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Comprehensive practice program

Implementation Plan of Comprehensive Practice Activities Courses National Team of Mocheng Center, Changshu City I. Problems raised In the 21st century, science and technology developed rapidly and international competition became increasingly fierce. The essence of comprehensive national strength competition is the competition of laborers. The national spirit of innovation and practical ability are important manifestations of the true qualities and abilities of workers. However, the original basic education system in our country obviously has some old teaching contents, and the teaching methods are separated from the existing knowledge and experience of the students, and they are separated from the social reality. Such teaching is often centered on schools, classrooms, and books, and it is difficult to truly cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. Our school should overcome the tendency of students to separate from the students' independent life and social life by actively participating in the implementation of comprehensive practical activities courses, pay attention to students' feelings and experiences of life, and form students' sense of brave practice and ability to practice. At the same time, through the development and implementation of comprehensive practical activity courses, the students' autonomy, inquiry and cooperation are cultivated, so that students can learn to discover, learn, and cooperate to form problems and solve problems in rich and colorful inquiry learning activities. The ability of the problem. Second, the main content of the curriculum implementation The main content of the comprehensive practical activities curriculum includes: information technology education, inquiry learning, community service and social practice, and labor and technology education. III. Implementation of Comprehensive Practice Activities 1. Implementation Principles “Comprehensive Practice Activities” is not a random superposition of several previous courses. Its content and form are intersected with other courses, but the value orientation and function are relatively independent. We must follow the following principles in our implementation: Focus on interest. Designing and implementing relevant curriculum activities based on the learner's needs, motivations, interests and direct experience is a basic sign that the comprehensive practical activities are different from the subject curriculum. Pay full attention to learners' interest and direct experience, and use this as a basis to realize the transcendence of traditional subject knowledge structure and logic system, and establish an innovative curriculum field that is closer to the real learning world of students. It is a comprehensive practice to establish its own existence rationality. The inevitable choice. Return to life. The return of school curriculum construction to the children's life world, the transformation of curriculum design into real life scenarios is a major trend in the curriculum reform in the world today. Comprehensive practical activities must maximize the return to the world of children's lives. Today's learning theory shows that it is effective only when learning occurs in a meaningful and contextual context, that is, when it is closely related to the learner's life world. The nature of the curriculum of comprehensive practical activities objectively determines that such courses must truly return to the student's life world when determining the course content, and select those problematic events with certain comprehensive, practical and realistic from the real life world of students. Phenomena to design course content. This is the most basic criterion that must be adhered to when selecting a course content for a comprehensive practical activity. Based on practice. It is the most fundamental feature of comprehensive practical activities that is not limited to the teaching of books, allowing students to participate in themselves, taking the initiative to practice, using the knowledge learned in practice to solve various practical problems, and improving the ability to solve practical problems. It should be pointed out that the content of practice is rich and the way of practice is diverse. Practice does not only mean allowing students to conduct social surveys, visits, and visits. More importantly, it creates practical scenarios for students. Through guidance, students can discover problems, ask questions, and solve problems. In particular, students can face all kinds of practical problems in the life world, comprehensively apply what they have learned, and actively explore, discover, experience, re-enact, interact, and personally experience the real experience of solving real problems, and cultivate practical ability. Focus on innovation. Focusing on the cultivation of students' innovative consciousness, innovative spirit and innovative ability is the most essential embodiment of the value and goal of comprehensive practical activities. Compared with the subject curriculum, comprehensive practical activities provide a more relaxed and free space for the formation of students' innovative quality. It is not restricted by the subject knowledge system and logical structure. In the course of activities, students are always in the main position, find problems themselves, design their own plans, collect information themselves, and solve problems themselves. In this process, students' imagination and creativity can be fully utilized. The fundamental purpose of innovation is to cultivate today's students to adapt to tomorrow's social life, to create conditions as much as possible, so that students can continue to discover, think, and innovate in the process of active exploration and initiative. With a preliminary skeptical spirit and critical spirit, with the ability to think independently and solve problems, lay the foundation for becoming an innovative talent in the future. 