Work Plan > Community Work Plan

Community group branch work plan

First, the guiding ideology:
Hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, work hard to practice the important thinking of the "Three Represents", thoroughly study the spirit of the 17th Party Congress and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress, advance with the times, and innovate. Under the joint leadership of the community party branch and the street youth league committee, work around the community center, earnestly perform the duties of the group branch, and solidly promote the various constructions of the group, using scientific theories, advanced ideas, correct public opinion, and noble spirit. The advanced deeds of the model figures guide the education of the majority of the members, and establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values.
Second, strengthen the team building of the regiment and enhance the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the organization.
1. Strengthen the organization of the group organization. Organize the group to concentrate on studying the party's basic theoretical knowledge, Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and current affairs politics, and participate in various practical activities, consolidate its political and theoretical foundation, enhance ideology and political consciousness, and improve individual comprehensive quality and work ability. There must be rules to follow and principles, and we must standardize operations, speak programs, and speak positions.
2. Establish a relatively sound work coordination mechanism, clarify the division of labor, strengthen cooperation, and improve work efficiency.
3. Implement a responsibility system, strengthen responsibility and professionalism, and comprehensively improve work ability.
4. Actively cooperate with the work of the Street Youth League Committee to complete the tasks assigned by the superiors in a timely and efficient manner.
Third, strengthen the team building of the team members and further improve the overall quality of the team members.
1. Do a good job in the development of new members. Strictly improve the barriers for the development of new members, mature one, develop one, rather than abuse.
2. Strengthen theoretical study. Carry out self-study, interaction and communication, continuously improve their own quality, and lay a solid foundation for the completion of the work of the Street Youth League Committee. Organize youth members to study the party's basic theories and lines, guidelines, policies, basic knowledge and scientific and cultural knowledge of the study group, and carry out educational activities such as morality, legal system, civic awareness, and group awareness, and guide the youth of the group to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and Values.
3. Firmly grasp ideological education as the focus of work, do not relax, strengthen and improve the ideological and political quality of the members, and urge the members to move closer to the organization. The education team members are proud of the unity of this branch and enhance the team spirit of this branch.
4. Cultivate the democratic awareness of the members. Establish advanced models, do a good job of "pushing the best", grasp the political enthusiasm of the members, lead the leaders to actively demand progress, and join the party organizations as soon as possible.
5. Actively do the ideological work of the members and master the ideological dynamics of the members. Make a deep conversation with each member and start criticism and self-criticism. Strengthen the political and ideological cultivation of the members, so that the group can carry out its work in a standardized and orderly manner.
6. Stabilize the youth thinking of the members and carry out the beneficial cultural activities of the Youth League Branch as a means to cultivate their spirit of hard study and forge ahead, and actively guide the youth of the majority of the members to study hard for the country's prosperity, national rejuvenation and community development.
Fourth, carry out rich and meaningful significance of the organization of the group.
1. In the commemoration of the "May 4th" Youth Festival, carry out the spirit of volunteering and carry out service activities for the people.
2. Carry out helping and getting rid of the difficulties, organize and carry out a variety of help activities through planning and standardization, let the youth of the group learn to care for others, respect others, and improve their ability to organize and participate in activities, and comprehensively improve the community members. The overall quality of adolescents.
3. Make full use of the time of party and group activities, educate the youth of the league members on the spirit of science and humanities, and cultivate the communist ideals and socialist beliefs of the youth of the members.

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