is mistakenly written as a report, it may be mistaken for different treatments. ?

The fifth is related to the content. The request is for the approval and instruction of the higher authorities. Any problem that the lower-level organs and units have no right to handle, cannot solve, and must be approved by the higher authorities according to the regulations can be written as a request. Therefore, the request can be divided into three types: the request indication request, the request approval request, and the request approval request. The first category involves many issues related to laws and regulations, and the second category involves specific matters concerning personnel, finance, and institutions. According to its content, the report can be divided into a work report for reporting to the higher level, a report on the situation, a report on the proposal for suggestions, a reply to the inquiry from the superior, a report on the file, materials or articles. ?

Sixth, the focus of writing is different. Although the request and report must be stated and reported, the focus of the report is on the reporting work, and the request cannot be included in the report. The statement in the request is only for the reason of the request. Even if the situation is larger, the focus is still on the matter. ?

Please explain the difference between the report and the report.

Seven is the different forms of the text structure. Please refer to the paragraph-integrated, three-segment or total-segment style structure, which is generally shorter. Reports are commonly used in the general classification, segmental or through-structure, and the length is generally longer. ?

Because of the above differences, the instructions must not be misused as a report, nor can they be written as a report.

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