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English teaching plan

Teaching and learning The opening of English classes in the country is a need for social development. The development of contemporary society urgently requires our citizens to have basic skills in using foreign languages. The opening of English courses in the National Elementary School is an important part of the reform of the basic education curriculum in the early 21st century. The opening of English classes in the National Elementary School contributes to the improvement of the national quality. The students of the fourth grade of junior high school are in their youth. Children of this age have the characteristics of curiosity, good activity, love performance, and good imitation. They like new things, and curiosity about strange language can arouse their interest in foreign languages. They like to draw the attention of others, pay attention to the teacher's praise, not afraid of making mistakes, and rarely feel shy. They are at the developmental stage, they are not yet qualitative, and the vocal organs are more flexible than adults. Therefore, the phonetic language of imitating foreign languages ​​is much easier than that of adults. Their memory is good, their image is good, but they lack rational thinking and logical thinking is not strong. They love to play, love to sing, love games, and love activities. These are the needs of their long body and long physical strength. They can't sit still and sit short. All of this is a characteristic of the development of the body and mind of the national minority. The foreign language of children of this age has many advantages that many adults and even middle school students do not have, such as imitative power, memory, and plasticity. The opening of English classes in the National Elementary School can give full play to their potential to learn the language, and improve their thinking, morality, culture and psychology through the study of this subject. Foreign language classes can help the national students understand the excellent cultural traditions of other countries and nations; they can develop their thinking, broaden their horizons, expand their knowledge, and enrich their experiences; they can improve their ideological and moral cultivation, establish an international awareness, and make them When growing up, it will adapt to the needs of society, economy, science and technology development and international communication. According to the physiological and psychological needs of the national students and the development needs, the purpose of the English curriculum at the National Primary School is to stimulate students' interest in learning English and to develop their positive attitude towards learning English, so that they can establish a preliminary self-confidence in learning English; The sense of language and good voice and intonation make them form the initial ability to use English for simple daily communication, laying the foundation for further study. Therefore, the teaching of English for the Elementary School should have the following characteristics: The teaching content is close to life. Meet the needs of national students' interests. At the same time, the new textbook series is matched, which makes the teaching have certain flexibility and flexibility, which helps to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. This is not only conducive to the development of the intelligence and ability of students of different levels, but also to the needs of the small or medium-sized countries in most parts of the country, to ensure that they can also meet the most basic requirements of the "Xiaoying Outline". Highlight interest in cultivating, protecting and developing curiosity, and entertaining. Xiaoying textbooks highlight the interest in students. The textbooks all use color pictures, and the scenes are composed of a complete set of textbooks. Closely combine the children's novelty, love activities, good imitation, love to say, love to sing, love to jump, love the performance of the layout and design of the content and form of the textbook. The textbooks arrange a large number of songs, games, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, etc. that children love to hear and some simple fables. Therefore, it is not advisable to use the pronunciation and grammar knowledge as the main part of the English teaching of the national minority. It is forbidden to carry out adult teaching regardless of the age characteristics of the children. It is even more difficult to pursue the high standards of English subjects. To grasp the degree and weight, we must not exceed the acceptance capacity of the national students. The basic teaching requirements of the National English Curriculum, such as the scope of the topic and the amount of contact, and the requirements of the ability to view, listen, speak, read, write, play, perform, etc., should be adapted to the characteristics of this age group. Don't ask too much, causing students to be overburdened. Adopting a variety of methods and lively teaching programs to stimulate students' interest in learning: 1. Eclecticism, collection of various directors, and the use of comprehensive teaching paths. Scenario method, audio-visual method, direct method, structural method, functional method, systemic reaction method, immersion method, compromise method, comprehensive method, etc., as long as it helps the teaching objectives can be adopted. 2. Create scenarios, communicate with each other, inspire affection, inspire learning motivation, and build confidence in learning. Make full use of the texts in the textbooks to create lifelike scenes, such as phone calls, shopping, birthday parties, picnics, travel, asking for directions, seeing a doctor, etc., to provide students with the opportunity to communicate in English. Whenever children enter the role and succeed in making one thing, they can't help themselves, and they are happy, because the interest is multiplied, confidence is strengthened, and motivation and affection are greatly stimulated. 3. The practice forms are diverse, and the hands, brain, mouth, ears, eyes, limbs, and body are used together. Static and dynamic combination, basic exercises and free practice are combined, and single and comprehensive exercises are combined. Through a lot of practice, students have a good foundation of pronunciation, intonation, writing and spelling, and can use simple expressions in English to carry out simple communication activities. 4. Design task-based activities and word tips, but leave students with space for thinking and imagination, inspiring students to think about the same thinking, and more conducive to the development of their different thinking. In addition, the teaching organization and classroom arrangements are flexible, to students As the main body, it is conducive to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students: 1. Short-term, high-frequency, to ensure that students have multiple exposures to English and sufficient practice, so that they can better play their benefits and increase the amount of practice for each student. 2. Carry out various forms of activities such as two-person group, multi-person group, line, row, and half class. Only by carrying out these activities can each student fully participate in the classroom practice, in order to reflect the practicality of the language, in order to achieve the interaction between teachers and students and students. 