2. Implementation Approach Information Technology Education Help students develop the information literacy needed to adapt to the information age, that is, the ability and quality of acquiring, transmitting and processing information. Community Service and Social Practice The organization guides students to contact nature, participate in the reality, and make book knowledge become a living knowledge in the process of application, so that practical ability and creativity can be cultivated. Labor and technology education Increase the content of science and technology, give labor education more content of invention and creation, cultivate students' labor concept, and give students space for creation. Bringing inventions and creations to hands-on practice, making labor technology vital. 3. Implementation steps Strengthening learning, updating concepts Strengthening learning and changing educational concepts are the key to the success or failure of comprehensive practical activities. This is not a matter for the teachers of the course, but for all the teachers. Through study and research, we must fundamentally change the teacher's concept of education, talent and learning, and infiltrate the cultivation of innovation consciousness and practical ability into the education and teaching of the school. Improve the organization and strengthen the leadership The establishment of a comprehensive practical activity curriculum is a new thing. It is necessary to mobilize all members to participate and participate and support the whole society. To coordinate and organize the smooth implementation of various activities, we must improve the organization and strengthen leadership. The school set up a comprehensive practical activity curriculum implementation leading group and collaborative group to formulate specific work plans and implement the comprehensive practical activities of each grade. List of Comprehensive Practice Activities Group: Team Leader: Xu Yaoliang, Deputy Team Leader: Chen Liming Members: Wu Genyuan, Ye Jianxin, Jin Meiyuan, Zhou Qiuying, Li Gang, Xu Xiaohong, Wu Wenxi, and the list of collaboration teams for teachers' comprehensive practical activities: Second Year Group Leader: Jin Meiyuan Members: Cheng Damei, Jia Jingyan, Wang Yi, Yao Jinmei, Gu Jufang, Gong Xingfen, third-level person in charge: Chen Yanhong members: Wei Ping, Yan Feng, Cai Qiulan, Hu Jingfen, Tao Meijin, Tao Liang, fourth-grade group leader: Zhou Qiuying member: Xu Yan, Mao Jinxing, Tang Tiejun, Xu Hong, Wu Genyuan, Sun Wenxia, ​​fifth group leader: Wu Genyuan members: Xu Xiaohong, Zou Xueying, Hu Jiangang, Zhang Hongyan, Sun Lijuan, Gong Yan sixth group leader: Xia Xueming members: Ma Yuzhen, Zhu Ye, Zou Guofen邬Xu Xia, Wu Hao, Ping Jianguo selected the theme, and implemented the content comprehensive practice activities jointly developed and implemented by teachers and students. Teachers and students are both developers of activity programs and implementers of activity programs. The topic should not only reflect the characteristics of the school and the actual situation of the community, but also guide students to explore the issues of their own interest from daily life. Strengthening ties and obtaining support Comprehensive practice activities involve a wide range of tasks, and it is difficult to work. It is necessary to explore new mechanisms for building communities and parents to participate in practical activities, actively use various social resources, and promote schools through rich and varied activities. Close contact with the society to cultivate students' sense of social responsibility. IV. Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation The purpose of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum evaluation is to stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm for the study. The evaluation should be based on subjectivity, procedural, formative and developmental evaluation. It should evaluate the diversity of its merits, learning attitudes and progress according to the results and performance of students in the comprehensive practical activities. Emphasize the appreciation of each other's individualized performance between teachers and students and students. In order to form a multi-evaluation target, a variety of evaluation methods, flexible evaluation methods, focus on the learning process, focus on emotional performance, and focus on the open evaluation system of the actual link. In the second semester of the 2005-2006 school year, the student work plan was formulated under the co-ordination of the “Semester Work Points” announced by the school, and the work plan for the student department of this semester was formulated. As follows: I. Guiding ideology: Focusing on the spiritual and cultural content of our school, we strive to make the work of students become an important position to carry forward the spiritual culture of our school. Second, key work: 1. Safety education. 2. Develop education. 3. Comprehensive practice activities and the exploration and establishment of the “home-school-community” education model. 4. Strengthen the guidance and management of students in the sixth and seventh grades. 5. The explicitization of campus culture - the construction and development of material culture. Third, the specific instructions: 1, safe work. Taking this as the primary task of student work, the safety work will be implemented through the following measures:  Administrative cadres and brigade departments will strengthen supervision and guidance.  The teacher value week implements a sub-floor responsibility system and arranges three value-based teachers.  The academic year group will make a practical campus safety plan and implementation plan for this work. Safety work should be implemented in the school year group.  Classes must have a “Safety Inspection Team” to manage students and focus on the management and reporting of classes and outdoor activities.  