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Advanced deeds of rural ordinary party members

**, 48 years old this year, very ordinary rural unemployed party members, some people said: "Love is busy, nostalgia, good for others, lost." He said: "People will spend decades in their lives, do more things that are good for the public, and worthy of others."
** There are 28 Communist Party members in the village and 22 rural unemployed party members. The development, the sense of glory, responsibility and enterprising spirit of rural unemployed party members and the requirements of the development of the times, expectations, and the advanced standards of party members show a gap. , will not, do not want to be a model of the vanguard role. The vanguard and exemplary role of the Communist Party members, the implementation of the new measures for the establishment of the postal responsibility system for rural unemployed party members, the rural economic development, spiritual civilization construction, rural social stability, etc. of the village party branch, the village party branch, set the village financial supervision post, Science and technology led to the posts of wealthy posts, foreign population management posts, spiritual civilization construction posts, social security posts, civil mediation posts, voluntary volunteer service posts, etc., with the village party branch as the self-recognition, branch appointment, recommendation, etc. Fixed the post.
After the implementation of the rules system for unemployed party members in rural areas, more than ten representatives of advanced and inactive party members emerged in the village. ** One, he has been a model member of the party since he joined the village “Technology Drives Riches and Civil Mediation Posts”, and he has invested in the technology of the village to become rich and scientifically cultivated. Lao Lu once said generously: "A party member, I am not afraid of hardships, not afraid of being involved, the most fearful things are inconvenient, and I can’t make it strong. The implementation of the post-responsibility system has made me a jobless job, no place. For the people, the rural unemployed party members can make their own special strengths."
I. Outlook on Life: Dedicating love to leaving the heart to the party
** Having served as the deputy village head of the science and technology department in the village for 4 years, and many years of experience, Lao Lu has gradually evolved from the young, impulsive and enthusiastic youth to the old revolution of calm, decisive and responsible.
In his own field of responsibility, he began to breed and breed wild Chinese gastrodia elata, Codonopsis and other Chinese herbal medicines, planting techniques, and visit and study in the field planting area. He devoted himself to research for one year. He harvested more than 10,000 yuan in the year. The nearby farmers have also begun to grow up and are on a yearly scale. He took the lead in planting konjac. In a few years, he became a big konjac. As a result, the konjac of the ** village gradually went on the scale and flowed to the market in batches, and became the main industry for local agricultural production and farmers to increase their income.
The current rural party members' degeneration of party spirit, the weakening of the concept of organization, the weakening of the concept of purpose, the aging of knowledge and age structure, and the negative state of mind, starting from education, leaving rural unemployed without paying or peasant burden Party members "job", assisting villages and groups to work, and setting up posts in rural "unemployed party members", so that rural unemployed party members have posts, responsibilities, positions, and actions, and are widely distributed throughout the village. After hearing the news, Lao Lu should increase the production of agriculture in the village, increase the income of farmers, and mediate the civil disputes in infrastructure construction, and sign up for the “Technology to get rich and the people to adjust the posts”. After the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, Lao Lu heard reports and organized the donation of the volunteer service team to spontaneously contribute their love. Under the propaganda of Lao Lu, everyone donated a small amount of 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan, only **The village donated more than 18,000 yuan in one day, and there are still many people who can catch up in the future, or donate in the field. There are several disabled people who have crutches and walk on one leg. A few kilometers of roads have sent a small amount of living expenses. The scene is really touching, the team members have given love, they also paid special party fees, and they also donated their own gifts.
On the 26th lunar month of the lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is approaching. Considering that there is still a remote and lonely woman who refuses to enter the welfare home, Peng Yuanmei, who has no children and no women, is old enough. I am afraid that there is life. So, Lao Lu asks for the village. After the branch, they also discussed the organization and condolences. A total of 8 members of the unemployed party members, the oldest 60-year-old, have been stalking for dozens of miles, braving the cold and snow, will condense the warmth of the entire team and the village committee cadres. Love, sent to the hands of Peng Laos.
After the post, Lao Lu traveled all the time and was able to make a fortune earlier. He was versatile and rushed to drive the whole group of roads. When someone was unwilling to pay for it, Lao Lu worked hard on the construction site every day, infecting everyone around him. Finally, under his influence, after more than two years, this road has reached every family in the whole group, and the benefits are positive. Everyone, ** the greatest spiritual sustenance is the help and happiness of others. "Some people say that I am stupid and do everything at a loss, but I feel that I am a member of the Communist Party and have an obligation to serve." Lao Lu firmly said, "I have paid so much, and it is all. As long as the village is well built." There are more people who care for the environment, more new houses, and more people who are rich, I am happy."
An ordinary rural party member, his embodiment reflects the lofty spirit of selfless dedication. He is the epitome of a vanguard and exemplary role of party members.
Second, the concept of party members: no job should be a rural unemployed party member, ** harvest in addition to happiness, as well as the party and trust in him. Lao Lu has been working for more than two years and has been working diligently. Some things in the village have been discussed with him. If there is something in the village, he will also seek advice from him. Thinking of the hardships and gains of the years, he smiled and said: "Other people make money, I 'earn' is trust and people, money may be, but trust will not go far, I have to work hard, 'earn' more More." ** Village Party Branch feels that: respect the spiritual needs of rural unemployed party members, set up posts and responsibilities, and empower them to motivate them to serve the villagers. Inspire the original motivation of the rural unemployed party members, the party organization's talents can be greatly expanded, the party organization's attraction can be expanded, and the party organization's combat effectiveness can be greatly increased. Let the rural unemployed party members "go on the job" and set the posts and responsibilities, not only give the honor of the rural unemployed party members, but also give a sense of responsibility and mission. "Introduction" to the forefront of rural unemployed party members in the work, "forced" in the development of the economy, science and technology to get rich, compliance with laws, planning for childbirth, stability and other exemplary role, "promoting" to be a qualified policy propaganda Members, rich combatants, stable security officers, village rule supervisors and enthusiastic service attendants have a sense of pride, honor, and responsibility, which has inspired the vitality of the party’s "cells" and the power of grassroots party organizations. And fighting power.

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