Work Plan > Community Work Plan

Community Mission Branch 2019 Work Plan

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of “xxxx” and the spirit of xx, the Community Youth League earnestly implements the spirit of the work conferences at all levels, and focuses on the organization of the group to fully mobilize and give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the youth. In order to carry out the work better, encourage the youth league members to love their posts, constantly improve the various mechanisms of the regiment, and combine the actual situation of the community to formulate the following work plans for the following XX years:

First, work ideas

Strengthen the overall quality education of youth members, guide them to contribute their own strength to social reform and development; actively recommend outstanding young people to party organizations, and cooperate with party organizations to train party activists; continue to carry out activities to create youth civilization and vigorously promote youth volunteers Actions, the promotion of the mission's work carried out smoothly.

Third, strengthen organizational construction

1. Adhere to the building of the party building, strengthen the organization of the group, conscientiously explore the content, means, organization, and innovation of the work of the Communist Youth League, and carry out various tasks.

2. Continue to carry out situational education and national conditions education among youth league members, establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values, actively advocate the new era of the times, educate and guide our members to be patriotic, love their hometown, love the community, and through a series of activities, let Young league members understand the development of the community, develop and pragmatic, and strive to make the work of the Communist Youth League innovative, feature-oriented and up-to-date.

Second, the work task

1. Strengthen the overall quality education of youth members. Organize the majority of youths to keep up with the situation to learn politics, understand international and domestic political trends, enhance the confidence and determination to follow the party forever, and guide the outstanding youths to move closer to the party organizations.

2. Carry out community practice in depth, deepen the practical activities of the youth volunteer team in the community, carry forward the volunteer spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress”, and extensively carry out poverty alleviation, green environmental protection, community service, and assistance for the elderly. Serve, carry out a variety of healthy and up-to-date community cultural activities, and strive to innovate in the form and content of activities. Carry out charity activities, organize youths to express condolences to the families of the five guarantees in the community.

3. Carry out the activities of learning Lei Feng, prepare to organize the youth of the group to engage in two major cleanings, clean the corners of the community, clean the “psoriasis” and remove the grass in the flower beds.

4. Seriously complete the tasks assigned by the superiors.

The Youth League Branch is the most basic unit of the work and activities of the Communist Youth League. It is the most basic level organization of the Youth League. It has the most direct and extensive contact with the youth of the majority of the Youth League members. The Community Youth League Branch will definitely play the main role of youth in the construction of community spiritual civilization. The role, around community service, community culture, community management, in the spirit of reform to effectively strengthen their own construction, actively organize group activities, and strive to contribute to the construction and management of the community.

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