Work report > research report

Research Report on "Organization and Implementation of Comprehensive Practice Activities"

Summary: In recent years, our school has been striving to implement the concept of the new curriculum standards, adhere to the students' experience and life, and take "practice, development, innovation" as the main body, with comprehensive, open and research-oriented practical activities. As the main link, the research activities are the main form, and the experimental work of comprehensive practical activities is carried out in a planned way. Starting from curriculum integration, labor technology, information technology and social practice, we constantly explore, summarize and accumulate experience, thus enhancing the school. The quality of the school has realized the value of comprehensive practical activities, so that teachers and students have achieved real development, let them learn happiness in the activities and grow up healthily in the harvest.

Keywords: integrated practice activities, integration, transformation, practice, development

Since the 1990s, the changes in social lifestyles and the rapid advancement of science and technology have presented new challenges to every member of society. Faced with a new social background, faced with the extensive application of information technology, people's lifestyles and learning styles have to be changed, and new quality requirements have been put forward for each member of society. The development of modern society objectively requires each member of society to have sound values ​​and responsible attitudes to life; to have innovative consciousness and ability, to be good at discovering and exploring; to be able to participate in social practice, to be good at living and working with others; to have a sense of social responsibility and The ecological ethics consciousness can coexist harmoniously with the surrounding environment, that is, it has four basic qualities of “learning, learning to learn, learning to live with others, and learning to survive”. Among them, “learning cognition” emphasizes the means for students to gain understanding in learning; “learning to do things” focuses on the students' practical ability, that is, they can influence their own environment; “learning to live together” requires students to be able to work with others. Participate in all activities and learn to cooperate and communicate in these activities; "learning to survive" is the main form of the first three learning outcomes, and is the basic requirement for students to learn from the perspective of life. From this point of view, basic education must pay attention to the improvement of students' comprehensive practical ability, caring for students' lifelong learning ability and lifelong learning desire. According to the "Basic Education Curriculum Reform Outline", comprehensive practical activities must be offered from the national primary school to the secondary school. At this point, the comprehensive practical activities officially entered the Chinese small campus as a "course". However, compared with the subject curriculum, the implementation of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum has encountered many obstacles, the teaching objectives are difficult to achieve, and the spirit of the “guideline” cannot be implemented well. Therefore, in order to explore the effective implementation of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum, our school began to study this content in March XX, and by March 2019, it has gone through a whole four years, in the course of four years of research. In the middle, our school has further understanding of the comprehensive practical activities, and has gained a lot.

First, the significance of research

The research significance of this topic is to study the effective implementation of the way, to change the students' learning mode based on the simple transfer of teachers' knowledge, to build an open learning environment for students, to provide various channels to acquire knowledge, and to integrate the learned knowledge. Set opportunities for practice to promote a positive learning attitude and a good learning strategy, cultivate practical ability and innovative spirit, and shape a healthy and up-to-date personality.

Second, the research objectives

The overall goal of this project is to strive to implement the concept of the new curriculum standards, adhere to the students' experience and life, and take "practice, development, innovation" as the main body, with comprehensive, open and research-oriented practical activities as the main link. With research activities as the main form, we will carry out experimental work on comprehensive practical activities in a planned way to promote students' close integration between on-campus and off-campus life, cultivate students' initial sense of innovation and practical ability, and comprehensively improve students' quality for life. The foundation for development.

Third, research strategy

Institutional guarantee

1. Establish a leadership organization for the implementation of the curriculum. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the research, the school set up a comprehensive practical activity leading group, each member of the group has a specific division of labor and corresponding responsibilities. The leading group is mainly responsible for the implementation of the curriculum plan, the formulation of the school implementation plan, the macroscopic regulation of the implementation of the curriculum, and the formulation of the class activity plan, the weekly teaching and research activities, and the collection and archiving of the activity process materials. .

2. Conducting evaluation activities on a regular basis. Each semester will carry out evaluation activities such as excellent activity cases, activity design, essays, and student activity process materials, and award the first, second and third prizes, and incorporate the results of the competition into the teacher's business portfolio, as the semester “evaluation, evaluation first” One of the basis, and compile excellent works into a book.

3. A student exhibition will be held every half month. In order to provide students with more stage to show their talents, the students' personality is fully publicized. The school and the class have established a work display platform. The students hand over the works that they think are the best to the teachers, and the teachers and students evaluate them. Specially posted on the “School Showcase” and “Class Display Stand”, organize a “Work Exhibition” for the whole school every half month, so that teachers and students can communicate and improve in the exhibition to better realize resource sharing.

Learning improvement

Learning is development and a prerequisite for transcending oneself. Learning theoretical data is an important basis for applying new theories and methods in the classroom teaching process, and it is the supporting point of research.

1. Teacher training is the key to the effective implementation of comprehensive practical activities. The school attaches great importance to the training of teachers. In addition to organizing teachers to study the "Comprehensive Practice Activity Learning Materials", it also provides opportunities for key teachers to study and visit. Through training and learning, teachers will further clarify the background, nature, concept, objectives, content, implementation, evaluation, etc. of the comprehensive practical activities, and find theoretical support for the smooth implementation of comprehensive practical activities.

2. Create time and space for the exchange of learning and study, and inject motivation into the learning of teachers. Implement the system of “recommending a good work to you”. Each time before the teaching and research, a certain amount of time is provided. The teacher introduces the learning content, combines his own teaching practice, talks about his own understanding, and makes reflective evaluations, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of teachers to participate and sharing the learning results of others. Let teachers build new knowledge systems in learning, evaluation, appreciation and summarization.

