Work Plan > Community Work Plan

Community health work plan

Homes that speak health, civilize, and care for themselves have always been called a traditional virtue. There is nothing wrong with it. Whether it is individual or collective, if health is done well, it will ban "sickness from the mouth." However, when people's health is guaranteed, they solve the problem of "difficult to see a doctor and expensive medicine." Therefore, as a community management staff, do a good job in the health work of residents, the new year community health work plan is essential.

The main purpose of the formulation of the resident community work plan is to enable urban residents to enjoy safe, effective, convenient and economic public health services and basic medical services, according to the "Guiding Opinions of the State Council on the Development of Urban Community Health Services" and the Provincial People's Government on Accelerating The decision to develop urban community health services and the Urban Community Health Service Action Plan, combined with the Implementation Opinions of Guangyuan City on Accelerating the Development of Urban Community Health Services, the following six points in the community health work plan:

First, the guiding ideology is guided by the spirit of the party's "seventeenth" spirit, with the construction of a new type of urban health service as the content, focusing on the community health service system and connotation construction projects, with the core of improving service functions and improving service capabilities. The work of community health services in our district has been significantly improved.
Second, the principle

First, adhere to the government's leadership, responsible for grading, and strengthen the government's responsibility for community health services; second, insist on transforming functions, improving connotation construction, innovating operational mechanisms, improving efficiency, steadily promoting community health services, and striving to improve the quality of community health services. The third is to adhere to prevention, prevention and treatment, equal emphasis on Chinese and Western medicine, health promotion, and strive to meet the growing health needs of residents.

Third, the goal
1. Further improve and improve the construction of community health service system;

2. Strengthen the construction of the talent team. The overall quality of the community health service organizations in this year has been improved and the concept has been changed.

3. Give full play to the "six-in-one" function and strengthen community health connotation construction and capacity building;
4. Further strengthen the construction of community health service networks and increase the coverage of health services. This year, we will strive to build 2-3 community health service stations in mature areas.

5. Continue to strengthen the publicity of community health services, add service content, and truly implement the community health service work, so that the awareness rate, service utilization rate and service satisfaction rate of urban residents to community health services reached 85% and 75 respectively. More than 80% of %.

Fourth, the main work
1. Adhere to the government's leadership, encourage social participation, make effective use of existing health resources, rational layout, and strict institutional access, and complete the construction tasks of 2-3 community health service stations in 2009.
2. Improve the connotation construction of community health service institutions and high-quality resident health records, equip with necessary basic equipment, enrich the “six-in-one” service function, increase personnel training, and strengthen professional technology, community- appropriate technology and management skills. Training, actively promote Chinese medicine services, carry out activities such as prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, rehabilitation of disabled persons, health education, etc., continuously improve the quality of community health services, so that the awareness rate of community residents reaches more than 85%, enjoys more than 75% of services, and gradually improves 2007. The content of the health records of the residents in the elderly has reached more than 10%.
3. Change concepts, update service models, and actively carry out on-site services, extended services, continuous services and hospice care services, implement preferential policies for community health services, implement “five exemptions and two falls”, carry out caring services, and promote family wards. Home care provides residents with convenient, fast, economical, high-quality, low-cost community health services. Community doctors donate no less than 15 days a month to the community , and chronic disease management services are not less than 10 times a year.
4. Innovate the operation mechanism, establish a long-term mechanism for community health services, and deepen the community and deep into the family. This community work plan should focus on the elderly, women, pregnant women, children, and the disabled, improve the quality of chronic disease management, and carry out good Once-a-year health checkup. Do a good job in community medical first-dialysis system and two-way referral system, fully implement the sinking of public health personnel, strengthen the functional positioning and division of responsibilities of community health service institutions, hospitals, disease control centers, maternal and child health centers, and strengthen work connection and resource sharing. Actively carry out help guidance and two-way communication to facilitate people to seek medical treatment nearby and ensure medical safety. The childcare certificate and card-building rate reached 100%, the planned immunization rate reached 95%, the maternal management rate reached 80%, the hospital delivery rate reached 95%, the high-risk maternal hospital delivery rate reached 100%, and postpartum visits were conducted. Not less than three times per mother.
5. Strengthen personnel management and personnel training, and implement post training for general practitioners and general nurses. All community health service agencies must strictly implement quota training programs, arrange various training personnel, and do not complete the tasks without compensation. Further standardize medical behavior, actively explore feasible wage distribution plans, establish a community doctor performance appraisal mechanism, implement post responsibility, goal management and quantitative assessment, and link the assessment results with individual rewards and punishments, fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of community doctor services, Reflecting efficiency, more work, more rewards, and lazy. Strict access to community health talents, open recruitment, contract employment, establishment and improvement of the resignation system, so as to "do things and raise people, can enter and exit."
6. Strengthen supervision and business guidance, promote centralized drug procurement, standardize distribution, standardize and compress drug circulation links, reduce drug costs, and select basic medical drugs that are common to the community and frequently-occurring diseases, so that residents can enjoy basic low-cost services in the community . Medical equipment is strictly implemented in government procurement.

