Classic Quotations > Celebrity Classic Quotations > Guo Jingming Classic Quotations

Some good classic sentences of Guo Jingming

I look at you smile, silence, smug, and loss, just like now, so I am happy to follow you, but I have been standing now and you have been staying forever.

If we are all children, we can stay in the same place of time, sit together and listen to those stories that never grow old.

I forgot which year of the month, which wall I carved a face, a smile, sadness, staring at my face, the love behind the chair will be like the flowers on the concrete floor. Windless forest

Not every effort will be rewarded, but every harvest must be worked hard. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

When you really love one thing, you will find how fragile and powerless the language is. There is always gap between the words and feelings.

Forgetting is a fate that we can't change. Everything is like an unaligned drawing. Everything from the past is not going back to the past. It’s so slowly stretching a little bit of the stagger. Maybe we should have forgotten something that we staggered.

What is happiness? It is to cover up their grief for everyone smile.

There is no soft love life in a hard city. It’s not Lin Daiyu. It’s not because of sorrow, but the eternal kind of people can never see the mirror, but I’m pointing at the millennium like me.

Memory is like the water that falls on the palm of your hand, whether you spread it or hold it tightly, it will still flow from the fingertips.

Who is the passer in life, who is the runner of life, the dust of past lives, the wind of this world, the soul of endless sorrow

I went back and looked at my own path of growth. I watched day by day. I stood on the side of the road, my hands in my pockets of the windbreaker, and I saw countless people walking past me with no expression. Sometimes someone stopped. I smile, can be peach. I know that those who stayed will eventually become the warmth of my life. When I see them, I will remember that I will never give up.

This city has no legend of flying grass, it lives forever in reality, fast drumming, rushing figure, numb eyes, false smile, and I am being assimilated

One day, it will be unrecognizable. Time didn’t teach me anything, but taught me not to believe in myths easily.

Those who used to say never to be separated have already been scattered in the world.

You will never see the way I am most lonely, because only when you are not with me, I am the most lonely.

One day I will walk away silently from you, without any sound, I missed a lot, I am always sad.

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