Give full play to the role of student cadres in the brigade and strengthen the inspection and management of inter-class and activity time.  Pay attention to the theme class meeting: use the time of the theme class to conduct regular safety education. In addition to strengthening supervision and management, it is important to internalize safety behaviors to students so that they know how to protect themselves. This semester must resolutely put an end to safety liability accidents, and strive to minimize the incidence of safety accidents, preferably not. 2. Develop education. In response to this work, the Student Office made the following suggestions:  Develop education, combined with the spiritual culture of our school, this semester focuses on cultivating students' elegant words and deeds, conducting civilized etiquette education; honest education; health education and education of study habits and living habits.  Continue to complete the research project of the last semester – the operational research of fostering education. Determine what kind of behavior habits and study habits are available in different school years, and analyze and refine them.  Develop education to be implemented in the school year group, so that students in different sections of the school can develop different characteristics. 3. Continue to improve the “home-school-community” education model and combine it with comprehensive practice activities. Establish a network of students' off-campus community organizations and conduct useful community self-organizing activities. :  Each school year group develops parent accounting drawings and determines the theme. Further develop parent education resources. This semester plans to organize a comprehensive practical activity in the high, middle and low school groups at different times, and resolutely implement this work. The leader of the grade is the person in charge.  Students from the community living in the community, the weekend community organization activities to carry out experimental pilots, the brigade department is responsible.  Actively support and encourage this work to be carried out on a class basis. For classes with specific actions, it is necessary to give certain rewards to the class.  Actively contact surrounding educational resources for development and utilization. 4. Strengthen the guidance and management of the sixth and seventh grade students.  Students in grades 6 and 7 are mainly advocacy, guidance, and education, supplemented by discipline.  We will continue to strengthen the management strategy of “strict management, love dip, advocate cautious, and grasp habits” to strengthen the development of behavioral habits. All classroom teachers must form a unified management strategy.  In particular, strengthen the order management of classes, evening self-study, and living quarters.  In the case of grade groups, a responsibility system should be formed. The problems that arise to students should be resolved in the classroom, tracked to the end, and seize the educational opportunities in different events.  Disciplinary students should be moderately open. 5. The explicitization of campus culture - the construction and development of material culture.  Combine the spirit and culture of our school, set up a corridor of science and art, and strengthen the layout of the blank space of the school.  Try to arrange it before the festival.  Brainstorming and setting up the theme. Actively develop among students and teachers to make this activity a construction activity for our entire school. Fourth, other work: 1, strengthen class construction.  Strengthen class environmental sanitation and class culture construction.  Pay attention to environmental sanitation.  Personal hygiene and instrumentation.  The placement of class items.  Board report and wall layout.  Class construction.  Make sure that the Friday afternoon is the cleaning time. The staff of the administrative value week of this semester, the student office and the brigade department will check the class environment once a week. 2. Organize every standard flag-raising event and theme team meetings at all levels to actively carry out various types of Young Pioneers activities.  Every time the flag-raising activities are carried out by the brigade department, detailed preparations must be made in advance and drills should be conducted several times.  The class will have a lesson plan and a subject. The student department will routinely check each time and check the results.  Guide and assist the brigade to carry out various activities.  Established the Youth League Branch in early May. 3. Enable the school campus television station. 4. Special students track files. 5. Strengthen student psychological counseling and advanced adolescent education. Strive to diversify the form of psychological counseling. 6. Strengthen the morality social class, the moral life class, the comprehensive practical class discussion, and highlight the moral education function. 7. Strengthen the organization and management of life groups. 8. Cooperate with the school information construction and actively upload relevant work contents of the student office. 9. Regulate the various processes of the student office. 10. Formulate regulations for class work assessment. V. Monthly education theme and event arrangement: 1. February 21st - March. The new semester straightens out the work, the first week is the Safety Education Week. March is the month of education. 2. In April, advocated elegant words and deeds, civilized and polite month activities. Each class conducts activities to learn various etiquettes. 3. In May, the “Home-School-Community Education Model” and the results of comprehensive practical activities were reported and presented at the Cultural and Art Festival. 4. In June, continue to report on the results of comprehensive practical activities, and serve all departments of the school to do the finishing work. 5. On July 9th, students will have a summer vacation. Student Office 2006-2-20

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