Work Plan > Winter Holiday Plan

2019 primary school winter vacation plan

I am going to the winter vacation right away. Here is a winter vacation plan I have set:

1. Get up at 6:30 in the morning;

2, sleep before 10 o'clock in the evening;

3. Practice the piano four times a week;

4. One hour of winter vacation time per day from Monday to Friday;

5, I read 6 "Laughing Cat Diary" with my mother;

6. I read a book independently, "Two thousand miles under the sea".

7. A TV that watches up to five days a week, up to 1 hour a day;

8. Do 3 sets of questions in a week;

9. Go on a trip with your mother, go to Bali daily diary, and share with your good friends.

Mom: The above plan is set by Yang Yang. My mother hopes that you can complete the project according to the plan. We are going to sum up before the start of school! Some of the suggestions made by my mother, the English part of the work is what you can do normally, it should be that you forget to list, other suggestions for reference. Mom wishes you a happy winter holiday .

The third year of the textbook for the candidates for the winter vacation preparations is based on the textbooks. It is understood that the key points of the scores have been learned. As of the winter vacation , most of the classical Chinese texts in the Chinese subjects have been completed, and the textbooks in the third semester of the third year are included. There is only some modern content left unlearned. Experts believe that for the third-year students, the modern knowledge of books in the next semester is not particularly difficult. Experts suggest that for the language subject, this winter vacation student can already start a round of review according to his actual situation.
Building a three-year course based on textbooks is a huge project, especially in language subjects. The knowledge points are complicated and many students may feel unable to start.
Teacher Yang of Tongfang School believes that the holiday is a good time for the language department to check for missing gaps. If the students feel that they have no way to start, they can find a professional teacher to conduct a final exam paper analysis for the child during the holidays, develop a detailed study plan, and have a target for tutoring. After the school starts, the general school will enter a round of review, so this holiday student is best to enter the round-the-clock review in advance for the extracurricular tutoring, so that the professional teacher can check the gap in advance for the students. After the school, the students can quickly follow the rhythm of the review.
Teacher Yang said that the review of the language subjects for junior high school students should first be based on textbooks and focus on consolidating basic knowledge. The reason why we should base ourselves on textbooks is because many of the knowledge points in the senior high school entrance examinations come from the textbooks. For example, we often say that the texts in the class are difficult to learn in extracurricular languages, which means that the articles in the class are mastered, and some basic knowledge points will help you a lot, so that you will be able to understand some extracurricular texts.
This winter vacation , junior high school students' language subjects should focus on the basics of consolidation and practice. The first is literature common sense, words, sentence correction, classical Chinese words, etc.; followed by the reciting of classical Chinese, key texts and ancient poetry, if you wait until the start of the re-examination, you will feel that time is not enough, so this winter holiday is the most It is good to complete the review of the memorization part in advance.
Reading and composition are the key points for the scores. In the Chinese subjects of the middle school entrance examination, the reading and composition scores are very large, and it is also a big item for many students. Mr. Ding, a teacher of Jinghan Education, believes that students must achieve good grades in reading and writing. Therefore, if students can take advantage of this winter vacation and make great improvements in reading and writing, then the Chinese language scores after the start of the school are not overwhelming.
Teacher Ding told reporters that many of the articles currently read are lyrics of lyrics. This type of article is the easiest to cause students to catch the entry point, the expression is poor, and the expression is lack of normative. In the past exams, there were often reading questions of two or threety, and some students could only get two or three points. Reading questions require students to effectively translate information into answers, and the best way to develop this ability is to enhance reading and allow students to read more articles.
Teacher Ding said that junior high school students usually have heavy burdens during their classes, and it is difficult to have a large amount of spare time for reading. Now that the winter holiday is coming, it is a good time to make up this lesson. Reading more articles and thinking more is conducive to students' ability to grasp the ideas and central ideas of the article. In the exam, it is easier to grasp the main theme when encountering esoteric prose.
In terms of composition, because there are many proposition essays, material essays, etc., because the overall model and concept are the same, then the students need to learn to refine the theme, analyze the viewpoint, and then conduct a comprehensive argument or elaboration. In this review, Mr. Ding suggested that students should look at some essays in a targeted manner during the holidays, open up ideas and accumulate materials.
Tang Yang

The third year of the winter study of the candidates for the winter vacation preparations to improve the use of basic knowledge. At this stage, many junior high school students have begun a systematic review of the English subject. English is a comprehensive subject of basic + ability. During the school, the teacher will pay more attention to the foundation of the students, focusing on vocabulary, grammar and sentence practice. Experts believe that the extracurricular study of the holiday should be combined with the classroom review, based on the premise of consolidating the foundation, focusing on the comprehensive application of the basic knowledge learned in the school through reading and writing.

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