3. Expand the learning time and space with the "class case" as the carrier. The school organizes teachers to watch the case of comprehensive practice activities and enter the classroom of the school teachers. It is required to apply the theory learned, combined with their own practice, to analyze the case and find the entry point to solve the problem. At the same time, compare the lesson to talk about "own design", let the teacher improve the "operation of comprehensive practical activity course" in comparison and reflection. skill".

Course implementation

The comprehensive practical activity course is a new course. The class has no fixed position and the goal is even more uncertain. In the course of the course implementation, we pay special attention to the integration with other related courses, and continue to explore and develop new courses, to achieve the effective use of curriculum resources, the ingenious advancement of experimental research, and the effect of the project's achievements everywhere.

1. Let students develop interest in curriculum integration

Under the guidance of the new curriculum and practice, we call for further deepening the comprehensive practical awareness of all the teachers, and ask everyone to look at the topics they are guided by in terms of “living,” “exploring,” and “activizing.” The generalized concept of comprehensive practical activities refers to the practical activities carried out by students in the study of various subjects. Our school organizes the re-learning of teachers of various disciplines, and lists the knowledge that each subject can expand and apply in the grades. Integrating, reorganizing and upgrading, we will extend the implementation of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum to extended practical activities in various disciplines, such as the practice of speaking and writing extended by language, and the use of mathematical knowledge to solve mathematical problems in life. Practice, the practice of communicating with people in English... Let every teacher have the opportunity to participate, so that each student has a practical way to cultivate the interest of each student to actively participate in the relevant courses.

2, let students find fun in labor technology

Labor technology education is part of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum. The labor technology curriculum emphasizes the combination of students' brains and hands-on, and realizes the integration with information technology. It builds on labor education as the guide, technical education as the mainstay, and practical projects as the carrier. A new discipline system based on inquiry learning methods. It is based on the overall development of students, with the aim of improving technical literacy, enabling students to form technical skills in the process of practical experience and practical exploration, focusing on the cultivation of students' technical awareness and technical literacy, and to "scientific-technical-social" The educational concept guides students to first understand the nature, status, role and value of technology, enhance technical awareness, and lay the foundation for adapting to future social needs and lifelong development requirements. In order to promote the smooth implementation of comprehensive practical activities, our school pays more attention to the good labor and technology courses, so that students can practice, develop and create in the labor technology, so as to find fun. In the process of implementing the new teaching objectives of labor technology and completing new teaching tasks, our school teachers have formed a new teaching philosophy: “Teaching design must proceed from the students' reality and guide students in the process of learning experience, perception and practice. In the process of achieving knowledge accumulation, capacity development, attitudes and values, we will achieve the advantages of labor, morality, labor, labor, labor, and labor. In order to reflect the "student-based development" education concept, teachers have changed the previous single-receiving teaching method, adopting the teaching method of "guidance → enlightenment → discussion → inquiry", fully respecting students' learning autonomy and mobilizing students' learning. Enthusiasm, creativity, and the ability of students to discover, analyze, and solve problems.

In accordance with the characteristics of the labor and technology disciplines, our school also carries out various forms of academic competitions and student works display and evaluation activities, cultivates students' practical and creative ability in design and production, infiltrates science and technology innovation education in labor education, and develops their innovation. Thinking and creativity, so that students can find fun in labor technology.

3. Let students gain happiness in information technology

National Information Technology is a basic tool discipline, with the fundamental purpose of improving students' information literacy. Its mission is to develop students' interest and awareness of information technology, to enable students to understand and master the basic knowledge and skills of information technology, to understand the development of information technology and its impact on human daily life and science and technology. The information technology extracurricular activities of our school organize design activities according to the concept of practice, autonomy and openness. According to the campus culture construction system, we organize special education activities to integrate information technology activities with school education and teaching activities. It is required that information technology activities should be combined with teaching materials, closely related to life application, effective competition, display and exchange activities around some topics, and cultivate students' ability to use information technology to find problems and solve problems. And actively organize the second classroom of information technology, counseling and helping students participate in computer works competitions, information science competitions and other activities, give full play to the advantages of special students, and promote the individualized development of students, so that students can enjoy happiness in information technology.

4. Let students grow up healthily in social practice

Elementary and small education cannot completely enclose students in books and classrooms, but must play the role of various educational forces and educational factors in society. As an integral part of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum, social practice is an important learning activity for students to conduct social practical learning, contact with society, recognize and understand society, enhance social practice ability and social responsibility. In each holiday, our school will arrange students to carry out social practice activities during the holidays according to the characteristics of students of different grades, combined with local reality, purpose, planning, requirements and characteristics. During the winter vacation last year, the “five-one” activities carried out by our school included: copying 20 photos of the Spring Festival couplets and editing 2 photos of the Spring Festival couplets; selecting 1-2 healthy and healthy films to write about the experience; visiting factories and enterprises. Home, old Red Army, veteran cadres, workers, peasants, understand history, understand society, feel the achievements of reform and opening up, write an investigation report; send warmth and love to the hard-working households, military sects, and lonely old people, and write feelings; Do some housework, production labor, parents write written appraisals, students learn written reports. Through these social practice activities, not only do students get a correct understanding of society, but also understand China.

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