Classic Quotations > Celebrity Classic Quotations > Guo Jingming Classic Quotations

Guo Jingming's classic quotations - loneliness in a daze

Lonely people will always remember every person who has appeared in his life, so

Men sometimes stay more

Seeing a beautiful woman who is beautiful, you stay

Seeing the sexy young woman who wants to stay

Seeing the girl in the flower season, you are screaming.

Why do women always make men daze?

Why do men always stay in front of women?

If one day I don’t want to be in a daze

If that day, I suddenly became smart.

Then should I act?----

I started to mad and started teasing and started to be thin.

So the woman praises your personality

Classic Quotations 1. A lot of things that we thought we would never forget in our lifetime, just in the days we never forget. We are forgotten. 2. A swaying of God, a blink of an eye. We are so old. 3. I know that I am not A good recorder, but I like the way back when I am looking back. I keep looking back and lame. 4. You give me a tear, I will see all the oceans in your heart. 5. Those loves carved in the chair will not be like the flowers on the cement, the wind without the wind, the lonely forest. I thought that things I never forget are forgotten in the process of our obsession.

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