3. The arrangement of desks and chairs in the classroom adopts different methods according to the needs of teaching - Putian, semi-circular, full-circle, double-circle, etc., in order to better carry out various teaching activities. This can promote emotional communication between teachers and students, and can help students develop mutual care and cooperative group spirit. Using a variety of media modern teaching methods, creating a good language environment and sufficient language practice opportunities, optimizing the teaching process: 1. Using English to teach audio and video resources - pictures, graphics, projection, recording, video, CD, VCD, DVD Such multimedia software can not only provide students with standardized speech and intonation, but also provide a demonstration of real and natural language use, namely, the occasion, time, and object of language use, as well as the body language teacher: Yang Haiou guiding thought: The form of “small class teaching” conforms to the needs of elementary education. It provides students with a relatively equal educational atmosphere, so that educators can fully enjoy the educational resources. The specific connotation is: in the sense of class capacity, the maximum number of students per class is no more than 36, the average class is about 3.5 teachers, the teacher-student ratio is controlled within 1:10, so that the class size can be fully utilized. The advantages can make each class have a certain popularity and create a suitable teaching atmosphere. In the classroom environment, “small class education” pays more attention to practicality and individuality. It is suitable for people in the form, suitable for the course, suitable for content, flexible and changeable. In the evaluation of teaching, the evaluation of "small class" teaching has a broader field in the evaluation of students' self-learning ability, and pays more attention to the comprehensive expression of students' ability in all aspects. At the same time, the "small class" teaching evaluation runs through the cooperation ability. Such an advanced teaching concept in the process of knowledge teaching. In terms of teaching effects, “small class education” can better cultivate students' ability to seek knowledge, ability to work, ability to live together, and ability to survive and develop. What needs to be explained here is that “small class education” is not just a matter of reducing the number of class members. It is actually a reflection of educational thoughts and educational concepts. “Small class education” reflects people-oriented and comprehensive concern for the all-round development of people. The implementation of humanistic thoughts: The “small” of small class is mainly reflected in the small number of people. Not only the number of people is small, but also the word “fine” should be reflected in the setting of teachers, teaching equipment and environment. It has superior material conditions, but at the same time we should see that it should have a more refined "soft" environment, how to create such a "soft" environment, I want to talk about my own ideas on several issues: First, the environment The setting should be distinctive and suitable for the personality development of the students. First of all, the environment design of the classroom should be based on the development of students' individuality, so that the classroom is not in the classroom, the classroom becomes the learning place, the game place, the place of life for the children, and the space of the classroom is optimized. The desks are freely placed according to actual needs. Free choice of the same table and front and rear positions can be either group-style centralized or decentralized placement, which makes students feel unconstrained and beneficial in space. Communication and interaction between teachers, students and students. Second, set the podium in any corner of the classroom, not limited to children and children. Every place in the classroom has become a platform for teachers to teach, so teachers should not have a desk to broaden the scope of the teacher's activities. It is recommended to move the teacher's desk into the classroom and place it in a place that does not hinder the student's learning activities. This will increase the contact time between the student and the teacher, and help the teacher to carry out individual education and guidance. Secondly, from the arrangement around the classroom, the wall should be turned into a display stand showing the fruits of student labor. Students' paintings, posters, and essays can be displayed for students. In addition, the design of the pictures and texts that students like on the walls makes the classroom truly a knowledge park for the students. Other audio-visual and living facilities should also focus on the leading idea of ​​fostering individuality for students, so that students can look comfortable and enjoy themselves. Second, teaching should have characteristics to promote the development of students' personality. Under the guidance of modern educational concepts, a classroom teaching model of “mutual assistance, interaction, cooperation and openness” was created, which closely focused on the development of students' individuality. Adopt a series of new teaching strategies such as “inquiry teaching”, “group teaching”, “participation teaching”, “stratified teaching” and “cooperative teaching”. According to the individual differences of students, implement teaching according to their aptitude and strengthen individual guidance for individual students. Small class teaching creates a teaching mode of “mutual assistance, interaction, cooperation and openness”. Teachers should pay attention to the practical activities of “mutual assistance and cooperation” guided by students in the classroom teaching. The interaction between teachers and students is constantly changing the roles of teachers and students. The main initiative is to maximize the classroom teaching. Here, special attention should be paid to the study of the combination of group cooperative teaching and individual teaching. On the one hand, according to the individual differences of students, heterogeneous grouping, so that the group members can be reasonably matched, fully mobilize the initiative of each student in the teaching, let them boldly express their individuality, the teacher gives appropriate encouragement evaluation, so that the students Independent activities and mutual assistance activities in the group play the role of individual students. On the other hand, the teacher, while facing the whole, takes care of the differences between each student and implements individual teaching strategies. According to the specific situation of the students, different ways and means are adopted to respect and motivate the students, to protect each student's self-esteem and to make their personality develop healthily. Third, strengthen extracurricular practice, publicize students' personality Personality development is cultivated in practical activities, is the formation and development of the subject under the interaction with the environment, teachers should create a good external environment for the student's personality development, Make the personality of the students further publicized. Due to the small number of small class teaching, students' extracurricular practice activities are easy to organize. Therefore, in addition to classroom teaching, teachers organize students to move from class to class, and develop students' practical ability through various activities. At the same time, they set up a stage for students to display. Students in the practice of what they want to do through diaries, newspapers, storytelling, reading reports and so on. Encourage students to dare to express their opinions, especially to encourage students to think creatively. In practice, teachers should also pay attention to analyzing the personality of students, analyzing the reasons for the lack of development of potential, mobilizing internal factors, letting students dissatisfied with themselves, and “fighting” themselves and constantly developing themselves in “fights”. At the same time, special attention should be paid to those students whose grades are average and are inconspicuous in the group. They provide them with an opportunity to show their talents and show their talents, so that they can build up their self-confidence and let each student's personality be fully utilized. The form of “small class teaching” conforms to the needs of elementary education. It provides students with a relatively equal educational atmosphere, so that educators can fully enjoy the educational resources. The small class teaching has the advantage that the large class teaching can't match. The student staff makes the education and teaching links compact, the rhythm is accelerated, and the cycle is shortened, providing students with a broader space for self-expression and development.

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