7. Continue to strengthen community health promotion and collaboration with departments, especially with street offices, community neighborhood committees and departments, increase awareness of community residents; strengthen information reporting, implement computerized network management, and build The community information platform forms a good network for up and down, left and right connections, and information sharing, providing a scientific basis for community health service work and ensuring the full implementation of community health work.
V. Work steps and requirements

First, continue to consolidate the achievements of the community health service system in 2007, create highlights of community health services, highlight the characteristics of each center, expand service functions, and update methods and methods in service concepts to enable community residents to enjoy more and better. Community health services.
The second is to increase the publicity of community health service organizations, actively carry out convenience services, active services and on-site services, provide residents with a variety of health education knowledge lectures in various situations, enhance residents' awareness of self-defense, and strengthen with street offices and community neighborhood committees. Contact and make full use of the power of the neighborhood committee to expand the publicity.
The third is to improve the residents' health records and add new content to the archives. The community health service will cover 100% of the residents, the resident filing rate will reach more than 85%, and the resident file utilization rate will reach more than 75%. The focus will be on the quality of the residents' health records and the elimination of “dead files”.
The fourth is to adjust the community health service model, increase personnel training, enrich the community health service team, implement fixed community health service personnel, and equip public health practitioners, in accordance with the provincial government's decision on accelerating the development of urban community health services and “Implementation Opinions on the Establishment and Compilation of Standards for Urban Community Health Service Organizations in Sichuan Province” and the “Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Community Health Services in Guangyuan City”, implement the preparation and validation of community health service institutions, and incorporate them into the compilation. Doctors, general nurses, and public health personnel implement government budgets to ensure the stability of the community health service team.
The fifth is to establish and improve the community health service system, promote the application of the "17 appropriate technologies" norms formulated by the Ministry of Health; explore the integrated management of community health service institutions and township health centers; establish an exit mechanism, implement dynamic management; establish up and down, Left and right connections, convenient and efficient community health service platform, shared information platform, communication consulting platform and health education platform, gradually improve the level and rapidization of community health service management, and improve the efficiency of community health service management.
Sixth, safeguard measures
1. Strengthen organizational leadership. Under the leadership of the municipal government community health leadership group, carry out community health service work, obey the organization and arrangement of the health administrative department, implement special personnel to manage community health work, clarify responsibilities, strengthen close coordination with relevant departments, and conscientiously perform duties. To jointly promote the development of urban community health services. The District Health Bureau set up an expert group to be responsible for business training, technical guidance, project monitoring and evaluation.
2. Strict mechanism management. All community health service centers should include the development of urban community health services on the important agenda, include the 2019 annual target tasks, establish coordination agencies, regularly coordinate work with the community neighborhood committees, and provide feedback, strengthen contact with residents, and timely understand the residents. Health needs; the District Health Bureau will organize a supervision team to inspect the development of community health services and problems in the work, and ensure the establishment of a long-term mechanism for community health services.
3. Promote policy protection. We will comprehensively implement the “Decision on Accelerating the Development of Urban Community Health Services” and the spirit of supporting archives in the provinces, municipalities and districts, improve the corresponding policies and supporting funds of provinces, municipalities and districts, increase public health expenditures, and strengthen institutional construction and personnel training. To develop a feasible operation plan and integrate community health services into social medical insurance designated institutions to provide strong support and policy support for promoting the development of community health services.

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